About Us


OGAWA Hiroshi,
Director General, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology

Master of Agriculture, Ph.D. in Animal Science
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Director, The Foundation for Academic Specimens of Domesticated Animals

photo of Hiroshi OGAWA

e-mail: ogawa(a)yamashina.or.jp (Please replace (a) with @)

Graduated the master's program at Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Professional Experience
1981-2002Research associate (1981-1988), Lecturer(1988-2000) and Associate Professor (2000-2002) of University Farm, Junior College of Tokyo University of Agriculture
2002-2006Associate Professor of Department of Animal Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
2006-2019Professor of Department of Human and Animal-Plant Relationships, Tokyo University of Agriculture
2019-2022Professor of Department of Bioresource Development, Tokyo University of Agriculture
2017-2021Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
2021-2022Special Adviser, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
2022-Director General, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
The Japanese Poultry Science Association Award in 2003