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Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
Contents and Informations

Contents (1991- )ISSN 1348-5032 *

* Volumes 1-34 published as ISSN 0044-0183

Vol.56 No.1(No.151)2024 NEW
Vol.55 No.1(No.149)2023 | Vol.55 No.2(No.150)2023
Vol.54 No.1(No.147)2022 | Vol.54 No.2(No.148)2022
Vol.53 No.1(No.145)2021 | Vol.53 No.2(No.146)2021
Vol.52 No.1(No.143)2020 | Vol.52 No.2(No.144)2020
Vol.51 No.1(No.141)2019 | Vol.51 No.2(No.142)2019
Vol.50 No.1(No.139)2018 | Vol.50 No.2(No.140)2019
Vol.49 No.1(No.137)2017 | Vol.49 No.2(No.138)2018
Vol.48 No.1(No.135)2016 | Vol.48 No.2(No.136)2017
Vol.47 No.1(No.133)2015 | Vol.47 No.2(No.134)2016
Vol.46 No.1(No.131)2014 | Vol.46 No.2(No.132)2015
Vol.45 No.1(No.129)2013 | Vol.45 No.2(No.130)2014
Vol.44 No.1(No.127)2012 | Vol.44 No.2(No.128)2013
Vol.43 No.1(No.125)2011 | Vol.43 No.2(No.126)2012
Vol.42 No.1(No.123)2010 | Vol.42 No.2(No.124)2011
Vol.41 No.1(No.121)2009 | Vol.41 No.2(No.122)2010
Vol.40 No.1(No.119)2008 | Vol.40 No.2(No.120)2009
Vol.39 No.1(No.117)2007 | Vol.39 No.2(No.118)2008
Vol.38 No.1(No.115)2006 | Vol.38 No.2(No.116)2007
Vol.37 No.1(No.113)2005 | Vol.37 No.2(No.114)2006
Vol.36 No.1(No.111)2004 | Vol.36 No.2(No.112)2005
Vol.35 No.1(No.109)2003 | Vol.35 No.2(No.110)2004
Vol.34 No.1(No.107)2002 | Vol.34 No.2(No.108)2003
Vol.33 No.1(No.105)2001 | Vol.33 No.2(No.106)2002
Vol.32 No.1(No.103)2000 | Vol.32 No.2(No.104)2000
Vol.31 No.1(No.101)1999 | Vol.31 No.2(No.102)1999
Vol.30 No.1(No.99)1998 | Vol.30 No.2(No.100)1998
Vol.29 No.1(No.97)1997 | Vol.29 No.2(No.98)1997
Vol.28 No.1(No.95)1996 | Vol.28 No.2(No.96)1996
Vol.27 No.1(No.93)1995 | Vol.27 No.2(No.94)1995
Vol.26 No.1(No.91)1994 | Vol.26 No.2(No.92)1994
Vol.25 No.1(No.89)1993 | Vol.25 No.2(No.90)1993
Vol.24 No.1(No.87)1992 | Vol.24 No.2(No.88)1992
Vol.23 No.1(No.85)1991 | Vol.23 No.2(No.86)1991
Vol.22 No.1(No.83)1991 | Vol.22 No.2(No.84)1990
Vo.21 No.1(No.81)1989 | Vol.21 No.2(No.82)1989
Vo.20 Vol.1(No.79)1988 | Vo.20 No.2(No.80)1988
Vol.19 Vol.1(No.77)1987 | Vol.19 No.2(No.78)1987
Vo.18 No.1(No.75)1986 | Vol.18 No.2(No.76)1986
Vo.17 No.1(No.72)1985 | Vol.17 No.2(No.73)1985 | Vol.17No.3(No.74)1985
Vol.16Vol.1(No.69)1984 | Vol.16 No.2-3(No.70-71)1984
Vol.15 No.1(No.66)1983 | Vo.15 No.2(No.67)1983 | Vol.15 No.3(No.68)1983
Vol.14 No.1(No.63)1982 | Vol.14 No.2-3(No.64-65)1982
Vol.13 No.1(No.60)1981 | Vol.13 No.2(No.61)1981 | Vol.13 No.3(No.62)1981
Vol.12 No.1(No.57)1980 | Vol.12 No.2(No.58)1980 | Vo.12 No.3(No.59)1980
Vol.11 No.1(No.54)1979 | Vol.11 No.2(No.55)1979 | Vol.11 No.3(No.56)1979
Vol.10 No.1-2(No.51-52)1978Vol.10 No.3(No.53)1978
Vol.9 No.1(No.48)1977 | Vol.9 No.2(No.49)1977 | Vol.9 No.3号(No.50)1977
Vol.8 No.1(No.45)1976 | Vol.8 No.2(No.46)1976 | Vol.8 No.3(No.47)1976
Vol.7 No.1(No.39)1973 | Vol.7 No.2(No.40)1973 | Vol.7 No.3(No.41)1974 | Vol.7 No.4(No.42)1974 | Vol.7 No.5(No.43)1975 | Vol.7 No.6(No.44)1975
Vol.6 No.1-2(No.33-34)1970 | Vol.6 No.3(No.35)1971 | Vol.6 No.4(No.36)1971 | Vol.6 No.5-6(No.37-38)1972
Vol.5 No.1(No.27)1967Vol.5 No.2(No.28)1967 | Vol.5 No.3(No.29)1968 | Vol.5 No.4(No.30)1968 | Vol.5 No.5(No.31)1969 | Vol.5 No.6(No.32)1969
Vol.4 No.1(No.21)1964 | Vol.4 No.2(No.22)1964 | Vol.4 No.3-4(No.23-24)1965 | Vol.4 No.5(No.25)1966 | Vol.4 No.6(No.26)1966
Vol.3 No.1(No.16)1961 | Vol.3 No.2(No.17)1961 | Vol.3 No.3(No.18)1962 | Vol.3 No.4(No.19)1963 | Vol.3 No.5(No.20)1963
Vol.2 No.14(No.22)1960 | Vol.2 No.15(No.22)1960
Vol.1 No.1(No.1)1952 | Vol.1 No.2(No.2)1953 | Vol.1 No.3(No.3)1953 | Vol.1 No.4(No.4)1954 | Vol.1 No.5(No.5)1954 | Vol.1 No.6(No.6)1955 | Vol.1 No.7(No.7)1955 | Vol.1 No.8(No.8)1956 | Vol.1 No.9(No.9)1956 | Vol.1 No.10(No.10)1957 | Vol.1 No.11(No.11)1957 | Vol.1 No.12(No.12)1958 | Vol.1 No.13(No.13)1959

Vol.56 No.1(No.151) 30 June 2024

Fukuda, M.: Penguins Recorded by the Shirase Antarctic Expedition* pp.1-32

Original Article

Seki, S.: Breeding Distribution of the Isolated Iijima's Leaf Warbler Population in the Tokara Islands and its Ecological, Morphological, and Genetic Characteristics* pp.33-50


Kondo, N. & Shimada, M.: Behavior and Habitat Use of Two Pairs of Red-crowned Cranes during the Chick Rearing Period in Chokubetsu, Onbetsu-cho, Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan* pp.51-59


Kuroda, S., Kobayashi, S., Saitoh, T. & Asai, S.: Avifauna of the Imperial Palace from June 2017 to March 2023* pp.60-77

Tomita, N. & Narita, A.: Monitoring Breeding Performance of the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris on Kabushima Island, Japan, from 2012 to 2023* pp.78-82

Nakamura, N., Yuta, T., Senda, M. & Mizuta, T.: Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Fukushima, Japan (2021 to 2023)* pp.83-95

Book Review** p.96

Errata p.97

Editorial Policy** p.98

Editorial Policy pp.99-100

Instructions for Authors** pp.101-103

Instructions for Authors pp.104-107

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.55 No.2(No.150) 15 December 2023
Original Article

Yamamoto, Y., Asai, S., Saitoh, T., Kobayashi, S., Hiraoka, T., Momose, K., Urano, E., Ohta, N., Kakizawa, R. & Yamagishi, S.: Complete Mitochondrial Genomes of Endangered Japanese Birds pp.103-113


Fukuda, M.: Adélie Penguins Arriving in Pre-World War II Japan* pp.115-122

Iwasaki, M., Azumi, S., Ishizuka, M., Ikenaka, Y., Kunisue, T. & Watanuki, Y.: Mercury Content of Feathers of Three Individuals of Streaked Shearwaters* pp.123-130

Odate, K.: The Population Trend of the Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola in the Lake Komuke Area, Hokkaido* pp.131-136


Yamasaki, T. & Kameya, T.: Revised Japanese Names for Species of Waterfowl(Anseriformes)and Landfowl(Galliformes)* pp.137-151

Kikuchi, H., Matsumiya, H., Oshida, T. & Izumiyama, S.: A Case of Mountain Hawk-Eagle Hunting Small Mammals in a Tree Cavity pp.152-155

Reviewers List p.156

Editorial Policy** pp.157-158
Editorial Policy pp.158-159

Informations for Authors** pp.160-163
Informations for Authors pp.163-166

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.55 No.1(No.149) 30 June 2023
Original Article

Maeda, T.: A Pair of Golden Eagles Suppling Fish as Food for Nestlings* pp.1-12

Short Note

Tabeta, T. & Takahashi, M.: Breeding Distribution and Number of Nests of the Japanese Cormorant Pharlacrocorax capillatus along the Sanriku Coast of Iwate Prefecture, Northern Japan* pp.13-21


Nishi, N. & Yoneyama, T.: The Breeding Record of the Hawfinch in Nagano Prefecture* pp. 22-26

Iseki, F.: Records of a Possible Falco peregrinus calidus with Streaks on the Undertail Coverts in Kyushu, and Examination of the Markings on the Undertail Coverts among Peregrine Subspecies* pp. 27-39

Takatsuki, S., Suzuki, H., Otsuka, K., Oidemizu, M. & Oishi, Y.: Bird Community and Tree Management at Tamagawa-josui Canal in Tokyo* pp.40-63

Sawa, Y., Shibata, S. & Tazawa, K.: Observation and Moulting Record of an Emperor Goose in Hokkaido during Summer* pp.64-70


Nitta, K.: The Number of Mandarin Ducks Breeding in the Urban Area of Sapporo, Hokkaido* pp.71-77


Odaya, Y., Senzaki, M., Takagi, S. & Umegaki, Y.: Revision of Identification of Two Observation Records Published in the Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology** pp.78-87

Watanabe, T.: Comments on Odaya et al. (2023)** pp.86-87.

Editorial Policy** pp.88-89

Editorial Policy pp.90-91

Informations for Authors** pp.92-96

Informations for Authors pp.97-101*

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.54 No.2(No.148) 15 December 2022
Special issue of 90th Anniversary of the Japanese Yamashina Institute for Ornithology Foundation
Original Article

Sato, F., Konno, S., Konno, M. & Tomita, N.: Establishment of a New Breeding Site of Short-tailed Albatrosses in Hatsunezaki, Torishima* pp.231-251

Short Note

Osawa, K. & Osawa, Y.: Aerial Predation of Japanese Pipistrelle Bat Pipistrellus abramus by Several Diurnal Predatory Bird Species in a Suburban Riverine Habitat in Japan pp.253-262


Fujimaki, Y.: Distribution of the Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza auleora in Hokkaido, Japan* pp.263-273

Masatomi, Y. & Masatomi, H.: Interval of Remigial Molt of Two Wild Red-crowned Cranes Grus japonensis Breeding in Naganuma, Hokkaido, Japan* pp.274-279

Narita, A., Tomita, N., Mizutani, Y., Yamada, Y. & Sugiyama, H.: Breeding Status of the Black-tailed Gull on Bentenjima Island, Okuki, Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture, Japan* pp.280-285


Yamasaki, T. & Kameya, T.: Revised Japanese Names for Species of Flufftails (Sarothruridae) and Rails (Rallidae)* pp.286-292

List of Reviewers from 17 November 2018 to 14 July 2022 p.293

Editorial Policy** pp.294-295
Editorial Policy pp.296-297

Informations for Authors** pp.298-302
Informations for Authors pp.303-307

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.54 No.1(No.147) 12 July 2022
Special issue of 90th Anniversary of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology Foundation

Okuno, T.: For 90th Anniversary Issue of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology** p.1


Sato, F.: Current Status and Conservation of Japanese Seabirds Based on the Project of Monitoring Site 1000* pp.3-53

Deguchi, T.: How Far Has the Short-tailed Albatross Translocation Project Progressed?* pp.55-70

Mizuta, T., Ozaki, K., Sawa, Y., Senda, M., Tomita, N., Nakamura, N., Morimoto, G. & Yuta, T.: Bird Banding Scheme in Japan—Its Significance and Future Perspective* pp.71-102

Original Articles

Kobayashi, S. & Kato, M.: Restoration of Collected Data about Bird Specimens from Minami-torishima Island during the Meiji Period* pp.103-139

Sonobe, K.: The Natural History Artist, Shigekazu Kobayashi, who is Described in the Diaries of Dr. Yoshimaro Yamashina and Others* pp.141-164


Saitoh, T., Kobayashi, S., Iwami, Y. & Asai, S.: The Achievements and Future Subject of DNA Barcoding of Birds by the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology* pp.165-181


Asai, S. & Ohta, N.: History of the Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology** pp.182-186

Original Article

Yoda, T.: Relationship between the Number of Captured Crows and Changes in Rainfall pp.187-192

Short Notes

Kitagawa, T.: Sexual Behaviors toward Substitute Objects by the Black-winged Stilt Himantous himantopus himantopus, Especially by Young Individuals pp.193-200

Ohkawara, K., Kimura, K. & Satoh, F.: Seed Dispersal by the Mugimaki Flycatcher Ficedula mugimaki and Narcissus Flycatcher F. narcissina during Migration through the Hokuriku Area of Central Japan* pp.201-206


Fujimaki, Y.: Distribution of Common Merganser Mergus merganser in Hokkaido, Japan* pp.207-214


Yamasaki, T. & Kameya, T.: Revised Japanese Names for Species of Ratites and Tinamous* pp.215-218


Nakanishi, N. & Izawa, M.: The First Record of the Fairy Pitta Pitta nympha from Iriomote Island, Japan* pp.219-222

Layusa, C. A. A., Reynon, J. B., Garcia, C. I., Donata, DVM, N. B. & Constantino, A. M.: The First Documentation of a Calayan Rail Downy Young pp.223-225

Editorial Policy** pp.226-227
Editorial Policy pp.228-229

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.53 No.2(No.146) 15 December 2021

Ushine, N., Sakai, T. & Hayama, S.: Forensic Veterinary Macroscopic Examination and Identification of a Rescued Ural Owl Strix uralensis Subspecies pp.73-78


Shimizu, T., Yoneyama, T. & Hotta, M.: The Status of the Southernmost Population of the Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus in Northeastern Nagano Prefecture* pp.79-84

Fujimaki, Y.: Distribution of Kamchatka Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus examinandus during Breeding Season in Hokkaido, Japan* pp.85-92

List of Reviewers from 11 September 2020 to 24 September 2021 p.93
Editorial Policy** pp.94-95
Editorial Policy pp.96-97
Informations for Authors** pp.98-102
Informations for Authors pp.103-107

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.53 No.1(No.145) 30 June 2021

Preface p.1

Original Article

Iseki, F., Mikami, K. & Sato, T.: Unique and Complicated Wing Molt of the Japanese Sparrowhawk Accipiter gularis pp.3-23

Short Note

Fujimaki, Y.: Distribution of Hazel Grouse Tetrastes bonasia in Hokkaido, Japan pp.25-32


Hasegawa, K.: Observation Records of a Goshawk Wearing an Anklet that Was Likely to Have Escaped from Captivity* pp.33-38

Tomita, N. & Narita, A.: Monitoring Breeding Performance of the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris on Kabushima Island, Japan, from 2012 to 2020* pp.39-43

Nakamura, N., Yuta, T., Senda, M. & Mizuta, T.: Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Fukushima, Japan (2018 to 2020)* pp.44-56

Obituary** pp.57-58

Editorial Policy** pp.59-60
Editorial Policy pp.61-62
Instructions for Authors**  pp.63-67
Instructions for Authors pp.68-72

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.52 No.2(No.144) 15 December 2020
Original Articles

Whitworth, D.L., Carter, H.R., Nakamura, Y., Takeishi, M. & Otsuki, K.: Hatching Success and Predation of Japanese Murrelets Synthliboramphus wumizusume at Birojima, Miyazaki, Japan pp.63-82

Ezaki, Y. & Tago, K.: Breeding and Foraging Ecology of Ospreys at the Yoshino River * pp.83-97

Short Notes

Otsuki, K., Whitworth, D.L., Parker, M.W., Minowa, Y., Nakamura, Y. & Yoshimoto, T.: Confirmation of Breeding by Japanese Murrelets Synthliboramphus wumizusume at Kobiro Islet, Miyazaki, Japan pp.99-104

Fukuda, M.: Penguins Arrived at Asakusa Hanayashiki in the Taisho Era, Japan* pp.105-112

Kuroki, T., Tsurumi, M. & Nagahori, M.: Comparison of Species Composition of Feather Mite Fauna on the Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon among populations from Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and Shaanxi Province, China (Reared in Japan) * pp.113-123


Yamamoto, M.: A Record of Dicrurus hottentottus in Fukue Island, Nagasaki Prefecture* pp. 124-128

Masatomi, Y. & Moritake, T.: Record of the Onset Age of Unison Call of Wild Red-crowned Cranes Grus japonensis in Hokkaido, Japan* pp.129-132

Kurasawa K., Abe, R. & Nishizawa, B.: The Records of Wilson’s Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus in the Northwest Pacific off Hokkaido* pp.133-137

Yamasaki, T. & Kameya, T.: Revised Japanese Names for Avian Orders and Families. (2) Oscines* pp.138-143

Nakahara, T. & Eto, K.: The First Record of the Fairy Pitta Pitta nympha from the Danjo Islands, Japan* pp.144-146

Memoirs** pp.147-151
Obituaries** pp.152-156
List of Reviewers from 2018 to 2020 p.157
Informations for Authors** pp.158-162
Informations for Authors pp.163-167

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.52 No.1(No.143) 30 June 2020
Short Notes

Fujimaki, Y.: Distribution of the Rufous Hawk-Cuckoo Hierococcyx hyperythrus in Hokkaido, Japan* pp.1-9

Watanabe, T. & Obata, K.: Foraging of Nymphoides peltata Root Systems by the Eurasian Coot Fulcia atra* pp.10-15


Hori, K.: The First Record of an Assumed Hybrid between a Falcated Duck Anas falcata and a Mallard A. platyrhynchos in Japan* pp.16-20

Yoshiyasu, K., Morimoto, G., Senda, M. & Nakamura, N.: Longevity Records of Japanese Birds from Bird Banding Data (Top Two Records of Each Species in 1961–2017)* pp.21-48

Matsumiya, H.: Observation of a Black Scoter in the Inland Chubu Region, Central Japan* pp.49-57

Informations for Authors** pp.53-57
Informations for Authors pp.58-62

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.51 No.2(No.142) 15 December 2019
Original Article

Okuda, Y. & Okuda, Y.: Moult of Remiges and Rectrices of the White-Cheeked Starling Assessed from Shed Feathers Collected from a Communal Roost* pp.79-93

