About Us


Asai Shigeki,

e-mail: asai(a)yamashina.or.jp (Please replace (a) with @)

Main Research Fields

Molecular Ecology

Activities in charge at the Institute
  1. Management of avian tissue samples
  2. Administration in editing the Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
  1. 1997 Graduated from Faculty of Science, Osaka City University
  2. 1999 Graduated from MS Course of Science, Osaka City University
  3. 2002 Graduated from PhD Course of Science, Kyoto University
Professional Experience
  1. 2002- Researcher, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
  2. 2005-2006 Part-time lecturer, Keio University
  3. 2006- Senior researcher, Sanyo Techno Marine, Inc. (concurrent position)
Main contribution to academic societies
  1. 2002- Editorial Board of the Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
  2. 2011-2013 Committee for Check-List of Japanese Birds of the Ornithologycal Society of Japan
  3. 2013- Fund Management Committee of the Ornithological Society of Japan