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Yusuke SAWA,

photo of Yuta Teru

e-mail: sawa(a)yamashina.or.jp (Please replace (a) with @)


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Papers and Reports
  1. 15) Mizuta, T., Ozaki, K., Sawa, Y., Senda, M., Tomita, N., Nakamura, N., Morimoto, G. & Yuta, T. 2022. Bird Banding Scheme in Japan—Its Significance and Future Perspective. Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology 54: 71-102
  2. 14) Sawa Y, Ikeuchi T, Tamura C, and Nakamura N. 2021. Seasonal changes of roosting and foraging areas for wintering Lesser White-fronted Goose in Japan. Wildfowl 71: 108-119.
  3. 13) Yong DL, Kee JY, Aung PP, Jain A, Yeap CA, Au NJ, Jearwattanakanok A, Lim KK, Yu YT, Fu VWK, Insua-Cao P, Sawa Y, Crosby M, Chan S, and Crockford NJ. 2021. Conserving migratory waterbirds and the coastal zone: the future of South-east Asia's intertidal wetlands. Oryx 56: 176-183.
  4. 12) Sawa Y, Tamura C, Ikeuchi T, Fujii K, Ishioroshi A, Shimada T, Tatsuzawa S, Deng X, Cao L, Kim H, and Ward D. 2020. Migration routes and population status of the Brent Goose Branta bernicla nigricans wintering in East Asia. Wildfowl (Special Issue No.6): 244-246.
  5. 11) Cao L, Meng F, Zhang J, Deng X, Sawa Y. and Fox A.D. 2020. Moving forward: how best to use the results of waterbird monitoring and telemetry studies to safeguard the future of Far East Asian Anatidae species. Wildfowl (Special Issue No. 6): 293–319.
  6. 10) Sawa Y, Tamura C, and Ikeuchi T. 2020. An improved leg-hold noose trap for capturing Brent Geese, Branta bernicla, in water. Goose Bulletin 26: 22-29.
  7. 9) Sawa Y, Tamura C, Ikeuchi T, Shimada T, Fujii K, Ishioroshi A, Tatsuzawa S and Ward D. 2020. Evidence of Brent Geese Branta bernicla moving between an autumn staging area in east Hokkaido and wintering sites in west Hokkaido and northern Honshu. Ornithological Science, 19: 211-216
  8. 8) Sawa Y, Sato T, Ikeuchi T and Pozdnyakov V. 2019. Banding survey at colonies of Brent Goose, Branta bernicla in the Lena Delta, Russia and a recovery record. The Bulletin of the Japanese Bird Banding Association, 31: 65-72
  9. 7) Sawa Y, Sato T, Ikeuchi T and Pozdnyakov V. 2019. Banding records of breeding shorebirds in the Lena Delta, Russia. The Bulletin of the Japanese Bird Banding Association, 31: 53-64
  10. 6) Sawa Y, Tamura C, Ikeuchi T, Fujii K, Ishioroshi A, Shimada T and Ward D. 2019. A leg-hold noose capture method for Brent Geese Branta bernicla at staging or wintering sites. Wildfowl, 69: 230-241
  11. 5) Ohtaishi N, Fujii K, Sawa Y, Taishi Y, Ishioroshi A and Maxim A A. 2018. Recent Advances of Brent Goose Branta bernicla Study: Staging and Wintering Status in Japan, Russia–Japan Joint Research and Migratory Route. Bulletin of the Shiretoko Museum 40: 47–58 (in Japanese with English abstract)
  12. 4) Sawa Y. 2012. The observation of the polygynous behavior in Brown Dipper Cinclus pallasii during mating season (in Japanese with English abstract). The Bulletin of the Japanese Bird Banding Association, 24(1): 7-13 (in Japanese with English abstract)
  13. 3) Sawa Y, Takeuchi Y, and Nakamura H. 2011. Nest site selection and nesting biology of Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta japonicus in Japan. Bird Study 58: 200-207.
  14. 2) Sawa Y. 2007. Breeding record of Gray Wagtail above treeline. Strix, 25: 197-200 (in Japanese with English abstract)
  15. 1) Arima H, Fujii Y, Sawa Y and Nakanishi A. 2006. An aberrant Pale Thrush Turdus pallidus with 13 rectrices. Strix, 24: 193-196 (in Japanese with English abstract)