Short Notes

Okado, J., Ito, M. & Watanuki, Y.: Status of Seabirds on Daikoku Island, Hokkaido* pp.95-104

Nishizawa, B., Kurasawa, K. & Yamazaki, A.: Records of the Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris in Hokkaido, Northern Japan* pp.105-115


Urushidani, K.: Observation of Japanese Green Pigeon Treron sieboldii Excreting Tapeworms* pp.116-121

List of Reviewers from July 2017 to September 2019 pp.122
Informations for Authors** pp.123-127
Informations for Authors pp.128-132

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 51 No.1(No. 141) 30 June 2019
Original Articles

Fujii, H., Kameda, K. O., Makino, A. & Maesako, Y.: Traditional Custom of the Utilization of the Herons and the Great Cormorants at Lake Biwa—the Culture of Bird Utilization from the Edo Period to the Present Day—* pp.1-28

Kato, M. & Davis, A. J.: Relocation and Restoration of Collection Data, for Two Taxonomically Important Japanese Reed Bunting Emberiza yessoensis Specimens Collected by Thomas Blakiston in the Early Meiji Period pp.29-42

Ushida, Y., Shirai, M., Yamashita, Y., Ito, M. & Niizuma, Y.: Differences in Fault Bars between Primary Remiges and Rectrices of the Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis* pp.43-52

Short Notes

Fukuda, M.: Additional Notes on the First Captive Penguins in Japan* pp.53-61

Yuta, T. & Nomi, D.: Breeding Biology of the Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea in Northern Japan pp.62-67

Informations for Authors** pp.68-72
Informations for Authors pp.73-77

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 50 No.2(No. 140) 28 February 2019
Original Article

Hisai, A.: Investigating the Realities of the Distinction between the Crane and the Oriental Stork during the Edo Period through Natural Historical Materials* pp.89-123

Short Notes

Akatani, K. & Takagi, M.: The Onset of Breeding Behaviours in a Captive Male Ryukyu Scops Owl pp.125-128

Hayashi, T.: Geographic Variation in Crow Calls of the Japanese Green Pheasant Phasianus colchicus pp.129-137


Dinets, V.: First Record of the Chinese Crested Tern Thalasseus bernsteini in Japan pp.138-140

Yamasaki, T. & Kameya, T.: Revised Japanese Names for Avian Orders and Families. (1) Non-passerines, New Zealand Wrens and Suboscines* pp.141-151

Obituary** pp.152-154

Book review** p.155

List of Reviewers from 25 August 2017 to 27 November 2018 p.156

Informations for Authors** pp.157-161
Informations for Authors pp.162-166

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 50 No.1(No. 139) 31 August 2018
Original Article

Konno, S., Konno, M. & Sato, F.: Maturation of Plumage in the Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus Based on Birds of Known Sex and Age on Torishima* pp.1-27


Nishi, N.: The Bird Community of the Montane Zone on the Northern Slope of Mt. Fuji* pp.29-34

Saitoh, T., Morimoto, G., Kobayashi, S., Asai, S. & Hiraoka, T.: Catalogues of Bird Skin Specimens Donated to the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology by Mr. Tatsuo Kazama* pp.35-85

Informations for Authors** p.87

Informations for Authors p.88

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 49 No.2(No. 138) 28 February 2018
Short Notes

Watanabe, T. & Tajiri, H.: Features of Stubble of Rice Fields Used for Foraging by Bewick’s Swans* pp.53-62

Tomita, N., Narita, A. & Iwami, Y.: Monitoring Breeding Performance of the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris on Kabushima Island, Japan, from 2012 to 2017: a Record of an Intruder, Red Foxes Vulpes vulpes in 2017* pp. 63-68

Nakamura, M., Rakotosoa, R. R., Rakotomalala, E. H. & Rakotomanana, H.: Nest-building Behavior of the Endemic Helmet Vanga Euryceros prevostii on Madagascar pp.69-74


Kobayashi, S. & Suzuki, T.: Catalogue of Bird Specimens in the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology Donated by Mr. Shigenobu Tachibana* pp.75-96

Nakamura, N., Senda, M. & Ozaki, K.: Annual Report of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Fukushima, Japan (2017)* pp.97-108

Oosugi, T., Okabe, H., Takemoto, M. & Yanaga, J.: The Change of Avifauna in Isahaya Bay Reclamation Pond and Its Surroundings* pp.109-121

List of Reviewers from 30 January 2013 to 23 October 2017 p.123

Erratum p.124

Informations for Authors** pp.125-129

Informations for Authors pp.130-134
* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 49 No.1(No. 137) 31 August 2017
Short Note

Amano, H. E.: Invasion and Range Expansion of the Eastern Moustached Laughingthrush Garrulax cinereiceps to Shikoku, Japan* pp.1-7


Kuroda, S, Kobayashi, S., Saitoh, T., Iwami, Y. & Asai, S.: Avifauna of the Imperial Palace from July 2013 to May 2017* pp.8-30

Yamasaki, T., Kameya, T. & Ota, N.: Revised Japanese Names for Species of Owls(Strigiformes)* pp.31-41

Errata p.41
Informations for Authors** pp.42-46
Informations for Authors p.47-51

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 48 No.2(No. 136) 20 March 2017
Original Article

Okahisa, Y., Nagata, H. & Ozaki, K.: Estimating Population Size of the Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon Using Mark Resight Analysis* pp.51-64

Short Note

Fujimaki, Y.: Distribution of the Lesser Cuckoo Cuculus poliocephalus in Hokkaido* pp.65-73


Isoda, T. & Tamura, T.: Report of a White Adélie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae in the Antarctic Ocean pp.74-77

Maeda, T.: The First Record of the Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus in Iwate Prefecture, Northern Honshu, Japan* pp.78-82

Tomita, N. & Narita, A.: Monitoring Breeding Performance of the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris on Kabushima Island, Japan, from 2012 to 2016* pp.83-86

Muto, R., Watahiki, S. & Kodama, K.: Migration Date and Number of Bean Goose Anser fabalis middendorffii Wintering in Edosaki-Iri Reclaimed Land in Inashiki City, Ibaraki Prefecture, from 2002 to 2016* pp.87-93

Tsurumi, M., Sonobe, K. & Yamamichi, H.: Cataloging and Preservation of Manuscripts, Prints, and Related Materials Used for “A Natural History of Japanese Birds,” Written by Dr. Yoshimaro Yamashina (Supplement)* pp.94-116

Senda, M., Nakamura, N. & Ozaki, K.: Annual Report of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Fukushima, Japan (2012–2016)* pp.117-129

Book reviews** pp.130-131
List of Reviewers from 25 January to 15 February 2017 p.132
Informations for Authors** p.133
Informations for Authors p.134

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 48 No.1(No. 135) 30 September 2016
Short Note

Suzuki, T.: Fruit- and Seed-eating Agents for the Poisonous Shrub, Daphne pseudomezereum (Thymelaeaceae), in Southern Kanto District, Japan* pp.1-11


Yoshihara, R., Goto, Y., Kitaura, K. & Mizuta, T.: A Record of Fairy Pitta Pitta nympha on Amami-Oshima Island, Kagoshima, Southwestern Japan* pp.12-15

Setsuda, K.: Bird Specimens in the Momiyama Bird Collection of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Obtained by Exchange with Yoji Yanagihara* pp.16-28

Kawaji, N., Hayashi, T. & Matsuura, T.: Home Range and Habitat Use of a Male Copper Pheasant Syrmaticus soemmerringii in a Suburb in Tokyo, Japan pp.29-35

Obituary** pp.36-37
Book review** p.38
Errata p.39
Informations for Authors** pp.40-44
Informations for Authors pp.45-49

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 47 No.2(No. 134) 20 March 2016

Kawada, S.: Biographic Review of Alan Owston* pp.59-93

Original Article

Yui, M. & Egashira, Y.: Estimation of the Number of Bird-wind Turbine Collisions Based on a Sphere Shape Model Using the Block Count Method* pp.95-121

Short Notes

Tomita, N., Sato, F. & Iwami, Y.: Impact of Cats on Breeding Black-tailed Gulls on Tobishima Island, Yamagata, Japan* pp.123-129

Muramatsu, K., Yamamoto, J., Abe, T., Nishizawa, B., Hoshi, N., Ohwada, M., Watanuki, Y. & Sakurai, Y.: A Red-footed Booby Catching Airborne Squid pp.130-135


Tomita, N. & Narita, A.: Monitoring Breeding Performance of the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris on Kabushima Island, Japan, from 2012 to 2015* pp.136-139

Senda, M., Nakamura, N. & Ozaki, K.: Annual Report of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship(MAPS)Program in Fukushima, Japan(2012–2015)* pp.140-155

Tasaki, S., Higa, M., Fukuda, M., Yamamoto, I., Kuniyoshi, S. & Hirayama, T.: Nesting Behavior of the Wild Okinawa Rail Gallirallus okinawae* pp.156-160

List of Reviewers from 8 September 2014 to 19 January 2016 p.161
Informations for Authors** pp.162-166
Informations for Authors pp.167-171

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 47 No.1(No. 133) 30 September 2015
Original Article

Imamura, T., Kawarada, S. & Sugimori, F.: A Possible Determination of Age in the Short-tailed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris Based upon Tissue and the Layered Structure of the Mandible* pp.1-16

Short Notes

Wakisaka, H., Wakisaka, K., Nakagawa, M. & Ezaki, Y.: Mating System and Nest Site Fidelity of the Grey-headed Lapwing Vanellus cinereus* pp.17-23

Kobayashi, S., Sakamoto, A. & Saitoh, T.: Records of Stejneger’s Petrel Pterodroma longirostris in Japan* pp.24-32

Fujimaki, Y.: Distribution of the Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canus during the Breeding Season in Hokkaido, Japan* pp.33-39


Fukuda, M.: Egg Size of the Large-billed Crow Corvus macrorhynchos* pp.40-42

Ebina, J., Mikami, K. & Nakamura, N.: Construction and Materials of Common Crossbill Nests Collected in Shimokita, Aomori Prefecture* pp.43-47

Informations for Authors** pp.48-52
Informations for Authors pp.53-57

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol 46 No.2(No. 132) 20 March 2015
Original Article

Yamamoto, T., Kohno, H., Mizutani, A. & Yoda, K.: Nest Structure and Breeding Population Estimation of Streaked Shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas on Nakanokamishima* pp.67-81

Short Notes

Kurosawa, R. & Horimoto, T.: Changes of Distribution of the Eurasian Magpie Pica pica in the Iburi Region of Southern Hokkaido* pp.83-88

Emura, N., Furuya, W., Ando, H. & Deguchi, T.: Monitoring of Avifauna to Estimate the Effect of Ecological Restoration in Mukojima, Bonin Islands pp.89-100

Deguchi, S., Chiba, A. & Nakata, M.: Habitat Selection of the Black-faced Bunting in Relation to Vegetation Structure during the Breeding Season in Coastal Japanese Black Pine Forest* pp.101-107

Kohno, H. & Mizutani, A.: First Record of Breeding Behaviour of Brewster's Brown Booby Sula leucogaster brewsteri in Japan pp.108-118

Kawaji, N. & Kawaji, K.: The First Record of Reddish-brown Egg Parasitism by the Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus optatus upon the Black-faced Bunting Emberiza spodocephala in Western Hokkaido pp.119-126


Anezaki, S.: Birds Observed on Kita-Daito Island, Daito Islands, in July 2013* pp.127-140

Nitta, K.: Attendance Behavior of Mandarin Duck Males* pp.141-145

Obituary** pp.146-147

List of Reviewers p.148

Errata p.149

Informations for Authors** pp.150-154

Informations for Authors pp.155-159

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol 46 No.1(No. 131) 30 September 2014
Original Article

Koshida, C. J., Ueno, Y., Nakatsu, H., Nagata, H. & Yamagishi, S.: Male and Female Breeding Behavior of the Reintroduced Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon during Their Nest Building and Egg Incubation* p.1

Torii, N. & Ezaki, Y.: Habitat and Its Spatial Structure of the Blue Thrush – Invasion into Inland Cities –* p.15


Kazama, T.: Periods and Distances which the Bred Common Pheasants Spent and Moved from the Release to Hunting of Them* p.25

Hasebe, M.: The Number of Seabird Nests on Yagishiri Island during 2010 – 2013* pp.29-33

Nakamura, H. & Kobayshi, A.: Death of Migrants in Early Spring on Mt. Norikura* pp.34-40

Kitagawa, T.: The Breeding Ecology of the White-naped Crane Grus vipio in Muraviovka Park, Southeast Russia pp.41-54

Book review** p.55

Errata p.56

Informations for Authors** p.57-61

Informations for Authors p.62

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol 45 No.2(No. 130) 20 March 2014
Original Article

Suzuki, T. & Maeda N.: Frugivores of Poisonous Herbaceous Plants Arisaema spp. (Araceae) in the Southern Kanto District, Central Japan pp.77-92

Short Note

Niizuma, Y., Tsuchiya, K., Kume, H., Bessyo, T. & Kazama, K.: Nutritional Composition and Energetic Values of Prey Species in Great Cormorant pp.93-97


Saiki, M., Haraguchi, R., Kimura, K., Moriguchi, K. & Takano, M.: Brooding Habits of the Jungle Nightjar and Relocation Movements of the Chicks* pp.98-101

Asai, S., Saitoh, T., Iwami, Y. & Yamasaki, T.: Catalogues of Specimens Donated to the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology: Messrs. Toyota Usuda and Toyoharu Usuda Collection and Mr. Yasuhiro Satō Collection* pp.102-119

Iwami, Y., Tsurumi, M., Asai, S., Saitoh, T. & Yamasaki, T.: Catalogue of Specimens Donated to the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology: Naritoyo Fukushi Collection* pp.120-135

Tsurumi, M., Sonobe, K., Yamamichi, H. & Tsukamoto, Y.: Cataloging and Preservation of Manuscripts, Prints, and Related Material Used for “A Natural History of Japanese Birds,” Written by Dr. Yoshimaro Yamashina* pp.136-182

Book review** p.183

List of Reviewers from 1 February 2012 to 19 February 2013 p.184

Errata p.185

Informations for Authors** p.186

Informations for Authors p.187

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol 45 No. 1(No. 129) 30 September 2013
Original Articles

Hirayama, T., Fukuda, M. & Hirakawa, M.: Seasonal Change of Vocalization of the Okinawa Rail (Gallirallus okinawae)* pp.1-8

Hisai, A.: Identification of Names of the Crane in Historical Material of Edo Era: The case of the Japanese Crane* pp.9-38

Short Notes

Fujimaki, Y.: Distribution of the Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius during Breeding Season in Hokkaido, Japan* pp.39-45

Kazama, K., Iwamoto, M. T., Hori, Y. & Niizuma, Y.: Effect of Ambient Air-temperature on Food Intake of Captive Sub-adult Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo hanedae pp.46-52

Nakamura, M., Rakotosoa, R. S. & Rakotomanana, H.: Additional Reports on the Breeding Ecology of the Chabert’s Vanga Leptopterus chabert and Red-tailed Vanga Calicalicus madagascariensis pp.53-58


Nishide, T. & Ogasawara, K.: A 40-year Monitoring Study of the Snow Geese Anser caerulescens in Akita Prefecture during Winter* pp.59-64

Obituary** pp.65-66

Informations for Authors** pp.67-71

Informations for Authors pp.72-76

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol 44 No. 2 (No. 128) 30 March 2013
Special Contribution

Kageyama, M.: Technical Advice and Recommendations on the Handling and Storage of Radioactive Wildlife Specimens Collected from Eastern Japan* p.49

Original Articles

Mikami, O. K. & Takahashi, M.: The Change in the Distribution of Five Grassland Birds Depends on the Change in the Vegetation: a Comparison between 1998 and 2010 at Hotokenuma, Aomori Prefecture, Japan* p.67

Shirai, T.: Breeding Colony Fidelity and Long-term Reproductive History of Individually Marked Wild Grey Herons p.79


Fukuda, M.: Transition of Tail Patterns in Relation to Ages of Captive Black-tailed Gulls* p.93

Oka, N., Watanabe, Y & Satoh, F.: The Causes of Death of Two Sub-adult Black-footed Albatrosses Returned to Torishima, Izu Island* p.97

Nitta, K. & Hayakawa, I.: How to Locate a Mandarin Duck Nest and Predict Fledging Date Based on Female Behavior* p.102

Tsukamoto, Y. & Tsurumi, M.: Identification of the Photographer of the Stomach Contents of Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon Collected in 1933 in Sado Island and Related Comments* p.107

Book Review** p.113
List of Reviewers from 1 February 2012 to 7 March 2013 p.115
Informations for Authors** p.116
Informations for Authors p.121
* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 44 No. 1 (No. 127) 30 September 2012
Short Note

Dial, C. R., Talbot, S. L., Sage, G. K., Seidensticker, M. T. & Holt, D. W.: Cross-species Amplification of Microsatellite Markers in the Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus, Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus and Snowy Owl B. scandiacus for Use in Population Genetics, Individual Identification and Parentage Studies pp.1-12


Maeda, T.: Roosting Behavior of the Copper Pheasant in Nests of the Golden Eagle* pp.13-17

Tomita, N. & Narita, A.: An Immature Red-footed Booby Observed on Kabu Island, Aomori, Japan* pp.18-22

Nishi, N.: The First Record of a Silky Starling in Yamanashi Prefecture* pp.23-26

Fujimaki, Y.: Postures of Birds in Low Temperatures* pp.27-30

Matsui, S., Tsuchiya, Y., Hisaka, M. & Takagi, M.: Size Hierarchy Caused by Hatching Asynchrony in the Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus on Minami-daito Island pp.31-35

Errata pp.36-38
Informations for Authors** pp.39-43
Informations for Authors pp.44

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 43 No. 2 (No. 126) 30 March 2012

Anezaki, S.: Avifauna of Kita-daito Island and Minami-daito Island before World War II* p.105

Original Articles

Mikami, O. K.: Habitat Selection of the Japanese Marsh Warbler Locustella pryeri in a Breeding Season at Hotokenuma Wetland* p.153

Mikami, O. K.: Habitat Selections of Five Grassland Bird Species in a Breeding Season at Hotokenuma Wetland in Japan* p.169

Short Notes

Sabano, Y., Uemura, S. & Kurechi, M.: The First Record of Blue Morph Lesser Snow Goose Anser caerulescens caerulescens in Japan* p.177

Odaya, Y., Morikoshi, M., Shibata, H. & Sudou, S.: An Observation Record of Matsudaira's Stormpetrel in Sagami Bay, Central Japan* p.184

Fujimaki, Y.: Distribution of the Varied Tit Parus varius during the Breeding Season in Hokkaido, Japan* p.189


Nishi, N.: The First Breeding Record of Blue Rockthrush in Yamanashi Prefecture* p.194

Ezaki, Y., Satake, S., Yoshizawa, T., Mitsuhashi, Y. & Ohsako, Y.: Death of a Wild Oriental White Stork and Its Cause ––An Intra-specific Violent Interaction?* p.197

Hirata, K., Hoshina, K. & Sakamoto, K.: Aerial Feeding by a Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris on Japanese Halfbeaks Hyporhamphus sajori Startled by Car Headlights p.202

Kobayashi, S & Yamasaki, T.: Catalogue of Specimens Donated to the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology: Messrs. Keikichi Oita and Masao Oita Collection* p.205

Tsukamoto, Y., Hirota, M., Hiraoka, T., Yoshida, A. & Tsurumi, M.: The Cataloging and Photographic Conservation of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology Collection of Kenji Shimomura, Japan's Pioneer of Wildlife Photography( Supplement)* p.222

Book Review** p.242
Errata p.244
Informations for Authors** p.245
Informations for Authors p.246
List of Reviewers from 1 April 2011 to 17 February 2012 p.247
* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 43 No. 1 (No. 125) 30 September 2011

Carter, H. R. , Nelson, S. K. & Oka, N.: Historical and Recent Occurrences of Kittlitz's Murrelets in Southeastern Russia and Japan pp.1-21

Original Article

Mikami, O. K. & Morimoto, G.: Additional Evidence of the Decline of the Tree Sparrow in Japan, Based on Bird Banding Data* pp.23-31

Takahashi, M.: Breeding Schedule and Mating System of the Copper Pheasant Syrmaticus soemmerringii* pp.33-46

Short Notes

Ikawa, M.-J. & Ikawa, H.: The Record of a Probable Wild Branta canadensis parvipes from Japan pp.47-56

Eda. M., Koike, H., Sato, F. & Higuchi, H.: Genetic Profile of Deko-chan, an Un-ringed Short-tailed Albatross in Torishima, Izu Islands, and the Implication for the Species' Population Structure pp.57-64

Yoshino, T., Kawakami, K., Hayama, H., Ichikawa, N., Azumano, A., Nakamura, S., Endoh, D. & Asakawa, M.: A Parasitological Survey on Introduced Birds in Japan pp.65-73

Onuma, M., Yoshino, T., Zhao, C., Nagamine, T. & Asakawa, M.: Parasitic Helminths Obtained from Okinawa Rails, Gallirallus okinawae pp.74-81


Watanabe, Y. & Koshiyama,Y.: Record of a Gray-faced Buzzard Eating a Scarabaeid Beetle Larva in its Nest* pp.82-85

Kazama, T. & Okada, H.: A Record of Japanese Wood Pigeon Columba janthina from Niigata City, Central Honshu, Japan* pp.86-87

Hori, S. & Kashiki, H.: Nest site, Breeding Season and Breeding Success of Goshawk Accipiter gentilis in the South of Kyoto Prefecture* pp.88-95

Oka, N.: Mortality of Short-tailed Shearwater migratory flocks in the Mutsu Bay, in the northern Japan** pp.96-99

Obituary** pp.100-101
Instructions for Authors** p.102
Instructions for Authors p.103

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 42 No. 2 (No. 124) 20 March 2011
Original Article

Kitagawa, T.: Bigamous Trios in the Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus himantopus: II. Contribution of Members of Trios toward Incubation and Chick-caring pp.129-141

Short Notes

Oliveros, C. H. & Layusa, C. A. A.: First Description of the Nest and Eggs of the Calayan Rail pp.143-146

Kohno, H. & Mizutani, A.: The First Record of Brewster's Brown Booby Sula leucogaster brewsteri for Japan pp.147-153

Watanabe, T. & Suzuki, Y.: Bewick's Swans Foraging upon Rhizomes of Sparganium japonicum* pp.155-160


Mori, A., Mitsuyama, Y., Hirano, M. & Yamagishi, S.: An Observation of Predation by Alcedo atthis on a Colubrid Snake, Amphiesma vibakari vibakari* pp.161-163

Watabe, Y.: The Records of Two-barred Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus in Japan* pp.164174

Noro, K., Kubo, S. & Sato, M.: A Record of Actitis macularia from Eastern Hokkaido* pp.175-176

Takaya, S.: Breeding Ecology of Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus —Breeding-site Tenacity and Production of Second Brood* pp.177-184

Kobayashi, S. & Tsurumi, M.: Catalogue of Bird Skins, Eggs and Nests in the Yamashina lnstitute for Ornithology: The lchiro Kawai Collection* pp.185-198

Book reviews** pp.199-201
Instructions for Authors** p.203
List of Reviewers from 1 Apri1 2010 to 31 March 2011 p.204

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 42 No. 1 (No. 123) 30 September 2010
Special articles:

Life History and Social Life of Birds in Australian Monsoon Tropics

Eguchi, K.: Life-history of Birds in Australian Monsoon Tropics* pp.1-18

Katsuno, Y., Okida, T., Yamaguchi, N., Nishiumi, I. & Eguchi, K.: Bower Structure is a Good Predictor of Mating Success in the Great Bowerbird pp.19-33

Okida, T., Katsuno, Y., Eguchi, K. & Noske, R. A.: How Interacting Multiple Male Sexual Signals Influence Female Choice in the Great Bowerbird pp.35-46

Nakamura, M., Takaki, Y., Mori, S., Ueda, K., Nishiumi, I., Takagi, M., Noske, R. A. & Eguchi, K.: Impacts of Fire on the Group Composition of the Red-backed Fairy-Wren Malurus melanocephalus cruentatus in the Non-Breeding Season pp.47-64

Sato, N. J., Morimoto, G., Noske, R. A. & Ueda, K.: Nest Form, Colour and Nesting Habitat Affect Predation Rates of Australasian Warblers (Gerygone spp.)in Tropical Mangroves pp.65-78

Original Article

Tomita, N., Someya, S., Nishiumi, I., Hasegawa, O., Inonue, Y. & Takagi, M.: The Carcass Records of Large-sized Larus sp. with Yellow Legs on Teuri Island, Hokkaido, Japan* pp.79-90


Okahisa, Y.: Authenticated Observation Records of the Ryukyu Robin Erithacus komadori in Yakushima Island* pp.91-95

Kawana, K.: Singing Activity of the Japanese Night Heron* pp.96-101

Takahashi, M., Morimoto, G., Ebina, J. & Miya, A.: A Preliminary Note on Plumage Colouration in the Japanese Marsh Warbler Locustella pryeri: A Comparison between Two Local Populations pp.102-106

Hirata, K. & Kurihara, Y.: A Record of Nocturnal Foraging near an Artificial Light by a Thick-billed Murre Uria lomvia pp.107-109

Kobayashi, S. & Yamasaki, T.: Catalogue of Bird Specimens in the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology Donated by Mr. Tsutomu Fujimoto* pp.110-116

Erratum p.117
Instructions for Authors** pp.118-122
Instructions for Authors pp.123-127

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 41 No. 2 (No. 122) 25 March 2010

1: The common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis, the Kenji Shioura's first wildlife photography.
2: The Hooded Crane Grus monacha by K. Shimomura and its original dry plate.

Original Aricles

Wanghongsa, S. & Hayashi, Y.: Activity and Density of Red Jungle Fowl Gallus gallus in a Dry Evergreen Forest in Thailand pp.141-152

Yasoshima, M., Sakemi, K., Asai, S., Harada, S., Ikeda, Y., Hattori, T. & Yamagishi, S.: Characteristics and Temporal Variations of Trace Element Levels in Feather Samples of Hodgson's Hawkeagle in Japan pp.153-170

Fujii, T.: Identification of Geese, Swans and Ducks by the Barbule Structure of Feathers* pp.171-183


Tsukamoto, Y., Hirota, M., Hiraoka, T., Yoshida, A. & Tsurumi, M.: The Cataloging and Photographic Conservation of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology Collection of Kenji Shimomura, Japan's Pioneer of Wildlife Photography* pp.185-199

Hong, G.-P., Bing, G.-C., Choi, C.-Y., Nam, H.-Y., Won, I.-J., Kim, S.-J., Park, J.-G. & Chae, H.-Y.: Migrating Black Drongo Dicturus macrocercus Feeding on Passerines on a Stopover Island, Korea pp.200-203

Hayashi, Y., Tanaka, M., Tsumura, H. & Fujimaki, Y.: Breeding of the Night Heron in South-western Hokkaido, Japan* pp.204-206

Kawana, K.: Temporal Variation in Parental Provisioning of Nestings of the Japanese Night Heron Gorsachius goisagi* pp.207-211

Kubo, S. & Sato, M.: A Record of Erithacus rubecula from Eastern Hokkaido* pp.212-213

Kobayashi, S., Kajita, M., Momose, K., Komeda, S. & Kazama, T.: A Specimen of Rufous-chested Flycatcher Ficedula dumetoria Collected from Niigata Prefecture, Japan* pp.214-219

Instructions for Authors** pp.220-223
Instructions for Authors pp.224-228

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 41 No. 1 (No. 121) 20 September 2009

Kawana, K.: Bent Open Wings at Feeding Time: A Ruse by Chicks of the Japanese Night Heron Gorsachius Goisagi that Simuates Multiple Individuals? pp.1-2

Original Article

Hamada, T., Kon, M. & Noma, N.: The Relationship between Spring Migratory Flight Activity of Hypsipetes amaurotis and Weather Conditions on the Shore of Lake Biwa at Hikone City, Shiga Prefcture pp.3-17

Short Notes

Fukushima, N. & Fukushima, R.: Records of Heuglin's Gull Larus heuglini, Lesser black-backed Gull L. fuscus and Iceland Gull L. glaucoides in Chijiwa-machi, Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture pp.18-33

Ishizuka, T.: Whisper Song in the Grey Thrush Turdus cardis Immediately Before and After Feeding Their Young pp.34-41

Yoshino, T., Nakamura, S., Endoh, D., Onuma, M., Osa, Y., Teraoka, H., Kuwana, T. & Asakawa, M.: A Helminthological Survey of Four Families of Waterfowl (Ardeidae, Ralidae, Scolopacidae, and Phalaropodidae) from Hokkaido, Japan pp.42-54


Yoshino, T., Shingaki, T., Onuma, M., Kinjo, T., Yanai, T., Fukushi, H., Kuwana, T. & Asakawa, M: Prasitic Helminths and Arthropods of the Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis cheela perplexus Swann, 1922 from Yaeyama pp.55-61

Kawana, K.: Behavior of the Captive Japanese Night Heron Gorsachius goisagi in the Non-breeding Season pp.62-65

Mizuta, T., Utsunomiya, H., Torikai, H. & Abe, Y.: A Record of Gray's Grasshopper Warbler Found on a Ferry Sailing from Kyushu to Amami-Oshima Island pp.65-68

Ido, H., Imada, Y. & Obata, Y.: First Authentic Records of Gray's Grasshopper Warbler Locustella fasciolata and Lanceolated Warbler L. lanceolata in Ehime Prefecture, Japan pp.69-73

Honda, Y. & Hayashi, U.: How do the Local People Think about the Release of Japanese Crested Ibis Nipponia Nippon just after the Release? : From the Questionnaire Survey in the Entire Sado City pp.74-100

Kobayashi, S., Asai, S., Hiraoka, T., Momose, K., Saitoh, T., Urano, E. & Yamagishi, S.: The Registration System of Specimens and Materials in the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology pp.101-126

Obituary** p.127
Errata** p.131
Instructions for Authors** p.132
Instructions for Authors p.136

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 40 No. 2 (No. 120) 20 March 2009
Original Article

Kitagawa, T.: Bigamous Trios in the Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus himantopus: I. Pathways to form Bigamous Trios pp.73-82

Short Notes

Ishizuka, T.: Repertoire Sizes of the Whistle and Trill Parts of the Song of the Grey Thrush Turdus cardis in Relation to the Mating Success of the Males pp.83-89

Hongo, Y. & Kaneda, H.: Field Observations of Predation by the Ural Owl Strix uralensis upon the Japanese Horned Beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus septentrionalis pp.90-95

Imanishi, S., Obata, Y., Murata, K., Edagawa, T., Iwasaki, K., & Ohmura, H.: Differential Timing of Autumn Migration of Three Species of Leaf Warblers Phylloscopus in Central Japan* pp.96-103


Saitou, T. & Asakawa, M.: Breeding Population of the Great Tit Parus major* pp.104-116

Summers-Smith, J. D.: Densities of House Sparrows in Different Urban Habitats in a Small Town in NE England pp.117-124

Mizutani, A. & Kohno, H.: A Proposal for Methods of Monitoring the Black-naped Tern and Roseate Tern -Counting of the Nest Number and Assessing the Egg Laying Period Based on Estimated Age of Chick by Observation from Outside the Colony- * pp.125-138

Sato, F.: Increase in Pairs of the Short-tailed Albatross Diomedea albatrus at an Artificial Breeding Ground* pp.139-143

Asai, S. & Asai, S.: The Bush Warbler and Other Birds Inhabiting the Tokyo University Forest in Chichibu in 2005* pp.144-153

Nishi, N.: The First Records of a Little Bunting in Mie Prefecture* pp.154-155

Watabe, Y. & Watabe, C.: The Observation Record of an Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus on Hachijo-jima, Tokyo* pp.156-158

Obituary** p.159
Errata** p.161
Instructions for Authors** p.162
Instructions for Authors p.166
List of Reviewers p.171

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 40 No. 1 (No. 119) 20 September 2008
Original Article

Kiyota, M. & Minami, H.: Marine Habitat of the Short-tailed Albatross near Japan, Estimated from Ship-based Survey Data* pp.1-12

Short Notes

Kikuchi, S., Yao, C., Sotoyama, S., Matsumoto, C. & Nishiumi, I.: The First Record in Japan of the Black-chinned Fruit Dove Ptilinopus leclancheri with a Note on subspecies P. l. taiwanus* pp.13-22


Zhang, J., Takada, M., Harada, A., Akishinonomiya, F. & Hayashi, Y. : Applying the Kansei Models to the Preference of Chicken Figures in Japan and Thailand -Based on an Investigation of Preference for Chicken Figures in Chiang Rai and Okinawa-* pp.23-42

Hashiguchi, T., Takada, M., Kawashima, S., Akishinonomiya, F., Ito, S. & Kawabe, K. : Gene Constitution of Morphological Characters of Native Chickens in in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province, China* pp.43-52

Fujita, K.: Japanese Murrelet Synthliboramphus wumizusume Chicks Observed on the Coast of Tateyama, Chiba Prefecture, Japan* pp.53-55

Ezaki, Y., Hikone, H. & Endo, N.: Breeding of the Highly Endangered Japanese Night Heron Gorsachius goisagi in a Remnant Forest within a Residential Area of Sanda City, Hyogo Prefecture* pp.56-58

Obituary** p.59
Book Review** p.61
Errata** p.63
Instructions for Authors** p.64
Instructions for Authors p.68

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 39 No. 2 (No. 118) 20 March 2008
Original Article

Nakamura, K.: Autumn Migration of the Brown-eared Bulbul Hypsipetes amaurotis in Kanto District, Japan: Analysis of the Data Recorded by Saito (1935-1943)* pp.69-86

Harada, T., Deguchi, T., Zaun, B., Sprague, R. S. & Jacobs, J.: An Articial Rearing Experiment of Laysan Albatross Chicks* pp.87-100

Short Notes

Mizutani, A. & Kohno, H.: Breeding Status of Black-naped and Roseate Terns in the Yaeyama Islands, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, in 2001pp.101-111

Kazama, K., Sakamoto, K. Q. & Watanuki, Y.: Plasma Testosterone Levels of Incubating Black-tailed Gulls* pp.112-116


Hirashima, T., Suehiro, T. & Yamamoto, Y.: Installation of Articial Bases for Nesting as an Activity to Protect the Osprey in Oil Fields in Abu Dhabi* pp.117-123

Kazama, T. & Tsuchida, T.: The First Specimen of Rufous-bellied Woodpecker Dendrocopos hyperythrus Collected from Japan* pp.124-126

Obituary** p.127
Instructions for Authors** p.129
Instructions for Authors p.133
List of Reviewers from 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 p.138

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 39 No. 1 (No. 117) 30 September 2007

Plate 1~3: The Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus in Aisai city, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

Original Article

Chiba H., Kawakami, K., Suzuki, H. & Horikoshi, K.: The Distribution of Seabirds in the Bonin Islands, Southern Japan pp.1-18

Short Notes

Kadowaki, S., Murayama, T. & Kojima, Y.: Differences in the Utilization of Cultivated and Uncultivated Paddy Fields as Hunting Grounds by the Grey-faced Buzzard-eagle, Butastur indicus pp.19-26

Hashimoto, N.: The First Record of Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus in Japan* pp.27-30


Kimura, H., Abe, Y., Yanbe, E. & Ogasawara, Ko.: Inducement of a Pair of Ospreys Pandion haliaetus to Utilize an Artificial Nest* pp.31-34

Imanishi, S.: High Mortality of Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus Nestlings During Consecutive Rainfall* pp.35-39

Watanabe, T.: Pacific Golden Plovers Pluvialis fulva Foraging on Leafhoppers Nephotettix cincticeps at Rice Fields after Harvest* pp.40-42

Kobayashi, S. & Asai, S.: A Report of Visits to Natural History Museums of the United States: From the Viewpoint of Collection Management and Loan Activity* pp.43-56

Announcement** p.57
Announcement p.58
Errata p.59
Informations for Authors** p.60
Informations for Authors p.61

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 38 No. 2 (No. 116) 20 March 2007
Original Articles

Ezaki, Y., Bamba, T. & Hotta, M.: Breeding Ecology of Forest Dwelling Grey Buntings Emberiza variabilis: Territorial Fidelity and Intense Home Range Overlap*pp.67-69

Murakami, M., Ohshima, S. & Yamagishi, S.: Effect of Aquatic Insect Emergence on the Bird Community in Riparian Forest* pp.80-89

Short Note

Imanishi, S., Shigeta, Y. & Yoshino, T.: Interspecific Pair of a Male Brown and a Female Thick-billed Shrike, Lanius cristatus superciliosus and L. tigrinus, and Their Hybrids at Nobeyama Plateau in Central Japan* pp.90-96


Yamauchi, T. & Ozaki, K.: The Louse Fly Ornithoica exilis (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) Collected from the Okinawa Rail Gallirallus okinawae (Gruiformes: Rallidae) pp.97-99

Liu, Y., Holt, P. & Zhang, Z.: Wintering Records of Saunders's Gull in Bohai Bay, China pp.100-103

Fujimaki, Y. & Ichikita, K.: Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Population Trends in Residential Areas of Hokkaido* pp.104-107

Hirata, K.: Night Time Aggregation of White-rumped Swifts and a House Martin Gathered at Fish Attraction Lamps** pp.108-109

Kuroda, N.: Fragmental Notes on Avian Morpho-anatomy: 7. Myological Notes on the Blue-footed Booby Sula nebouxii pp.110-119

Fujii, T. & Maruoka, R.: Classification of Birds with Unique Feather Structures ---Basic Data for Identifying Feathers---* pp.120-142

Yoshikawa, T.: Feeding Behaviors of Masked Grosbeak Eophona personata on Acorns of Fagaceous Species* pp.143-146

Informations for Authors** P.147
Informations for Authors p148

*In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 38 No. 1 (No. 115) 30 September 2006

Asakawa, M. & Saitou, T.: Composition of Breeding Population in the Grey Starling Sturnus cineraceus* pp.1-13

Original Article

Mori, Y.: Time Allocation and Frequency of Behaviors during Foraging Activities in Captive White-faced Whistling Ducks: the Effect of Distance between Food and Water pp. 14-21

Short Note

Shigeta, Y., Uchida, H. & Momose, H.: Measurements and Identification of the Japanese Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis fujiyamae* pp.22-29


Okabe, A., Satoh, T., Okabe, K., Nakagawa, T., Imamura, E., Matsushita, K., Nagano, K., Ishiwatari, Y., Amemoto, K., Hayashi, Y. & Akishinonomiya, F.: Applicability of a Wireless Fidelity Positioning System to Tracking Free-range Domestic Fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) and Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris galeata) pp.30-39

Tashiro, Y., Yoshihara, C. & Takeuchi, S.: A Possible Involvement of ASIP in the Regulation of Feather Pigmentation in Birds** pp.40-46

Kobayashi, M. & Nakamura, M.: Distribution and Population Size of Crows (Corvus macrorhynchos and C.corone) Inhabiting the Alpine Zone, Central Honshu, Japan * pp.47-55

Tahara, R., Nagahora, S., Watanabe, Y. & Kurosawa, N.: Determination of Fenthion in Dead Japanese Cranes* pp.56-59

Watanabe, T. & Kitazawa, H.: An Old Record of Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca in Saitama Prefecture** pp. 60-64

Informations for Authors** p.65
Informations for Authors p.66

*In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.37 No.2 (No. 114) 20 March 2006
Original Article

Ishizuka, T.: Song Structure, Song Repertoire and Individual Identification by Song of the Japanese Grey Thrush Turdus cardis* pp.113-136


Yamamoto, Y., Kakizawa, R. & Yamagishi, S.: Mitochondrial Genome Project on Endangered Birds in Japan:2. Red-tailed Tropicbird, Phaethon rubricauda pp.137-146

Mitsukuri K., Takahashi M., Nagamine, K. & Ueda, T.: Observations of Breeding Activity of Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus in Etomo Peninsula, South-eastern Hokkaido** pp.147-152

Takeuchi, K. & Yoshida, Y.: Water-level Related Variations in the Numbers of Little and Great-crested Grebes at a Reservoir* pp.153-158

Informations for Authors** p.159
Informations for Authors p.160
List of Reviewers from 1 April 2004 to 31 March 2005 p.161

* In Japanese with English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.37 No.1 (No. 113) 30 September 2005

Kojima, K. & Kojima, Y.: A Snipe, the Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris), at the Ridge of Northern Alps, Tyougatake** pp.1-2

Short Notes

Ishinabe, S., Sugimori, F. & Mori ,Y.: Variance in the Sex Ratio among Pintails Wintering in the Tokyo Area* pp.3-10

Watanabe, T., Okuzaki, M. & Negishi, Y.: Nutritional Composition of Secondary Rice Stem: Lower Part Foraged and Upper Part Left by Middendorff's Bean Goose* pp.11-13

Watabe,Y., Sasaki, Y. & Kobayashi, Y.: The First Record of Booted Warbler Hippolais caligata in Japan* pp.14-19


Yamamoto, Y., Kakizawa, R. & Yamagishi, S.: Mitochondrial Genome Project on Endangered Birds in Japan: 1. Ancient Murrelet, Synthliboramphus antiquus pp.20-29

De Kroon, G. H. J. & Mommers, M. H. J.: Biology and Breeding Ecology of the East Asiatic Water Rail on Shunkunitai Island, Hokkaido, Japan pp.30-42

Yu, Y. & Swennen, C.: Food-begging by a Juvenile Black-faced Spoonbill at a Wintering Site pp.43-44

Suzuki, T. & Morioka, H.: Distribution and Extinction of the Ogasawara Islands Honeyeater Apalopteron familiare on Chichijima, Ogasawara Islands pp.45-49

Hariyama, T. : Micro-structural Observation of Feathers of the Kingfisher** pp.50-55

Urano, E., Kobayashi, S. & Momose, K.: A Questionnaire on Bird Specimens Kept in Schools* pp.56-68

Higuchi, T. & Hirokawa, J.: Records of the Bluethroat Luscinia svecica, in Hokkaido* pp.69-71

Kamiya K. & Kirihara K.: A Providence Petrel (Pterodroma solandri) Recorded on Yumigahama Coast in Yonago City, Western Japan* pp.72-74

Yasuda, K.: Japanese Birds in the Mid Edo Period pp.75-109

Informations for Authors**  p. 110
Informations for Authors  p. 111

*In Japanese With English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.36 No.2 (No. 112) 20 March 2005
Original Article

Kasuya, T.: Location of Winter Roost and Foraging Area of Grey Starling Sturnus cineraceus in the Kanto Plain, Central Honshu, Japan --Comparison with the Data Collected 40 Years Ago* pp.105-115

Short Note

Kitagawa, T.: The Clutch Size of the Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus himantopus* pp.117-119


Takamatsu, J., Uehara, Y., Masuda, T., Nakazawa, A., Ikeuchi, K., Okabe, A., Hayashi, Y., Ino, Y., Oka, T., Nomura, K., Amano, T. & Akishinonomiya, F.: A Novel Osteometrical Method Using Computer Vision Techniques for Comparison of Morphological Differnces * pp.120-128

Fujimaki, Y.: Body Sizes of Hazel Grouse Bonasa bonasia from Hokkaido pp.129-132

Ueda, K.: Birds Eating Fruits of a Pioneer Tree Mallotus japonicus on Iriomote Island* pp.133-135

Yoshida, A., Akishinonomiya, F., Yamagishi, S. & Tanida, K.: Underground Temperature Change throughout a Year Measured at a Coastal Dune Bearing Sub-Fossil Egg Shell Fragments of the Elephant Bird (Aepyornis) in Faux-Cap, Southern Madagascar** pp.136-140

Kirihara, K.: Observation Records of Aythya nyroca around Lake Nakaumi for Summer Season in 2004** pp.141-144

Kaneda, H. & Yamagishi, S.: Video Analysis of Hodgson's Hawk-eagle Spizaetus nipalensis Predation on Live Chicken pp.145-149

Tamada, K. & Kotani, Y.: Observation Record of Daurian Jackdaw at Shiranuka, Eastern Hokkaido* pp.150-153

Nakano, T., Horai, S., Yoshida, A., Akishinonomiya, F. & Yamagishi, S.: Report on the Eggshell Cutting Process of the Extinct Malagasy Elephant Bird Aepyornis * pp.154-161

Book Reviews** p.162
Informations for Authors** pp.166
Informations for Authors pp.167
List of Reviewers from 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004

*In Japanese With English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.36 No.1 (No. 111) 30 September 2005
Original Articles

Yoshino, T. & Fujiwara, K.: Feeding and Digestive Conditions of the Seeds of Mallotus japonicus Based on Analysis of Excretions from Crows (Corvus macrorhynchos & C. corone)* pp.1-14

Short Notes

DeCandido, R., Allen, D. & Yosef, .: Merops Migration at Tanjung Tuan, Malaysia: An Important Spring Bee-eater Migration Watchsite in South-east Asia pp.15-21

Maeda, T., Inoue, Y., Obara, N., Arakida, N. & Tsujimoto, T.: Long-distance Movement of a Rescured Juvenile Golden Eagle after Release into the Wild pp.22-27

Komatsu, Y., Satoh, H., Fujisawa, M. & Chiba, A.: Some Aspects of Seasonal Migration of the Bush Warbler Cettia diphone at Niigata City on the Coast of Central Japan, as Revealed by Banding pp. 28-36


Norinomiya, S., Kanoya, S., Ando, T. & Kakizawa, R.: A Bird Census in the Akasaka Imperial Grounds (September 1986-Decemer 2001)** pp.37-71

Kazama, T.: Diagnosis and Medical Treament of Injured/Diseased Wild Birds, Their Captive Maintenance and Release after Recovery** pp.72-82

Hirano, T.: Do Gray-faced Buzzards Bring Larger Prey to Their Mates and Chicks?* pp.83-86

Horimoto, T.: Records of Magpie Pica pica in Iburi District, South-western Hokkaido* pp.87-90

Tonosaki, H., Kawai, D. & Ichikita, T.: A Record of the Pied Harrier Circus melanoleucos in Atsuma, Hokkaido* pp.91-92

Nuka, T., Kuwabara, K., Noichi, T., Haga, H. & Takeda, S.: Observation Records of the Japanese Murrelet Synthliboramphus wumizusume in the Breeding Season in Chiba Prefecture, Japan* pp. 93-96

Morimoto, G., Tanaka, K. & Ueda, K.: A Case of Brood Parasitism of Olive-backed Pipits Anthus hodgsoni by the Horsfield's Hawk Cuckoo Cusulus fugax pp.97-102

Informations for Authors**  p.103
Informations for Authors  p.104

*In Japanese With English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.35 No.2 (No. 110) 20 March 2004

Oka, T., Amano, T., Hayashi, Y. & Akishinonomiya, F.: Philological Studies on Subspecific Recognition and Distribution of Red Junglefowl* pp.77-87

Naito, Y.: Recent Advances in Studies of the Diving Behavior of Marine Birds and Mammals with Micro-data Loggers pp.88-104

Original Articles

Lee, K.-G. & Yoo, J.-C.: Variation in Chick Provisioning of Streaked Shearwaters (Calonectris leucomelas) during the Early Nestling Stage pp.105-119

Murata, K. Hagihara, M. & Sugimori, F.: Comparison of Some Methods for Determining Total Protein Concentrations in the Plasma of Wild Pintails (Anas acuta) and its Reference Value* pp.120-126

Murata, K., Hagihara, M., Terada, A., Tokuhira, C., Terakawa, K. & Sugimori, F.: Plasma Protein Fractionation by Electrophoresis and Albumin/Globulin Ratio of the Pintail (Anas acuta)* pp.127-133

Kotaka, N. & Sawashi, Y.: The Road-kill of the Okinawa Rail Gallirallus okinawae* pp.134-143

Short Notes

Yamamoto, Y. & Higuchi, H.: First Record of the Varied Tit Subspecies Parus varius varius from Miyake Island of the Izu Islands, Central Japan pp.144-148

Nakamura, M. & Umezawa, Y.: Effects of the Felling of Roosting Forest on Roost Size and Site of Crows pp.149-154

Nakamura, M., Okamiya, T. & Yamagishi, S.: The Diet of Adult and Nestling Sickle-billed Vangas Falculea palliata, a Species Endemic to Madagascar pp.155-158

Uchida, H., Ishimatsu, Y. & Okamoto, J.: A Report of the Ranging and Roosting Behaviors of a Breeding-failed Male of the Gray-faced Buzzard Eagle (Butastur indicus)* pp.159-163


Oka, N.: The Distribution of Streaked Shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas) Colonies, with Special Attention to Population Size, Area of Sea Where Located and Surface Water Temperature* pp.164-188

Okuyama, M.: Current Status of Japanese Quail Coturnix japonica as a Game Bird* pp.189-202

Ando, T., Mukoyama, H., Yoshida, A., Akishinonomiya, F. & Yamagishi, S.: Chemical Identification of Brownish Stain Adhered to the Eggshell Surface of Extinct Elephantbird, Aepyornis, from Madagascar** pp.203-206

Kuroda, N.: Fragmental Notes on Avian Morpho-anatomy: 6. Notes on Myology and Anatomy of the Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens pp.207-219

Ogi, H., Kiyota, M., Minami, H., Nakano, H.: Provisional Japanese Common Names of Reclassified 24 Albatross Species*  pp.220-226

Informations for Authors**  p.227
Informations for Authors  p.228
List of Reviewers from 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2003  p.229

*In Japanese With English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol. 35 No. 1 (No. 109) 30 September 2003
Original Articles

Yanbe, E., Abe, Y., Omachi, Y. & Ogasawara, K.: Efforts at Relocating the Nest Site of a Pair of Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) through the Use of Artificial Nests*  pp.1-11

Kitajima, S. & Fujimaki, Y.: Lathamユs Snipe Gallinago hardwickii Population Trends in the Tokachi Plain, Hokkaido*  pp.12-18

Kawakami, K. & Higuchi, H.: Population Trend Estimation of Three Threatened Bird Species in Japanese Rural Forests: the Japanese Night Heron Gorsachius goisagi, Goshawk Accipiter gentilis and Grey-faced Buzzard Butastur indicus  pp.19-29

Xi, Y., Lu, B., Ozaki, K. & Hattori, M.: Effects of Environmental Stress on the Parental Behavior in Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon)  pp.30-38

Short Notes

Ishige, K., Izawa, M. & Ueda, K.: Sucking Nectar from Mangrove Flowers by White-eyes Zosterops japonicus loochooensis on Iriomote Island*  pp.39-44


Hirokawa, J., Hamada, T. & Higuchi, T.: Return of the Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus to Its Breeding Grounds in Western Hokkaido*  pp.45-51

Kasuya, T.: Night Return-flights from Roost to Territory in Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos at the Rural Area**  pp.52-54

Watanabe, Y., Matsumoto, F. & Koga, K.: A Survey of the Coccidian Infection of Wild Japanese Cranes Grus japonensis in Hokkaido*  pp.55-60

Kurosawa , R. & Hoshi, Y.: Reuse of Nest Materials by the Carrion Crows Corvus corone and Jungle Crows C. macrorhynchos*  pp.61-64

Book Review**  pp.65-66
Instructions for Authors**  pp.67-70
Instructions for Authors (English)  pp.71-75

*In Japanese with English Abstract
**In Japanese

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Vol.34 No.2 (No. 108) 20 March 2003
Original Articles

Yoshida, Y.: Foraging Areas and Roost Utilization of Non-territorial Individuals of the Carrion Crow Corvus corone* pp.257-269

Lu, X., Gong G, & Ren C.: Reproductive Ecology of Tibetan Partridge Perdix hodgsoniae in Lhasa mountains, Tibet pp.270-278


Brazil, A. M. & Shergalin J.: The Status and Distribution of the Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus in Russia II: Central and Eastern Siberia, and the Russian Far East  pp.279-308

Short Notes

Shigeta, Y.: The First Authentic Record of Chinese Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana cumatilis for Japan*  pp.309-313

Momose, K., Sato F. , Kajita, A. & Saitou, K. : Observations of Breeding Activity of Short-tailed Albatross Diomedea albatrus by Satellite Portable Phone*  pp.314-319

Brazil A. M.: Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus: New for Japan  pp.320-324


Sato F. & Tsurumi, M.: Protection of Nesting Burrows Destruction of the Endangered Madeiran Storm-petrels, by Streaked Shearwaters Using Wire Mesh Netting*  pp.325-330

Yoshida, A., Akishinonomiya F., Yamagishi S. & Asada E.: Estimation of Egg Content of Malagasy Extinct Elephant Bird Aepyornis by Computed Tomography**  pp.331-334

Kuroda, N.: Fragmental Notes on Avian Morpho-anatomy: 5. Myological Analysis of a Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber **  pp.335-340

Editor statements (S. Yamagishi) pp.341-344
List of Reviewers from 1 April 2001 to 31 March 2002  p.345
Instructions to Authors**  pp.346-349

*In Japanese With English Abstract
** In Japanese

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Vol.34 No.1 (No. 107) 25 October 2002
The 50th Anniversary Memorial Issue
Original Articles

Itoh, M. T. & Nakamura, T.: Photoperiod Conditions Influence Fecal Estradiol Levels in Females of Migratory Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus and Non-migratory Meadow Bunting Emberiza cioides pp.1-8

Eda-Fujiwara,H.,Watanabe, A. & Kimura,T.: The Role of Learned Acoustic Structure in the Song of the Budgerigar, Melopsittacus undulates pp.9-15

Eguchi, K. & Yamagishi, S.: The Incubation and Hatching Patterns of the Rufous Vanga pp.16-29

Takagi, M.: Reproductive Performance and Nestling Growth of a Brown Shrike Subspecies Lanius cristatus superciliosus in Hokkaido pp.30-38

Oka, N., Suginome, H., Maruyama, N. & Jida, N.: Chick Growth of Streaked Shearwaters (Calonectris leucomelas) on Mikura Island for Two Breeding Seasons pp.39-59

Kikkawa,J.& Wilson, M. J.: Fighting Strategies of Silvereyes, Zosterops lateralis pp.60-65

Iwasa, A. M., Kryukov, A. P., Kakizawa, R. & Suzuki, H.: Differentiation of Mitochondrial Gene of Jungle Crow, Corvus macrorhynchos (Corvidae), in East and South Asia pp.66-72

Fujimaki,Y.: Food Habit of Hazel Grouse in Hokkaido, Japan pp.73-79

Kawaji, N., Yamaguchi, Y. & Yano, Y.: The Fate of Captive-bred Copper Pheasants Syrmaticus soemmerringii Released in Tochigi Prefecture, Eastern Japan pp.80-88

Yosef,R. & Tryjanowski, P.: Avian Species Saturation at a Long-Term Ringing Station — a Never-ending Story? pp.89-95

Komeda, S. & Ueki, Y.: Long Term Monitoring of Migratory Birds at Otayama Banding Station (1973-1996)* pp.96-111

Norinomiya, S., Kanoya, S., Ando,T. & Kakizawa, R.: Breeding Status of Common Kingfishers Alcedo atthis in the Imperial Palace and the Akasaka Imperial Grounds* pp.112-125

Yoshiyasu, K. & Ozaki, K.: Seasonal Changes in Numbers and Diet of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus at Obitsu Estuary in Tokyo Bay* pp.126-135

Ozaki, K., Baba, T., Komeda, S., Kinjyo, M., Toguchi, Y. & Harato, T.: The Declining Distribution of the Okinawa Rail Gallirallus okinawae * pp.136-144


Kiyota, M.: Incidental Take of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries: Nature of the Issue and Measures for Mitigation* pp.145-161

Brazil, M. & Shergalin, J.: The Status and Distribution of the Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus in Russia I:Western Russia and Western Siberia pp.162-199

Asakawa, M., Nakamura, S. & Brazil, M. A.: An Overviwe of Infections and Parasitic Diseases in Relation to the Conservation Biology of the Japanese Avifauna pp.200-221

Short Notes

Kuroda,N.: Fragmental notes on Avian Morpho−anatomy: 4. Myological Sketches of a Stanley Crane Anthropoides paradisea pp.222-227

Imanishi, S.: The Drastic Decline of Breeding Population on Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus superciliosus at Nobeyama Plateau in Central Japan pp.228-231

Asai, S., Mizuta, T., Eguchi, K. & Yamagishi, S.: Environmental Cues that Initiate Reproduction in the Rufous Vanga (Schetba rufa) pp.232-239

Shigeta, Y., Hiraoka, T. & Gonzalez, J. C. T.: The First Authentic Record of the Latham's Snipe Gallinago hardwickii for the Philippines pp.240-244

Watanuki, Y.: Moonlight and Activity of Breeders and Non-breeders of Leach's Storm-petrels pp.245-249

Tsurumi, M., Kawasaki, H. & Sato, F.: Present Status and Epidemiological Investigation of Carios (Ornithodoros) capensis in the Colony of the Black-footed Albatross Diomedea nigripes on Tori-shima, Izu Islands, Japan* pp.250-256

* In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 33 No. 2 (No. 106) 20 March 2002

Ono, K. & Watanabe, J.: Japanese Murrelets and A Long-billed Murrelet i

Special articles: Seabirds in East Asia

Watanuki, Y., Carter, H. R., Nelson, S. K & Ono, K.: Biology, Status, and Conservation of Japanese Seabirds: Introduction of a Symposium by the Japanese Seabird Group and Pacific Seabird Group pp.59-60

Carter, H, R., Ono, K., Fries, J. N., Hasegawa, H., Ueta, M., Higuchi, H., Moyer, J. T., Ochikubo Chan, L K., de Forest, L. N., Hasegawa, M. & van Vliet, G. B.: Status and Conservation of the Japanese Murrelet (Synthliboramphus wumizusume) in the Izu Islands, Japan pp.61-87

Nelson, S. K., Fukuda, Y. & Oka, N.: The Status and Conservation of the Long-billed Murrelet in Japan pp.88-106

Osa, Y., & Watanuki, Y.: Status of Seabirds Breeding in Hokkaido pp.107-141

Lee, K.-G. & Yoo, J.-C.: Breeding Population of Streaked Shearwaters (Calonectris leucomelas) and the Effect of Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Predation on Sasudo Island pp.142-147

Originals Articles

Kajita, M., Mano, T. & Satoh, F.: Two Forms of Bush Warbler Cettia diphone Occur on Okinawajima Island: Re-evaluation of C. d. riukieuensis and C. d. restricta by Multivariate Analyses* pp.148-167

Lu, X. & Ciren, S.: Habitat Selection and Flock Size of Tibetan Partridge Perdix hodgsoniae during Autumn-Winter pp.168-175

Mahaulpatha, D., Mahaulpatha, T., Nakane, K. & Fujii, T.: Diurnal Activity Budgets and Nocturnal Movements of Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) Wintering at the Hattabara Dam Lake, Western Japan pp.176-188

Kikuchi, M. & Ishii, S.: Sex Identification of the Japanese Crested Ibis, Nipponia nippon, by Chromodomain Helicase DNA Binding Protein (CHD) Gene Analysis pp.189-197

Short Notes

Kuroda, N.: Fragmental Notes on Avian Morpho-anatomy: 3. Myological Notes on Neophron percnopterus (Egyptian Vulture) and Spilornis cheela (Crested Serpent Eagle) pp.198-203

Brazil, M.: Brood Amalgamation in Bewick's Swan Cygnus columbianus bewickii: a Record from Japan pp.204-209

Brazil, M.: An Addition to the Diet of the Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus from Japan pp.210-212

List of Reviewers from I April 2000 to 3l March 2001** p.213

*In Japanese with English Abstract
**In Japanese

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Vol. 33 No. 1 (No. 105) 28 September 2001

Nakamura, M.: Hook-billed Vanga and Van Dam's Vanga, Endemic Species to Madagascar i

Special Features

Nakamura, M., Yamagishi, S. & Nishiumi, I.: Cooperative Breeding of the White-headed Vanga Leptopterus viridis, an Endemic Species in Madagascar pp.1-14

Mizuta, T., Nakamura, M. & Yamagishi, S.: Breeding Ecology of Van Dam's Vanga Xenopirostris damii, an Endemic Species in Madagascar pp.15-24

Rakotomanana, H., Nakamura, M. & Yamagishi, S.: Breeding Ecology of the Endemic Hook-billed Vanga, Vanga curvirostris, in Madagascar pp.25-35


Mahaulpatha, T., Mahaulpatha, D., Nakane, K. & Fujii, T.: Nestling Diet and Prey Selection of the Japanese Wagtail Motacilla grandis pp.36-43

Halley, D. I.: Interspecific Dominance and Risk-taking in Three Species of Corvid Scavenger pp.44-50

Short Notes

Fukuda, Y., Kotaka, N., Takada, Y., Yamamoto, Y. & Naito, H.: The First Ringing Record of House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in Japan* pp.51-53

Tsurumi, M., Sato, F., Hiraoka, T. & Maeyama, R.: Recent Evidence of Probable Breeding of the Japanese Murrelet Synthliboramphus wumizusume on Tori-shima, Izu Islands, Japan pp.54-57

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Vo1. 32 No. 2 (No. 104) 29 December 2000

Nakamura, M.: A Pair of Incubating Helmet Vangas Endemic to Madagascar


Fujimaki, Y.: Birds of Tokachi District, Hokkaido 8. Birds along the Lower and Middle Reaches of the Satsunai River* pp.61-67

Short Notes

Rakotomanana, H., Nakamura, M., Yamagishi, S. & Chiba, A.: Incubation Ecology of Helmet Vangas Euryceros prevostii, Which Are Endemic to Madagascar pp.68-72

Chiba, A. & Nakamura, M.: Note on the Morphology of the Sperm Storage Tubules in the Polygynandrous Alpine Accentor, Prunella collaris pp.73-79

Kuroda, N.: Fragmental Notes on Avian Morpho-anatomy : 2. Myological Sketch of a Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis pp.80-85

Tamura, M. & Ueda, K.: Female Song in the Siberian Blue Robin Luscinia cyane pp.86-90

Maeda, T. : Seasonal Variation in the Calling Frequency of Female Painted Snipes (Rostratula benghalensis) in Central Honshu, Japan pp.91-95

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 32 No. 1 (No. 103) 31 May 2000

Hamao, S.: The Cost of Mate Guarding in the Black-browed Reed Warbler Acrocephalus bistrigiceps: When Do Males Stop Guarding Their Mates?" pp.1-12

Takagi, M.: Plumage, Morphology, Distribution and Breeding Ecology of the Bull-headed Shrike on Minami-daito lsland* pp.13-23

Short Notes

Asakawa, M., Barus, V., Tenora, F. & Murata, K.: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study of Thelazia (Thelaziella) aquillina (Nematoda: Spirurida) Obtained from a Captive Ciconia boyciana (Aves) pp.24-30

Kuroda, N.: Fragmental Notes on Avian Morpho-anatomy: 1. Gloss Myological Sketches of a Sula leucogaster pp.31-33

Watanabe, T.: The First Record of American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica from Honshu, Japan* pp.34-36

Meetings and Conferences (Oka, N.)** pp.37-38

List of Literature Contributed to Library of Yamashina Inst. Ornitho1. in 1 April 1998-31 March 2000 (Tsurumi, M.)*** pp.39-60

*In Japanese with English Abstract
** Mainly in English
***Mainly in Japanese

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Vo1. 31 No. 2 (No. 102) 30 November 1999

Kurosawa, R. & Askins, R. A.: Differences in Bird Communities on the Forest Edge and in the Forest Interior: Are There Forest-interior Specialists in Japan? pp.63-79

Suzuki, T., Kawakami, K. & Higuchi, H.: A Convenient Method for Estimating the Breeding Density of a Threatened Passerine Bird Apalopteron familiare, Endemic to the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Japan pp.80-87

Ito, S. & Ogi, H.: Flight Speed Measurement of Short-tailed Shearwaters Puffinus tenuirostris Recorded by Ship-Loading Radar* pp.88-93

Short Notes

Kameda, K.: A Breeding Record of Raffles's Malkoha Phaenicophaeus chlorophaeus from Borneo pp.94-97

Oka, N.: First Records of Marbled Murrelets Brachyramphus marmoratus perdix Wintering on Lake Shinji, Japan pp.98-102

Higuchi, T., Hirokawa, J. & Hamada, T.: The Breeding Status of the Eastern Marsh Harrier (Circus spilonotus spilonotus) in the Ishikari Basin, Hokkaido, Japan* pp.103-107

Feature of Oil Effects on Seabirds (2)
Review Article

Oka, N., Takahashi, A., Ishikawa, K. & Watanuki, Y.: The Past and Present Impact of Oil Pollution on Seabird Mortality World-wide* pp.108-133


Sato, H.: Seabirds Affected by the Oil Pollution in the Japan Sea in January l986* pp.134-141


Tsurumi, M., Oka, N. & Ono, K.: Bibliography of World Oil Pollution with Special Reference to Seabirds Mainly since 1978** pp.142-200

Book review: Hiraoka, T.*** pp.201-202
Meetings and Conferences: Oka, N.** pp.203-204
List of Reviewers from 1 April 1998 to 31 March 1999*** p.204

*In Japanese with English Abstract
**Mainly in English
***In Japanese

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Vol. 31 No. 1 (No. 101) 31 March 1999
Feature Review Articles of Oil Effects on Seabirds (1)

Terasawa, T.: A Breeding Rhinoceros Auklet with Prey Fish at Teuri Island i

Review Articles

Oka, N.: Evaluation of Post-release Survival of Rehabilitated Oiled Seabirds* pp.1-15

Kajigaya, H. & Oka, N.: Physical Effects of Oil Pollution in Birds* pp.16-38


Han, Z., Li, F., Liu, Y. & Liu, B.: Detection of Intraspecific Genetic Relationship in Crested Ibises Nipponia nippon through Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis pp.39-44

Hayashi, Y.: Past and Present Distribution of Blakiston's Fish Owl (Ketupa blakistoni) in Hokkaido, Japan -Based upon Museum Specimens-* pp.45-61

Obituary (the late Dr. T. Chen) (Kuroda, N.)** p.62

*In Japanese with English Abstract
**In Japanese

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Vol. 30 No. 2 (No. 100) 30 November 1998

Matsubara, T. & Minami, H.: Stable Isotope Analysis in Avian Ecology: Present and Future Perspective* pp.59-82


Maeda, T.: Bird Communities and Habitat Relationship in a Residential Area of Tokyo pp.83-100

Kato, A., Watanuki, Y. & Naito, Y.: Benthic and Pelagic Foraging of Two Japanese Cormorants, Determined by Simultaneous Recording of Location and Diving Activity pp.101-108

Oka, N. & Okuyama, M.: Gas Chromatographic Analysis of External Oil and Blackish Liquid Contents of Digestive Organs of Rhinoceros Auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) in the Japan Sea pp.109-116

Meetings and Conferences p.117

List of Literature Contributed to Library of Yamashina Inst. Ornithol. in 1 April 1997-31 March 1998 (M. Tsurumi) pp.118-125

Reviewers' List in 1 Apri1 1997-31 March1998** p.126

*In Japanese with English Abstract
**In Japanese

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Vol. 30 No. 1 (No. 99) 31 March 1998

Plate 1a: The First Chick with the Parent of the Short-tailed Albatross Hatched at the Study Area in l996. (Photo: Y. Ohsawa) i
Plate 1b: A Sub-adult Short-tailed Albatross Courts a Decoy. (Photo: F. Sato) ii


Sato, F., Momose, K., Tsurumi, M, Hiraoka, T., Mitamura, A. & Baba, T.: The First Breeding Success in the Short-tailed Albatross Colony Restoration Project on Tori-shima, Using Decoys and Vocal Lure* p.1

Nagasawa, K., Barus, V. & Ogi, H.: Descriptions of Larval Contracaecum variegatum (Rudolphi, l809) and Adult Contracaecum sp. (Nematoda: Anisakidae) Collected from Seabirds of the Bering Sea pp.22-30

Nagasawa, K., Barus, V. & Ogi, H.: Stegophorus stellaepolaris (Parona, l901) (Nematoda: Acuariidae) Collected from Thick-billed Murres (Uria lomvia) of the Bering Sea pp.31-35

Niizuma, Y., Takahashi, A., Sawada, M. & Watanuki, Y.: Sexual Dimorphism in External Measurements of Adult Leach's Storm-Petrels Breeding at Daikoku Island pp.36-39

Kuroki, M., Kato, A., Watanuki, Y. & Takahashi, A.: Artificial Nest Boxes for the Study of Breeding Ecology of Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata* pp.40-46

Short Notes

Kohno, H. : Occurrence of Schizochroismic Sooty Tern Juveniles on Nakanokamishima, South Ryukyus, Japan pp.47-49

Katayama, M., Katayama, K. & Higuchi, T.: Probable Breeding of Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva) in Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan* pp.50-52

Ueda, K. & Yamaoka, A: Decrease of Song Frequency after Pairing in the Polygynous Schrenck's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus bistrigiceps pp.53-56

Announcements p.57

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 29 No. 2 (No. 98) 30 October 1997

Kaneko, H.: Breeding Crested Terns and Colonies on Nishinoshima, Ogasawara Islands, Japan i


Niizuma, Y. & Watanuki, Y.: Effects of Circadian Rhythm and Breeding Stage on Resting Metabolic Rates in Fasting Leach's Storm-petrels pp.83-90

Short Notes

Kohno, H., Sakaguchi, N. & Chiba, H.: The Breeding Status of Crested Tens in Japan pp.91-96

Hayashi, K., Ogi, H., Tsurumi, M. & Sato, F.: Present Status and Conservation of Black-footed Albatross Population in the North Pacific and on Torishima* pp.97-101

Sato, M., Ogi, H., Tanaka, M. & Sugiyama, A.: Band-bellied Crake (Rallina paykullii) Taken at Oshima Ohshima Island, Hokkaido, Japan pp.102-107

Hoshiko, K.: The First Record of Anser caerulescens atlanticus in Japan* pp.108-110

Book Reviews** (N. Oka) pp.111-114
Meetings and Conferences pp.115-116

Lists of Literatures Contributed to Library of Yamashina Inst. Ornithol. in 1 April 1996-31 March l997 (M. Tsurumi) pp.117-125
Reviewers' List in I April 1996-3l March 1997** p.126

*In Japanese with English Abstract
**In Japanese

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Vol.29 No.1(No.97) 30 March 1997

Kress, S. W.: A Translocated Atlantic Puffin with Decoys on Eastern Egg Rock i

Hiraoka, T.: Singing Japanese Marsh Warblers (Megalurus pryeri) ii


Kress, S. W.: Using Animal Behavior for Conservation: Case Studies in Seabird Restoration from The Maine Coast, USA pp.1-26

Special Features

Nagata, H.: Present Status of the Japanese Marsh Warbler (Megalurus pryeri) and Its Conservation* pp.27-42

Fujita, G. & Nagata, H.: Preferable Habitat Characteristics of Male Japanese Marsh Warblers Megalurus pryeri in Breeding Season at Hotoke-numa Reclaimed Area, Northern Honshu, Japan pp.43-49

Nagata, H. and Yoshida, H.: Some Notes on the Wintering Ecology of Japanese Marsh Warblers, Megalurus pryeri, at Two Sites around Lake Kasumigaura pp.50-56


Nakamura, S.: The Development Toward Independence of the Offspring of Carrion Crow (Corvus corone)* pp.57-66

Short Notes

Oka, N., Yagi, T. & Yamamuro, M.: Nutritional Autopsy of a Short-tailed Albatross (Diomedea albatrus) Weakened by Fishhook, Washed Ashore in Central Honshu, Japan pp.67-72

Hayashi, Y.: Morphological Characters and the Source of Eagle Owl Bubo bubo Specimens in the Far East* pp.73-79

Book Reviews** pp.80-81
Announcements** p.82
Errata p.82

*In Japanese with English Abstract
**In Japanese

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Vol. 28 No. 2 (No. 96) October 1996

Iwata, M.: A Hazel Grouse (Bonasa bonasia) in South-Eastern Hokkaido i

Wu, Y.: A White Eared-Pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon), a Vulnerable Species, Breeding in Subalpine Forest in Western Sichuan, China ii


Ishida, K.: DNA Analyses in the Ecological Studies of Birds -Phylogeny and Conservation Genetics-* pp.51-80


Fujimaki, Y. & Konishi, H.: Distribution and Abundance of Hazel Grouse in Hokkaido, Japan, Based on Questionnaire* pp.81-91

Kuroda, N. & Kazama, T.: Occurrence of Albino Chicks from Presumably the Same Pair of Corvus corone, during Contigunous Eight Years* pp.92-97

Short Notes

Yi, W. & Peng, J.: Breeding Ecology of the White Eared-Pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon) in Western Sichuan, China pp.98-102

Takagi, M.: A Sexual Difference in Plumage of Brown Shrike Subspecies, Lanius cristatus superciliosus pp.103-105

Kazama, T.: Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea Found in Niigata Prefecture, Japan* pp.106-107

Hiraoka, T.: Utilization of Artificial Floating Objects as Nest Platforms by Little Grebes and Eurasian Coots in Lake Teganuma, Central Japan pp.108-112

Book Review** pp.113-114
Announcements** pp.115-117
Reviewers' List in 1 April l995-31 March l996** p.118
Errata p.118
Contents of Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Vol. 25 (1993)-Vol. 28 (1996) pp.119-128

*In Japanese with English Abstract
**In Japanese

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Vol. 28 No. I (No. 95) March 1996

Yanagisawa, N.: An Intermediate Egret Foraging in the Rice Paddy Field after the Harvest


Chikuni, K., Minaka, N. & Ikenaga, H.: Molecular Phylogeny of Some Passeriformes, Based on Cytochrome b Sequences pp.1-8

Nakamura, M. & Ueuma, Y.: Comparative Feeding Ecology of the Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris on Mt. Hakusan and Mt. Norikura pp.9-18

Sato, N. & Maruyama, N.: Foraging Site Preference of Intermediate Egrets Egretta intermedia during the Breeding Season in the Eastern Part of the Kanto Plain, Japan pp.1934

Short Notes

Oka, N., Maruyama, N., Kuroda, N. & Skira, I. : Colony Site Selection of Short-tailed Shearwaters in Tasmania pp.35-41

Keijl, G. O.: A Historical Record of a Razorbill Alca torda from Japan pp.42-44

Kazama, T.: An Emaciated Spectacled Guillemot Cepphus carbo along the Beach in Niigata Prefecture, Honshu in Winter* pp.45-46

Announcements** pp.47-48
Book Review** pp.49-50
Errata p.50

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 27 No. 2 (No. 94) October 1995

Kaneko, H.: Apalopteron familiare on Hahajima Island, the Ogasawara Islands


Tsutsui, K., Usui, M., Kotegawa, T., Furukawa, Y. & Ishii, S.: Regulatory Mechanism of the Avian Reproductive Behavior* pp.47-65


Springer, M. S., Higuchi, H., Ueda, K., Minton, J. & Sibley, C. G.: Molecular Evidence That the Bonin Islands "Honeyeater" is a White-eye pp.66-77

Nakamura, M. & Matsuzaki, Y.: Sex Determination Based on Cloacal Protuberances in the Japanese Accentor Prunella rubida pp.78-88

Short Notes

Hosono, T. & Nakamura, K.: The First Breeding of European Hobby Falco subbuteo in Nagano City* pp.89-91

Ezaki, Y. & Miyara, Z.: Wintering of Oriental White Storks in Yonaguni Island, the Westernmost Japan* pp.92-97

Obituary (Dr. K. Haneda)** pp.98-99
Book Reviews** pp.100-104
Reviewers' List of the Contributed Papers in 1 April 1994-31 March l995** p.105

*In Japanese with English Abstract
**In Japanese

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Vol. 27 No. 1 (No. 93) March 1995

Nakamura, M. and Baba, T.: Alpine Accentors


Nakamura, M.: Effects of Supplemental Food and Female Age on Reproductive Success in the Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris pp.1-11

Gonzalez, J. C. T.: Status of Birds at the U. P. Laguna Land Grant, Luzon, Philippines pp.12-29

Minami, H., Aotsuka, M., Terasawa, T., Maruyama, N. & Ogi, H.: Breeding Ecology of the Spectacled Guillemot (Cepphus carbo) on Teuri lsland* pp.30-40

Book Reviews** pp.41-45

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 26 No. 2 (No. 92) October 1994

Plate la, b. A Votive Picture of Villagers Capturing Streaked Shearwater Drawn on a Wooden Board in the Edo Period (1603-1867) on Mikura Island. (Photos by N. Oka)
Plate 2a, b. Black-footed Albatrosses Breeding on Hatsunezaki on Torishima Island. (January 26, 1994) (Photos by T. Baba)


Ogasawara, K., Izumi, Y. & Fujii, T.: The Status of Black Woodpecker in Northern Tohoku District, Japan pp.87-98

Oka, N.: Sustainable Exploitation of Streaked Shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas on Mikura Island, off the Izu Peninsula, Japan pp.99-108

Watanuki, Y., Kato, A. & Robertson, G.: Estimation of Food Consumption in Adelie Penguin Chicks Using Body Mass and Growth pp.109-114

Bhat, G. & Maiti, B. : Study of Atresia and Its Changes in the Ovary During the Annual Reproductive Cycle of a Wild Avian Species, the Yellow-throated Sparrow (Petronia xanthocollis Burton) pp.115-125

Short Notes

Ogi, H., Sato, F., Mitamura, A., Baba, T. & Oyama, H.: A Survey of Black-footed Albatross Breeding Colonies and Chicks on Torishima, January l994 pp.126-131

Narita, A. : Occurrence of Super Normal Clutches in the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris* pp.132-134

Tanaka, Y. & Seino, T.: Notes on the Distribution of the Great-winged Petrel, Pterodroma macroptera gouldi in the Tasman Sea pp.135-136

Kawaji, N.: Ground Nesting of the Eastern Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis pp.137-139

Ogi, H., Akutagawa, H., Yoshida, M., Sato, M., Hayashi, Y. & Tanaka, M.: Two Sighting Records of the Black-capped Kingfisher (Halcyon pileata) on Oshima Ooshima Island in Hokkaido, Northern Japan pp.140-143

Reviewers' List in 1 April 1993-31 March 1994** p.144

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 26 No. I (No. 91) March 1994

Plates la-f Submerged Puffinus carneipes off Southern Boso Peninsula
Plates 2, 3 Submerged Puffinus griseas off Izu Peninsula


Ueda, K. : Extended Sperm Competition: Intra-sexual Selection and the Evolution of Avian Social Behaviour* pp.1-46


Kitajima, N.: Breeding Biology of the Coot Fulica atra on Lake Teganuma, Chiba* pp.47-58

Maitra, S. K. & Sarkar, R: Testicular Responsiveness of a Wild Passerine Bird, Lonchura malabarica, to the Oral Administration of Quinalphos, an Organophosphorous Pesticide pp.59-67

Fujimaki, Y.: Birds of Tokachi District, Hokkaido. 6. Birds along the Middle Reaches of the Tokachi River* pp.68-76

Short Notes

Ogi, H., Momose, K., Sato, F. & Baba, N.: Plastic Particles Found in the Gizzard of a Starved Black-footed Albatross (Diomedea nigripes) pp.77-80

Oka, N.: Underwater Feeding of Three Shearwaters: Pale-footed (Puffinus carneipes), Sooty (Puffinus griseus) and Streaked (Calonectris leucomelas) Shearwaters pp.81-84

Book Reviews* pp.85-86

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 25 No. 2 (No. 90) October 1993

Maeda, T.: An Approach to the "Eco-city" Coexistent with Birds* pp.105-136


Okazaki, M., Oshida, Y., Malony, R. & Warham, J.: Effects of Sooty Shearwaters Puffinus griseus on Surface Soils on Motuara Island, New Zealand pp.137-143

Fujimaki, Y. & Umeki, M. : Distribution of Dryocopus martius in Hokkaido, Japan, Based on a Questionnaire* pp.144-156

Eguchi, K., Takeishi, M. & Nagata, H.: Conservation of Wintering Hooded Cranes in Yashiro, Japan pp.157-165

Hashimoto, H. : Winter Feeding of Thick-billed Murres in Coastal Waters off the Shakotan Peninsula, Hokkaido pp.166-173

Book Review** p.174
Reviewers' List in 1 April 1992-31 March 1993** p.175

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 25 No. 1 (No. 89) March 1993

Hiraoka, T.: The Okinawa Rail Rallus okinawae

Special Features

Sibley, C. G., Ahlquist, J. E. & DeBenedictis, P.: The Phylogenetic Relationships of the Rails, Based on DNA Comparisons pp.1-11

Kuroda, N.: Morpho-anatomy of the Okinawa Rail Rallus okinawae pp.12-27

Ikenaga, H. & Gima, T.: Vocal Repertoire and Duetting in the Okinawa Rail Rallus okinawae* pp.28-39

Harato, T. & Ozaki, K,: Roosting Behavior of the Okinawa Rail pp.40-53


Kitajima, N. & Kuroda, N.: The Distribution and Size of Roosts of Crows Corvus macrorhynchos and Corvus corone in the Northwestern Part of Chiba Prefecture* pp.54-61

Bhat, G. & Maiti, B.: Effects of Nitrofurantoin and Cadmium Chloride on Spermatogenetic Activity in an Avian Pest, the Yellow-throated Sparrow (Petronia xanthocollis Burton ) pp.62-67

De, K. & Ghosh, A.: Influence of Dehydration Stress on the Adrenal Glands of Two Semi-domesticated Avian Species pp.68-75

Konisi, H., Suzuki, T., Tamada, K. & Fujimaki, Y.: Breeding Biology of Dryocopus martius in Central Hokkaido* pp.76-92

Suzuki, T.: Singing Activity of the Bonin Islands Honeyeater Apalopteron familiare (Passeriformes, Meliphagidae) pp.93-101

Short Note

Ogi, H., Hattori, Y., Yoshino, T., Yamahara, T., Sawada, N. & Furukawa, T.: Sighting of the Short-tai1ed Albatross over the Bering Sea pp.102-104

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 24, No. 2 (No. 88) October, 1992

Uemura, H. & Kobayashi, H.: Biologically Active Peptides and Drinking Behavior in Birds, with Special Reference to Angiotensin pp.47-65


Dey, M. & Maitra, S. K.: Hystophysiological Appraisal of the Testicular Functions in a Subtropical Psittacine Bird, Psittacula krameri, in Relation to the Annual Climatological Variables pp.66-76

Thompson, J. J.: A Test of an Indirect Method for Censusing Shorebirds in Intertidal Habitat pp.77-81

Wada, T.: An Analysis of Seasonal Changes in Number of Each Resident Species in a Local Avian Community pp.82-93

Short Notes

Ogi, H., Sasaki, H., Ohtani, M., Watanabe, K., Matsushiro, M., Shouji, I. & Hayasaka, Y.: Three Ardeidae Species Sighted in the Sea of Japan off Southwest Hokkaido pp.94-95

Book Review pp.96-97
Announcements p.98
A ten year contents of Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Vol. 15 ( 1983) 〜 Vol. 24 (l992) pp.101-120

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 24, No. 1 (No. 87) March, 1992

Ishimoto, A.: Sexing of Juv. (1W) Black-faced Bunting Emberiza spodocephala personata* pp.1-12

Ueda, K.: Food of the Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis in Boluses Regurgitated by Nestlings* pp.13-17

Eda-Fujiwara, H. & Okumura, H.. The Temporal Pattern of Vocalizations in the Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus pp.18-30

Eguchi, K. & Kubo, H.: The Origin of the Magpie Pica pica sericea in Japan - An Investigation of Historical Records-* pp.31-39

Short Note

Oniki, Y,: Where Feral Pigeons Differ pp.40-41

Book Reviews pp.42-45

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 23, No. 2 (No. 86) October, 1991

Kuroda, N.: Distributional Patterns and Seasonal Movements of Procellariiformes in the North Pacific pp.23-84

Shiomi, K. & Ogi, H.: Sexual Morphological Differences Based on Functional Aspects of Skeletal and Muscular Characteristics in Breeding Tufted Puffins* pp.85-106

Agarwal, S. D. & Guha, B.: Effect of a Formalin Stress on the Adrenal Function of the Domestic Pigeon (Columba livia) pp.107-110

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 23, No. 1 (No. 85) March, 1991

Plate 1-A〜C. A Gyrfalcon Observed in the Sea of Okhotsk (September 7, 1990) (Photos by H. Ogi)


Sayako, N., Kanoya, S., Sato, Y., Ando, T. & Kakizawa, R.: Observation on Breeding of the Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis in the Akasaka Imperial Grounds* pp.1-5

Higuchi, H., Sato, F., Matsui, S., Soma, M. & Kanmuri, N.: Satellite tracking of the migration routes of Whistling Swans Cygnus columbianus pp.6-12

Swennen, C. & Park, J. Y.: Spotted Greenshank Tringa guttifer Feeding on an Intertidal Flat in Korea pp.13-19

Short Notes

Ogi, H. & Miyashita, T.: Sighting a Gyrfalcon in the Sea of Okhotsk pp.20-21

Errata p.22

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 22, No. 2 (No. 84) October, 1990

Nakamura, H. & Shigemori, K.: Diurnal Change of Activity and Social behaviour of Latham's Snipe Gallinago hardwickii in Breeding Season* pp.85-113

Kuroda, N., Kakizawa, R. & Watada, M.: Genetic Divergence and Relationships in Fifteen Species of Procellariifomes pp.114-123

Sumita, S., Yoshizawa, T., Koshida, M. & Fujimaki, Y.: Breeding Biology of Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius in Hakodate, Hokkaido* pp.124-132

Short Note

Osawa, K. & Osawa, Y.: Birds on Minami-Daito (South Borodino) Island* pp.133-137

Congratulations. The organization of the Romanian Ornithological Society, Societatea Ornitologica Romana (S.O.R.) pp.138-139

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 22, No. 1 (No. 83) January, 1991

Goudie, R. I. & Ryan, P. C.:Diets and Morphology of Digestive organs of Five Species of Sea Ducks Wintering in Newfoundland pp.1-8

Nakamura, H.; Dispersal of the Oriental Greenfinch Carduelis sinica from Communa1 Display Areas and Social Organization in Breeding Season (Aves: Fringillidae)* pp.9-55

Maeda, T. & Maruyama, N.: Early Fall Urban Bird Communities of Hobart, Tasmania pp.56-69

Li Fulai: World's First Captive Breeding of the Japanese Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon pp.70-76

Short Notes

Brazil, M. A. & Cook, C.: The First Spring Record of a Shore Lark Eremophila alpestris from Japan pp.77-79

Brazil, M. A. & Snetsinger, P.: The Little Gull Larus minutus in Japan pp.80-82

*In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol. 21 , No. 2 (No. 82) , 1989

Memorial Number of Dr. Y. Yamashina, Director


Kuroda, N.: In memory of the Director, Dr. Y. Yamashina pp.99-102

Kuroda, N.: Dr. Yamashina's "Animal classification based on cytology" of Dr. Yamashina pp.128-129

In Memorial

Aldrich, J.W.: Memories of Dr. Y. Yamashina p.130

Amadon, D.: Dr. Y. Yamashina: A world leader in ornithology p.131

Etchecopar, R.D.: A tribute to Dr. Y. Yamashina p.132

Mattews, G.V.T.: Obituary notice for Dr. Y. Yamashina p.133

Scott, P. Sir: A tribute to Dr. Yamashina p 134

Nazarenko, A., Shibaev, Y. & Litvinenko, N.: Dr. Y. Yamashina: In memorium pp.135-137

Voous, K.H.: In remenbrance of the Marquess Dr. Y. Yamashina p.138

Aoki, E.: "Did you see Mt. Fuji" pp.139-141

Kazama, T.: In remembrance of Dr. Yamashina pp.142-143

Makino, S.: In memory of the Late Dr. Yamashina p.144

Matsuyama, S.: Reminiscences of Dr. Yamashina pp.145-147

Nakamura, T.: The work of Dr. Yamashina and I pp.148-150


Mayr, E.: Future challenges of systematic ornithology pp.154-164

Ripley, S.D. & Beehler, B.M.: Systematics, biogeography, and conservation of Jerdon's Courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus pp.165-174

Sibley, C.G.: Molecular systematics of birds: past, present, future pp.176-177

McClure, H.E.: What characterizes an urban bird? pp.178-192

Oka, N.: Chick growth and development of the short-tailed shearwaters in Tasmania pp.193-207

Yui, M., Suzuki, Y. & Aoyama, I.: Studies on the linetransect census method of the woodland bird populations, IX. A comparison with the plot census methol pp.208-223

Kawaji, N. & Higuchi, H.: Distribution and status of the Ryukyu Robin Erithacus komadori pp.224-233

Sugimori, F., Matsubara, T. & Iwabuchi, K.: The relation between habitat use pattern of ducks and water pollution of hypertrophic lake Teganuma pp.234-244

Short Notes

Abe. .: A new subspecies of Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius pandoo recorded in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan PP.245-246

Imamura, T. & Sugimori, F.: Sex determination of Eastern Spot-billed Duck (Anas Poecilorhuncha Zonorhyncha) by plumnage color in breeding season pp.247-252

Nakamura, K., Sato, F., Sugimori, F. & Imamura, T.: Sex discrimination based on external morphological measurements in Brown-eared BulbulHypsipetes amaurotis pp.253-264

Masatomi, H. & Momose, K.: Distribution of the Tancho Grus japonensis in the breeding season of 1989 pp.265-279

Tsurumi, M.: Ectoparasites (mallophaga and Siphonaptera: Insecta) from the Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas collected on Toshima Island, Tokyo pp.280-282

Hiraoka, T.: The first record of the Hooded Pitta Pitta sordida from Japan pp.283-285

Chaudhuri, S. & Maiti, B.R.: Seasonal ovarian cycle in a wild Indian Tree Pie Dendrocitta vagabunda pp.304-308


Masashi Yoshii, Fumio Sato, Kiyoaki Ozaki, Yoshimitsu Shigeta, Shigemoto Komeda, Keiko Yoshiyasu, Amane Mitamura: Japanese Bird-Banding Now and Past pp.309-325

Ryozo Kakizawa, Hiroshi Sugawara: Twenty Japanese Sketches of Extinct Crested Shelduck Tadorna cristata (Kuroda) from the Edo Period (1603-1867) pp.326-339

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Vol.21 , No.1 (No.81 ) , 1989

Obituary (Dr. Y. Yamashina)


Hiroyuki Tanaka: Biology and bioaccumulation of PCBs in Tufted Puffins (Lunda cirrhata) of the northern North Pacific pp.1-41

Saumen Kumar Maitra: Influences of Length of Photoperiod on the Adrenocortical Activity of the Male Blossomheaded Parakeet Psittacula cyanocephala pp.42-51

Tamaki Kitagawa: Ethosociological Studies of the Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus himantopus I. Ethogram of the Agonistic Behaviours pp.52-75

Yuzo Fujimaki: Birds of Tokachi District, Hokkaido 5. Birds along the lower reaches of the Tokachi River pp.76-83

Miki Taoka, Tetsu Sato, Tsutomu Kamada, Hiroshi Okumura: Heterosexual Response to Playback Calls of the Leach's Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa pp.84-89

Short Notes

Nagahisa Kuroda: Further Note of a Schizochroismic Jungle Crow p.90


Profile of New Representative Director p.91

XX IOC, XX ICBP in New Zealand Anoucements pp.92-95

Wildlife Conservation Symposium in Yokohama in August 1990 Annoucements p.96

Book Review pp.97-98

Obituary (Dr. O.L. Austin Jr.) p.98

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Vol.20 , No.2 (No.80 ) , 1988

Kawaji, N. & Abe, J.: A Locustella certhiola obtained in Kyushu


Yutaka Watanuki: Regional Difference in the Diet of Slaty-backed Gulls Breeding Around Hokkaido pp.71-81

Miki Taoka, Tetsu Sato, Tsutomu Kamada, Hiroshi Okumura: Situation-specificities of Vocalizations in Leach's Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa pp.82-90

M. M. Patel, A. V. Ramachandran: Effect of Pinealectomy on Gonadal Steroid Dehydrogenases in the Domestic Pigeon, Columba livia pp.91-100

Koichi Murata, Tadashi Suzuki, Mamoru Yasufuku, Wataru Yoshitake: Sex Determination in Manchurian Crane Grus japonensis by Discriminant Analysis pp.101-106

Short Notes

Noritomo Kawaji, Jun-ichi Abe: Records of the Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Locustella certhiola from Japan pp.107-110_1

Ken Ishida: Two examples of Upper Bill Abnormality in Woodpeckers, Dendrocopos major and D. kizuki pp.111-115

Tatsuo Kazama: The First Specimen of Chinese Merganser Mergus squamatus Collected from Japan pp.116-118

XX IOC, XX ICBP Anoucements p.119

Obituaries p.120

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Vol.20 , No.1 (No.79 ) , 1988

Nagahisa Kuroda: A Distributional Analysis of Diomedea immutabilis and D. nigripes in the North Pacific pp.1-20

Hiroshi Nakamura, Yoshiharu Wako: Food Storing Behaviour of Willow Tit Parus montanus* pp.21-36

Short Notes

Kazuyuki Kuwabara, Minako Kobayashi, Yasuyuki Suzuki: Notes on Gulls at the Mouth of Tama-river, from April, 1985 to March, 1986* pp.37-40

Monisha Mukherjee: The Mechanism of Action of Epinephrine on the Testis of Weaver Bird Ploceus philippinus pp.41-45

Joysree Banerjee, Dhananjay Pal, Asok Ghosh: Influence of Gonadal Hormones on Behaviour of Pigeons in Home and Alien Cages pp.46-50

Mark A. Brazil: The First Record of Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla for Iriomote Island, Yaeyama p.51

Mark Brazil: The Second Record of White-necked Petrel Pterodroma externa cervicalis from Japan pp.52-53 Rod Martins: Selected Bird Observations from Japan Winter and Spring 1980, with Comments on Distribution and Status pp.54-56


Nagahisa Kuroda: On the Universal Nature of Homeostasis* pp.57-70

* In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol.19 , No.2 (No.78 ) , 1987

Masayoshi Watada, Ryozo Kakizawa, Nagahisa Kuroda, Seiitiro Utida: Genetic Differentiation and Phylogenetic Relationships of an Avian Family, Alcidae (Auks) pp.79-88

Yoko Kasuya, Takeo Karakida, Yuji Okawara, Hideshi Kobayashi: Comparative Studies of Food Intake and Water Balance Following Water Deprivation in the Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) and Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) pp.89-102

Doo Pyo Lee, Katsuhisa Honda, Ryo Tatsukawa: Comparison of Tissue Distributions of Heavy Metals in Birds in Japan and Korea* pp.103-116

Yoshiki Watabe, Nariko Oka, Naoki Maruyama: Seasonal Appearences of Short-tailed (Puffinus tenuirostris) and Sooty (Puffinus griseus) Shearwaters on the Tokyo-Kushiro Line, Japan pp.117-124

Ko Ogasawara: Sonographic Analysis of Calls and Behavioral Observations of the Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus matius) in Central Europe pp.125-138

Short Notes

Ryoichi Tsushima: Observation Records on Latham's Snipe (Gallinago hardwikii) at Tokorozawa City, Kanto Plain, Central Honshu, Japan, in the Breeding Season pp.139-144

Noritomo Kawaji: A Rare Ringing Record of the Gray-backed Thrush (Turdus hortulorum) at Tokara Islands, south of S. Kyushu* pp.145-146


Nagahisa Kuroda: Report on the XIX ICBP (Kingston, 15-21/vi) and the XIX (IOC Ottawa, 22-29/vi)* pp.147-160

Preliminary Notice of the XX IOC 1990

* In Japanese with English Abstract

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Vol.19 , No.1 (No.77) , 1987

Yoko Kasuya, Yuji Okawara, Kaoru Seki, Hideshi Kobayashi: Daily Drinking Patterns and Drinking Response to Angiotensin II in Young and Adult Budgerigars Melopsittacus undulatus pp.1-12

Masatoshi Yui, Yoshinori Suzuki: The Analyses of Structure of the Woodland Bird Communities in Japan IV. Density, Species Richness and Diversity of Breeding Community in Various Forest Types* pp.13-27

Saumen Kumar Maitra: Influences of Length of Photoperiod on the Testicular Activity of the Blossomheaded Parakeet Psittacula cyanocephala pp.28-44

S. K. Gupta, B. R. Maiti: The Male Sex Accessories in the Annual Reproductive Cycle of the Pied Myna Sturnus contra contra pp.45-55

Norio Jida, Naoki Maruyama, Nariko Oka, Nagahisa Kuroda: Structure of a Colony of Streaked Shearwaters on Mikura Island* pp.56-76

Short Note

Tatsuo Kazama: A Golden-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia atricapilla found in Niigata Prefecture* p.77

* In Japanese with English abstract

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Vol.18 , No.2 (No.76 ) , 1986

Kuroda, N.: A Greater Shearwater Puffinus Gravis in Moult, Just off the Surface


Yutaka Tanaka: Distribution and Migration of the Solander's Petrel Pterodroma solandri in the North Pacific in Relation to Sea Surface Water Temperatures* pp.55-62

Nariko Oka: Observation on the Emaciated and Dead Short-tailed Shearwaters, Puffinus tenuirostris, in the North-Western Sea Area of the North Pacific in 1983* pp.63-67

Yoshihide Ikeda: Birds on the Kita-Daito (North Borodino) Island in Winter* pp.68-70

Mark Brazil: An Unusual Case of Aggression by a Fish-owl pp.71-72

Tatsuo Kazama, Soichirou Shuri: Recent Records of Grus vipio in Niigata Prefecture* p.73

* In Japanese with English abstract

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Vol.18 , No.1 (No.75 ) , 1986

Hiroyoshi Kohno, Naoya Abe, Touru Mano: The Seabirds of Nakanokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan* pp.1-27

Naoya Abe, Hiroyoshi Kohno, Touru Mano: Estimation of the breeding population of the Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata on Nakanokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan* pp.28-40

Hiroyoshi Kohno, Naoya Abe, Touru Mano: Chick mortality of the Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata caused by Typhoon-8211 on Nakamokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan* pp.41-50

Nagahisa Kuroda: Re-occurrence of a Schizochroismic Corvus macrorhynchos in Tokyo* pp.51-53

* In Japanese with English abstract

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Vol.17 , No.3 (No.74 ) , 1985

Ryozo Kakizawa, Masayoshi Watada: The Evolutionary Genetics of the Estrildidae pp.143-158

Fumio Sugimori, Nariko Oka, Yoriko Ishibashi: The Degree of Skull Ossification as a Mean of Aging Short-tailed Shearwaters pp.159-165

Short Notes

Tatsuo Kazama: Birds of Prey Found Dead or Injured in Niigata Prefecture* pp.166-172

* In Japanese with English abstract

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Vol.17 , No.2 (No.73 ) , 1985

H. Ohara & S. Yamagishi: A Helper of Short-tailed Bush Warbler Cettia squameiceps


Hitoshi Ohara, Satoshi Yamagishi: A Helper at the Nest of the Short-tailed Bush Warbler Cettia squameiceps pp.67-73_1

Kazuhiro Eguchi: Food Size, Energy Intake and Nutrient Intake of Nestling Tits, Parus varius and Parus major pp.74-83

Syuya Nakamura: Clutch Size and Breeding Success of the Japanese Wagtail Motacilla grandis, with a Special Reference to Its Habitat and Mating System pp.84-104

Manisha De, Asok Ghosh: The Role of Adrenocortical and Medullary Hormones on the Bursectomised Chicken through the Glycemic Response pp.105-112

Nariko Oka, Fumio Sugimori, Yoriko Ishibashi: Mortality Counts of Short-tailed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris at Shiinauchihama of Kujukuri-beach, 1976-1982 pp.113-117

Satoshi Yamagishi: Comparative Study of Avifauna between Environmental Green Area of Tanagawa II Power Station and Secondary Natural Forest* pp.118-126

Ko Ogasawara: Acoustic Sounds of Japanese Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon in Japan and China* pp.127-134

Short Notes

Michio Sato, Kenji Arima, Fumio Sato: First Record of the Pallas's Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus in the Northern Japan* pp.135-137

Tatsuo Kazama: The Second Record of Bufflehead Bucephala albeola in Niigata Prefecture* pp.138-139

Tatsuo Kazama: The Second Record of Parakeet Anklet Cychlorrhynchus psittacula in Niigata Prefecture* pp.140-141

* In Japanese with English abstruct

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Vol.17 , No.1 (No.72 ) , 1985

Kuroda, N.: Snaps of Lake Teganuma

Jubilee Messages

Watanabe, F.

Asano, N.


Nagahisa Kuroda: The Lake Tega, the Former Home of Waterfowl On Opening of Yamashina Institute at New Site, Abiko, Chiba Prefecture pp.3-8_2

Yutaka Watanuki: Breeding Biology of Leach's Storm-petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa on Daikoku Island, Hokkaido, Japan pp.9-22

Yutaka Tanaka, Yasuo Kaneko, Shigeo Sato: Distribution and Migration of Smaller Petrels of the Genus Pterodroma in the Northwest Pacific pp.23-31

Yoko Kasuya, Takeo Karakida, Yuji Okawara, Ken'ichi Yamaguchi, Hideshi Kobayashi: Daily Drinking Patterns and Plasma Angiotensin II in the Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) and the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) pp.32-43

H. Ogi, H. Tanaka, T. Tsujita: The Distribution and Feeding Ecology of Murres in the Northwestern Bering Sea pp.44-56

Nariko Oka, Naoki Maruyama: Visual Evaluation of Tibiotarsus and Femur Marrows as a Method of Estimating Nutritive Conditions of Short-tailed Shearwaters pp.57-65

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Vol.16 , No.2-3 (No.70-71 ) , 1984

Nagahisa Kuroda: Morning and Night Flights from Communal Roost to Territory in Corvus macrorhynchos pp.93-113

Syuya Nakamura, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Osamu Sootome: Breeding Ecology of Motacilla alba and M. grandis and their Interspecific Relationship pp.114-135

Naoya Abe, Osamu Kurosawa: The Moult and Age Determination of Parus palustris and P. motanus ringed in Hokkaido pp.136-141

Naoya Abe, Osamu Kurosawa: Further Notes on the Morphological Differences between Parus palustris and P. montanus pp.142-150

Naoya Abe: The Wing Length as a Sexing Criterion of Cettia diphone cantans in Autumn Routine Ringing pp.151-158

Yuzo Fujimaki: Birds of Tokachi District, Hokkaido 4. Birds of Agricultural Land pp.159-167

Short Notes

Yutaka Watanuki: Food Intake and Pellet of Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris pp.168-169

Tatsuo Kazama: The First Record of Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga in Niigata Prefecture pp.170-171

Shigeki Kobayashi, Tetsuzi Kajihata, Tokihiko Nagano, Terumi Hirabayashi: The First Record for Philloscops fuscatus in Japan pp.172-173


Ken Yasuda: On a Description about Color Change on Plumage of Japanese Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon Observed by M. Berezovsky, 1884-85 pp.174-177

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Vol.16 , No.1 (No.69 ) , 1984

G. K. Menon: Glandular Functions of Avian Integument: An Overview pp.1-12

H. Elliott McClure: Survival Among the Birds of Eastern and Southeastern Asia pp.13-62

B. C. Chauhan, P. M. Ambadkar: Certain Observations on the Pineal Organ of Indian House Crow, Corvus splendens (Vieillot) during Annual Cycles pp.63-82

Short Notes

M. A. Brazil: Winter Feeding Methods of the Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus) pp.83-86

Tatsuo Kazama, Shigemitsu Kobayashi: A Sight Record of Greater Frigatebird Fregata minor in Niigata Prefecture p.87

Yasuo Ezaki: Notes on the Moult of the Eastern Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus orientalis in the Breeding Grounds pp.88-91

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Vol.15 , No.3 (No.68 ) , 1983

Nagahisa Kuroda, Shigemoto Komeda: A Decade Bird Survey in the Imperial Palace Area in Tokyo, April, 1965-March, 1975 pp.177-333

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Vol.15 , No.2 (No.67 ) , 1983

Donald S. Farner: Some Recent Advances in Avian Physiology pp.97-140

Tsukasa Nakamura, Masahiko Kitahara: Migratory Activities in Caged Emberiza rustica Exposed to Different Artificial Lights and Temperatures pp.141-155

Asok Ghosh, Joysree Banerjee: Effect of Population Stress on the Histophysiology of Avian Endocrine Organs pp.156-166

Yutaka Watanuki: Predation and Anti-predation Behaviour in Seabirds on Teuri Island, Hokkaido pp.167-174

Short Notes

Yoshiaki Iijima: Records of Nine Species of Stragglers and Rare Birds from Taiki Town in Hokkaido (1970-1981) pp.175-176

Errata p.174

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Vol.15 , No.1 (No.66 ) , 1983

Toru Nakamura: Ecological Gradient of Avian Community on Lower Limit in Subalpine Coniferous Forests pp.1-18

Masatoshi Yui: The Analyses of Structure of the Woodland Bird Communities in Japan III. Annual Variation of Breeding Community pp.19-36

Masao Sano: A Study of Population Density in the Winter Season in Passer montanus in Hokkaido pp.37-50

Masayuki Furumaya: Ecological Segregation between Alpine and Japanese Accentors Prunella collaris and P. rubida pp.51-62

Tetsuo Hosono: A Study of Life History of Blue Magpie (11) Breeding Herpers and Nest-parasitism by Cuckoo pp.63-71

Keisuke Kobayashi: Breeding Ecology of the Fantail Warbler Cisticola juncidis in Hyogo Prefecture pp.72-86

Isao Munechika, Takashi Nakayama: Breeding of the White-naped Crane Grus vipio by Artificial Insemination pp.87-95

A Ten Year Contents of Journal of Yamashina Institute for Ornithology. Vol 7(1973) - Vol 14(1982) pp.(1)-(25)

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Vol.14 , No.2-3 (No.64-65 ) , 1982
Jubilee Notes

Jean Delacour p.79

Sir Peter Scott p.80

I. Morphology and Anatomy

Andrew J. Berger: Pterylosis of Some Hawaiian Honeycreepers, Drepanididae pp.81-85

Robert W. Storer: Fused Thoracic Vertebrae in Birds Their Occurrence and Possible Significance pp.86-95

Satoshi Yamagishi: Age Determination in the Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus based on Buff-tips of Greater Primary Coverts pp.96-102

II. Systematics and Evolution

S. Dillon Ripley, Don Hadden: A New Subspecies of Zoothera (Aves: Muscicapidae: Turdinae) from the Northern Solomon Islands pp.103-107

Dean Amadon: The Genera of Booted Eagles: Aquila and Relatives pp.108-121

Charles G. Sibley, Jon E. Ahlquist: The Relationships of the Swallows (Hirundinidae) pp.122-130

Ryozo Kakizawa, Nagahisa Kuroda, Seiitiro Utida: Evolution of Mitochondrial Malate Dehydrogenase in Birds (II) pp.131-136

III. Physiology and Endocrinology

Hideshi Kobayashi, Yuji Okawara, Saumen Maitra, Amia Sinhahkim, Asok Ghosh: Futher Studies on Angiotensin II-induced Drinking in Birds pp.137-142

J. H. Desai, A. K. Malhotra: Annual Gonadal Cycle of Black Kite Milvus migrans govinda pp.143-150

Yuichi Tanabe: Ontogenetic Aspect of Steroidogenesis by Gonads and Adrenals of Ducks and Its Role on Sex Differentiation pp.151-156

IV. Migration and Distribution

Peter Berthold, Ulrich Querner: On the Control of Suspended Moult in an European Trans-Saharan Migrant, the Orphean Warbler pp.157-165

Kazuo Ueda, Makoto Kusunoki, Makoto Kato, Ryozo Kakizawa, Tsukasa Nakamura, Katsumi Yaskawa, Mutsuo Koyama, Yutaka Maeda: Magnetic Remanences in Migratory Birds pp.166-170

K. H. Voous: Straggling to Islands-South American Birds in the Islands of Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire, South Caribbean pp.171-178

John W. Aldrich: Rapid Evolution in the House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) pp.179-186

H. Elliott McClure: Birds of the Kanto Plain-A Generation Ago pp.187-205

Yuzo Fujimaki, Muneo Hikawa: Bird Community in a Natural Mixed Forest in Central Hokkaido during Breeding Season pp.206-213

V. Eclology

Lars von Haartman: Two Modes of Clutch Size Determination in Passerine Birds pp.214-219

N. Litvinenko: Nesting of Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea L.) on Sea Islands of South Primorye pp.220-231

Ko Ogasawara, Kaname Abe, Toshihiko Naito: Ecological Study of Grey Heron in Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture pp.232-245

Yu. V. Shibaev, N. M. Litvinenko: Distribution and Number of Grus japonensis (P. L. S. Mull.) and Grus vipio Pall. in the USSR pp.246-253

Kyu-Hwang Ham, Pyong-Oh Won: Ecology and Conservation of the Tristram's Woodpecker, Dryocopus javensis richardsi Tristram in Korea pp.254-269

Haruo Ogi, Tsuneyasu Hamanaka: The Feeding Ecology of Uria lomvia in the Northwestern Bering Sea Region pp.270-280

VI. Behaviour and Sociology

Barbara K. Snow, David W. Snow: Territory and Social Organization in a Population of Dunnocks Prunella modularis pp.281-292

Takashi Saitou: Compound Flock as an Aggregation of the Flocks of Constant Composition in the Great Tit, Parus major L. pp.293-305

Hiroyuki Masatomi, Sumio Kobayashi: Mating Behaviour of the Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola pp.306-324

Syuya Nakamura: Social Structure of the Japanese Wagtail Motacilla grandis 1. Social Behaviour and Spatial Structure pp.325-343

Tamaki Kitagawa: Bionomics and Sociology of Tancho, Grus japonensis III. Territoriality pp.344-362

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Vol.14, No.1 (No. 63) , 1982

Nagahisa Kuroda, Ryozo Kakizawa, Hiroshi Hori, Yutaka Osaka, Nanako Usuda, Seiitiro Utida: Evolution of Mitochondrial Malate Dehydrogenase in Birds pp.1-15

Hiroshi Hasegawa: The Breeding Status of the Short-tailed Albatross Diomedea albatrus, on Torishima, 1979/80-1980/81 pp.16-24

Yutaka Watanuki: Size Selective Hunting by Slaty-backed Gulls Larus schistisagus and Influence on Fledging Success of Black-tailed Gulls L. crassirostris pp.25-34

Yasuomi Tamiya, Masahiro Aoyanagi: The Significance of Reoccupation by Non-breeding Birds in the Adelie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae during their Incubation, Guard and Creche Periods pp.35-44

Masatoshi Yui: Studies on the Linetransect Census Method of the Woodland Bird Populations VIII. An Estimation of the Census Effectivity by Quantification (type 1) Method pp.45-58

Naoya Abe, Osamu Kurosawa: A Remarkable Fall of Migrant Passerines on the Ship pp.59-67

Short Notes

Ko Ogasawara, Seicho Tanba, Minoru Ogawa, Isoo Sato, Yuichi Izumi: Occurrence of Hooded Cranes Grus monacha in Akita Pref. Northern Honshu, Japan pp.68-71

Naoya Abe, Toru Mano, Katsumori Kugai, Akira YamamotoNew Breeding Localities of the Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus and its Measurements pp.72-76

Errata P.e1

Reviews pp.67-68

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Vol. 13, No. 3 (No. 62) , 1981

K. Ozaki: Okinawa Rail Rallus okinawae pp.Plate 1-3


Yoshimaro Yamashina, Toru Mano: A New Species of Rail from Okinawa Island pp.147-152_3

Donna Hansen: Polygyny as an Adaptive Alternative to Monogamy in Two Species of Dippers: Cinclus Mexicanus and Cinclus pallasii pp.153-182

Yuzo Fujimaki, Atsuo Toda: Birds of Tokachi district, Hokkaido 2. Birds of Obihiro City pp.183-195

Yuzo Fujimaki: Birds of Tokachi district, Hokkaido 3. Relationship between vegetation cover and avifauna in Obihiro pp.196-206

Yutaka Tanaka, Fujio Inaba: The distribution and migration of White-necked petrel, Pterodroma externa cervicalis, in the west area of North Pacific Ocean and the Japanese waters pp.207-214

Nagahisa Kuroda: Observations on a schizochroismic Corvus macrorhynchos, with notes on its territorial life pp.215-227

Masahiko Nishigai, Yurio Saeki, Ruizou Ishitani, Fumio Sugimori, Yoriko Ishibashi, Nariko Oka, Akiko Nakama: Pathological Investigations on Cause of Death in Slender-billed Shearwater collected in Johga-shima Area pp.228-235

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Vol. 13, No. 2 (No. 61) , 1981

Toru Nakamura: The breeding behaviours and territorial dispersion of Japanese Reed Bunting Emberiza yessoensis pp.79-119

Yoshikazu Inoue: Food competition and survival of asynchronously hatched siblings in the Little Egret Egretta garzetta pp.120-135

Short Notes

Tatsuo Kazama: On some rare bird records and notes from Awashima bird-banding station pp.136-141

Tatsuo Kazama: A second straggler of Grey Fork-tailed Petrel Oceanodroma furcata from Niigata p.142

Tatsuo Kazama: On a record of juvenile Antient Auk Synthliboramphus antiquus from Niigata pp.143-144

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Vol. 13, No. 1 (No. 60) , 1981

Nagahisa Kuroda: Avian vs mammalian societies, as viewed from socio-ecological analysis pp.1-59

Jiro Kikkawa, Ryozo Kakizawa: Agonistic behaviour of Japanese White-eyes Zosterops japonica on Miyake Island pp.60-70

Tsukasa Nakamura, Toshio Oda: Activities of caged Japanese Tree Sparrow Passer montanus saturatus in different artificial lights and temperatures pp.71-78

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Vol. 12, No. 3 (No. 59) , 1980

Nagahisa Kuroda: A male and a female specimens of the Crested Shelduck Tadorna cristata donated by Dr. Nagamichi Kuroda pp.Plates 3-6

N. Abe and T. Mano: The first breeding record of the Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus in Japan pp.Plates 7-8


Hiroyoshi Higuchi: Colonization and coexistence of woodpeckers in the Japanese Islands pp.139-156

Haruo Ogi, Tsunemi Kubodera, Kazue Nakamura: The pelagic feeding ecology of the Short-tailed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris in the Subarctic Pacific Region pp.157-182

Naoya Abe, Touru Mano: The first breeding record of the Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus in Japan pp.183-192_2

Ryozo Kakizawa: A list of bird specimens donated by Dr. Nagamichi Kuroda 1. Type specimens and non-passrines pp.192-212_4

Short Notes

G. K. Menon: Notes on the highly modified bristles of Lesser Adjutant Stork Leptoptilos javanicus pp.213-219

J. H. Desai, A. K. Malhotra: Embryonic development of Pariah Kite Milvus migrans govinda pp.220-224

Tatsuo Kazama: Telephone pole breakage caused by Green Woodpeckers Picus awokera pp.225-226

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Vol. 12, No. 2 (No. 58) , 1980

Toshihiko Fujimoto pp.Plate1-Plate2


Hiroshi Hasegawa: Observations on the status of the Short-tailed Albatross Diomedea albatrus on Torishima in 1977/78 and 1978/79 pp.59-67

Kazuhiro Eguchi: The feeding ecology of the nestling Great Tit, Parus major minor, in the temperate ever-green broadleaved forest I. Food consumption and maintenance cost pp.68-78

Masatoshi Yui: Studies on the linetransect census method of the woodland bird populations IV. Effect of vegetation feature on the census effectivity pp.79-84

Masatoshi Yui: Studies on the linetransect census method of the woodland bird populations V. Effect of observing radius on the census effectivity pp.85-94

Masatoshi Yui: Studies on the linetransect census method of the woodland bird populations VI. Seasonal change of the census effectivity pp.95-101

Masatoshi Yui: Studies on the linetransect census method of the woodland bird popurations VII. Relation between the census effectivity and the bird density itself pp.102-105

Masakado Kawada: Breeding biology of Dendrocopos major japonicus and D. minor in Obihiro, Hokkaido pp.106-128

Yoshikazu Inoue: The process of asynchronous hatching in the Little Egret Egretta garzetta pp.129-137

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Vol. 12, No. 1 (No. 57) , 1980

Masatoshi Yui: Studies on the linetransect census method of the woodland bird populations II. Effects of the weather conditions on the census effectivity pp.1-6

Masatoshi Yui: Studies on the linetransect census method of the woodland bird populations III. Differences of the census effectivity between observers pp.7-13

Haeng-Shin Park, Pyong-Oh Won: A survey of birds in Jeju (Quelpart) Island pp.14-39

Yuzo Fujimaki: Birds of Tokachi District, Hokkaido 1. Birds of Shintoku-yama and its surrounding area pp.40-52

Short Notes

Ko Ogasawara, T. Nishide: A White-naped Crane newly visiting to Hachirogata in Akita Prefecture, Japan pp.53-57

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Vol.11 , No. 3 (No. 56) , 1979

Ryozo Kakizawa: A hybrid of Anas acuta and Anas formosa pp. Plate5-6


Takashi Saitou: Ecological study of social organization in the Great Tit, Parus major L II. Formation of the basic flocks pp.137-148

Takashi Saitou: Ecological study of social organization in the Great Tit, Parus major L III. Home range of the basic flocks and dominance relationship of the members in a basic flock pp.149-171

Takashi Saitou: Ecological study of social organization in the Great Tit, Parus major L. IV. Pair formation and establishment of territory in the members of basic flocks pp.172-188

Hiroshi Nakamura: Habitat differences among resident and migratory populations of Oriental Greenfinch Carduelis sinica groups in winter season pp.189-218

Miscellaneous p.219

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Vol. 11, No. 2 (No. 55) , 1979

Haruo Ogi: Buller's Shearwater, Puffinus bulleri, and its flock in the northwestern Pacific p.Plate3

Kazue Nakamura: An immature Red-legged Kittiwake Larus brevirostris and an adult Black-legged Kittiwake L. tridactylus p.Plate4


Yutaka Tanaka, Takeshi Kajihara: The distribution of Fulmarus glacialis and Puffinus tenuirostris, in the North Pacific Ocean and the Okhotsk Sea during the summer pp.79-86

G. K. MENON, R. V. SHAH: Adaptive features in juvenal plumage pattern of the Indian Koel Eudynamys scolopacea: host mimesis and hawk-pattern pp.87-95

Masao Sano: A study of population density in the breeding season in Passer montanus in Hokkaido pp.96-108

Takashi Nishide: Breeding records of the Eastern Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus spilantus in the Hachirogata reclimed land, Akita Prefecture pp.109-120

Short Notes

Shigeru Matsuoka: Stomach contents of a nestling of Grey-headed Green Woodpecker Picus canus pp.121-122

Kazue Nakamura, Minekio Hasegawa: A brief note on distribution of Buller's Shearwater Puffinus bulleri, in Japan and the adjacent seas p.123-127_1

G. K. MENON, R. V. SHAH, M. B. JANI: Lipoid secretion by epidermis of bare skin from the head of the Indian White Ibis, Threskiornis Melanocephala pp.128-131

Tetsuo Takara: Rare and new records of birds from the Okinawa Islands pp.132-135

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Vol. 11, No. 1 (No. 54) , 1979

Nagahisa Kuroda: A newly flodged chicks of Corvus macrorynchos pp.Plates1-2


Kazuhiro Eguchi: Food and food consumption of nestling tits, Parus major minor and Parus varius varius, in the ever-green broad leaved forests in northern Kyushu pp.1-18

Nagahisa Kuroda: Observation of territorial life in breeding season of a pair of Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos in City Tokyo Continued 8 : Summarization 4-to be continued pp.19-38_2

Masahiko Nishimura: Nest site selection of two species of kingfishers, Alcedo atthis and Ceryle lugubris, in Japan pp.39-48

Masaaki Yoneda, Hisashi Abe, Hiroshi Nakao: Winter food habits of the Yezo Ural Owl Strix uralensis japonica in a wind shelter-belt pp.49-53

Reiko Nakazawa: Incubation behaviour of the Kentish Plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, with special reference to the share of sexes and of effect ground surface temperature pp.54-63

Short Notes

Kazue Nakamura: The first record of the Hawaiian Dark-rumped Petrel Pterodroma phaeopygia sandwichesis from Japan pp.64-66

Yuzo Fuiimaki, Atsuo Toda, Shinji Yoshida: Records of the Rosy Finch (Leucosticte actoa) and Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) from Hidaka Mountains, central Hokkaido pp.67-69

Hun-Chung Woo: First wintering record of Little Egret Egretta garzetta in Korea pp.70-71

Noriko Niimi: A completely albinistic Little Tern Sterna albifrons chick pp.72-73

Reviews p.74

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Vol. 10, No. 3 (No. 53) , 1978

Satoshi Yamagishi: Breeding of Meadow Bunting Emberiza cioides pp.Plates7-10


Satoshi Yamagishi: Social organization and stability of local density of breeders in the Meadow Bunting Emberiza cioides pp.199-299_4

Nagahisa Kuroda: Observation of territorial life in breeding season of a pair of Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos in City Tokyo Continued 7: Summarization 3-to be continued pp.300-313


pp.cover2, 314

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Vol. 10, No. 1-2 (No. 51-52) , 1978

The Jubilee Number for Dr. Yoshimaro Yamashina Commemorating the 77th Birthday ("Kiju") and Delacour Medal award

The Jubilee Articles

The recent portrait of Dr. Y. Yamashina Plate1

The Delacour Medal Plate2

Dr. Y. Yamashina if foreign countries Plate3-6

A brief personal history of Dr. Y. Yamashina pp.1-3

A list of papers of Dr. Y. Yamashina pp.4-17

Jubilee Messages

Roland C. Clement: Remarks on presenting the Delacour Medal to Dr. Yoshimaro Yamashina p.18

S. Dillon Ripley: Message pp.19-20

Phyllis Barclay-Smith: Dr. Yamashina as Asian ICBP leader p.21

Peter Scott: A message to celebrate Dr. Yamashina's 77th birthday p.22

Roger Tory Peterson: Talking and travelling for birds with Dr. Yamashina p.23

Oliver L. Austin: Memories of my friend Yoshimaro Yamashina and his Museum in the occupation days p.24-25

H. Elliott McClure: A quarter of a century pp.26-30

Won Pyong-Oh: Dr. Yamashina, the Asian leader of bird conservation pp.31-32

Nagamichi Kuroda: Celebrating “Kiju” of Dr. Yoshimaro Yamashina p.33

Sajiro Makino: On chromosome study of Dr. Yamashina pp.34-38

Tadamichi Koga: Celebrating Delacour Medal award to Dr. Yamashina p.39

Nagahisa Kuroda: Enlightened by Dr. Yamashina p.40


Yoshimaro Yamashina: Current Status of Grus japonensis, G. vipio and G. monacha in the Asian Continent pp.43-57

Hiroshi Hasegawa: Recent Observations of the Short-tailed Albatross Diomedea albatrus on Torishima pp.58-69

Masatoshi Yui: Studies on the linetransect census method of the woodland bird populations I. An analysis of diurnal change of the census effectivity pp.70-81

Noritomo Kawaji, Satoshi Shiraishi, Hiroshi Hayashi: Birds on the north coast of the Sea of Ariake I. Seasonal changes in number of species and individuals on the representative birds pp.82-93

Toru Nakamura: A study of Paridae community in Japan IV. Ecological segreation of species by the difference of use of bill in space and technique pp.94-118

Tsukasa Nakamura, Osamu Kurosawa, Suzuko Shinkai: Activities of caged E. schoeniclus exposed to different artificial temperature pp.119-126

Ko Ogasawara, Yuichi Izumi: Ecological study of Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius in Fagus crenata forest on Mt. Moriyoshi pp.127-141

Short Notes

Naoya Abe, Toru Mano, Osamu Kurosawa, Hitoshi Hujimura: A Five-Year Bird Ringing at Otayama Bird-Observatory from 1973 through 1977 pp.142-171

Yuzo Fujimaki, Muneo Hikawa: The first breeding record of the Grey Bunting (Emberiza variabilis) in Hokkaido pp.172-177

Hiroshi Hasegawa: Sea-bird observations off Torishima and the Ogasawara Islands in November 1976 pp.178-184

Yoji Kurata: Breeding record of the Laysan Albatross Diomedea immutabilis on the Ogasawara Islands (a preliminary report) pp.185-189


Kiyoaki Ozaki: The ornithological institutes and bird ringing activities in West Germany pp.190-196

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Vol. 9, No. 3 (No. 50) , 1977

Ryozo Kakizawa: A female "Crested" Whooper Swan Cygnus c. cygnus wintering al Hyoko in Niigata, 1976-77 pp.Plates 13-16


Ko Ogasawara, Yuichi Izumi: Ecological and behavioral observations on Black Woodpecker Dryocopus m. martius in Fagus crenata forest and it's vicinity in Mt. Moriyoshi, Akita Prefacture, northern Honshiu, Japan pp.231-243

Nagahisa Kuroda: Observation of territorial life in breeding season of a pair of Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos in City Tokyo continued 6: Summarization 2-to be continued pp.244-258

Kiyotoshi Kaneko, Teruki Kadosaka: Notes on three species of biting lice (Mallophaga) found on Japanese White Stork Ciconia ciconia boyciana in Japan pp.259-263

R. V. Shah, G. K. Menon, M. B. Jani: Influence of Hypothyroidism on Histophysiology of Feather Development pp.264-270

Hiroshi Kidono: Foraging-sites of Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus and Ussurian Yellow-breasted Bunting E. aureola in the breeding season pp.271-279

Short Notes

Hiroshi Hasegawa: A note on land-birds observed in the early winter in Chichijima and Hahajima, the Ogasawara Islands pp.280-283

Ryozo Kakizawa: A female "Crested" Whooper Swan Cygnus c. cygnus wintering at Hyoko in Niigata, 1976-77 winter pp.284-285_4


Masashi Yoshii: Thirteenth annual report of the Japanese bird banding scheme, April 1, 1973 to March 31, 1974 pp.286-324

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Vol. 9, No. 2 (No. 49) , 1977

Nagahisa Kuroda: A chick of Tetrastes bonasia at the footzone of Mt. Mokoto, Hokkaido pp.Plates9-10

Nagahisa Kuroda: Female T. bonasia in alarm posture pp.Plates11-12


Yoshimaro Yamashina: The present status of Japanese Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon and Japanese White Stork Ciconia ciconia boyciana in Continental Asia pp.131-142

Ko Ogasawara, Sadao Ikehara: Ecological and behavioral observations of Okinawa Woodpecker Sapheopipo noguchii, with notes on conservation pp.143-158

Masatoshi Yui: Analysis of the structure of the woodland bird communities in Japan I Similarity, type classification and species composition of bird communities in winter pp.159-175

Nagahisa Kuroda: Observations of territoriol life in breeding season of a pair of Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos in City Tokyo continued 5: Summarization 1-to be continued pp.176-217

Short Notes

J. H. Desai, A. K. Malhotra: Growth and development of the Pariah Kite Milvus migrans govinda pp.218-226 Hiroshi Hasegawa: Body temperatures of some autumn migrant birds pp.227-229

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Vol. 9, No. 1 (No. 48) , 1977

N. Kuroda: Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos and its old nest pp.Plate1-5

Kazue Nakamura: Two Gadfly-Petrels(Pterodroma inexpectata and P. solandri) at sea p.Plate6

Ko Ogasawara: Japanese White Stork Ciconia ciconia boyciana in Akita Prif. pp.Plates7-8


Toru Nakamura, Kazuyoshi Iijima: Buntings Wintering in southern Kyushiu especially the mode of dispersion in Emberiza fucata and Emberiza rustica pp.1-19

Michihito WATANABE, Naoki MARUYAMA: Wintering ecology of White Wagtail Motacilla alba lugens in the middle stream of Tama River pp.20-43

Iwao Ogawa: Distribution of Shrikes (Laniidae) in Hokkaido 1. The Outline of Horizontal Distribution pp.44-55

Nagahisa Kuroda: Observations of territorial life in breeding season of a pair of Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos in City Tokyo continued 4: Additional observations in 1970 pp.56-89_5

Pyong-Oh Won: Bird census work in Korea pp.90-95

Pyong-Oh Won: A bird census in Red Pine and Black Pine forests damaged by Pine Needle Gall-midges pp.96-111

Kazue NAKAMURA, Yutaka TANAKA: Distribution and migration of two species of the genus Pterodroma in the North Pacific pp.112-120_1

Short Notes

Ko Ogasawara, Yuichi Izumi: Japanese White Storks Ciconia ciconia boyciana appeared in northern Honshu and Hokkaido pp.121-127_2


N. h. Kuroda: Report of Short-tailed Albatross Diomedea albatrus from Hawaiian Is p.128

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Vol. 8, No. 3 (No. 47) , 1976

Nagahisa Kuroda: Chicks of Corvus macrorhynchos p.Plate13

Nagahisa Kuroda: The same at nest on flying day p.Plate14

Nagahisa Kuroda: False or displacement fighting of a pair of Corvus macrorthunchos pp.Plates15-16

Ryozo Kakizawa: Cer type in Cygnus cygnus pp.Plates17-18


Masatoshi Yui: The analyses of structure of the woodland bird communities in Japan I. Similarity, type classification and species composition of bird communities in breeding season pp.223-248

Nagahisa Kuroda: Observations of territorial life in breeding seasen of a pair of Jungle Crow in City Tokyo (continued 3) pp.249-269_4

Ryozo Kakizawa, Yoshiko Kakizawa: Two year observations of a family of the Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus at Hyoko, Niigata pp.270-275_2

Short Notes

Yuzo FUJIMAKI, Kyoko HANEDA: Additional records of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Eurynorhynchus pygmaeus from Hokkaido pp.276-281

Nagamichi Kuroda: Examples of masculinized female pintails Anas acuta pp.282-283


Naoya Abe, Ryozo Kakizawa: A bibliography of man's environmental pollution affecting bird life pp.284-309

Erratum to : Birds of Yururi and Moyururi Islands, eastern Hokkaido in summer (No.45) Pe1

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Vol. 8, No. 2 (No. 46) , 1976

Nagahisa Kuroda: Chicks of Corvus macrorhynchos pp.Plates8-11

Nagahisa Kuroda: A nest of Corvus macrorhynchos p.Plate12


Takashi Saitou: Breeding biology of the Eastern Great Reed Warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus orientalis pp.135-156

Takashi Saitou: Territory and breeding density in the Eastern Great Reed Warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus orientalis pp.157-173

Nagahisa Kuroda: Observations of territorial life in breeding season of a pair of Jungle Crow in City Tokyo (continued 2) pp.174-191_5

Naoya Abe, Osamu Kurosawa: Morphological differences between Marsh Tit Parus palustris and Willow Tit P. montanus in Hokkaido pp.192-205

Yoshio Kaneko: Age and sexual differences of measurements in Rustic and Reed Buntings, Emberiza rustica and E. schocniclus pp.206-212

Short Notes

Yukio Higuchi: A Japanese White Stork Ciconia ciconia boyciana obtained in Mie Prefecture pp.213-215


Fumio Sugimori: Capture of Domestic Pigeons Columba livia var by Prefectures as revealed by hunting statistics pp.216-221

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Vol. 8, No. 1 (No. 45) , 1976

Nagahisa Kuroda: More Photos of Corvus macrorhynchos (2) pp.Plates1-4

Min, Byung-Yook & Pyong-Oh Won: The brants on the south coast of Korean Peninsula pp.Plate5-6

Ko Ogasawara: Behavior of Red-cheeked starlets at a nest on the roof p.Plate7


Nagahisa Kuroda: Observations of territorial life in breeding season of a pair of Jungle Crow in City Tokyo (continued 1) pp.1-26_4

Ko Ogasawara: Breeding interspecific relations between Red-cheeked Myna and Grey Starling in Kawauchi residential area, Sendai pp.27-37_2

Yoshio Yokota, Kadoaki Hoshiko, Masayoshi Takeishi, Takashi Nishide: The migration course of geese wintering at Lake Izunuma (2) origin of the flocks in Ishikari Plain, Hokkaido pp.38-52_2

Byung-Yoon Min, Pyong-Oh Won: An offshore winter seabird survey on the south coast of Korean Peninsula (Mogpo-Wando-Yeosu area) pp.53-67

Yuzo Fujimaki, Takashi Hyakutake, Shigeru Matsuoka: Birds of Yururi and Moyururi Islands, eastern Hokkaido in summer 1. Cormorants and anserine birds pp.68-88

Tsukasa Nakamura, Osamu Kurosawa, Mitsuko Ogihara: Activities of caged passerine birds exposed to artificial light and darkness pp.89-94

Short Notes

Naoya Abe, Osamu Kurosawa, Tôru Mano: On the first record of Zosterops erythropleura in Japan pp.95-100

Yoshiharu HONMA, Akira CHIBA: A case of avian pox in a Tree Sparrow Passer montanus pp.101-107

Kazue NAKAMURA, Yutaka TANAKA: A record of the Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta pp.108-112


F. Sugimori, N. Oka, Y. Iwase: An qenstionaeir survey of shearwater mortality especially of Puffinus tenuirostris pp.113-131

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Vol. 7, No. 6 (No. 44) , 1975

Nagahisa Kuroda: More photos of Corvus macrorhychos pp.Plates25-31


Nagahisa Kuroda: Observations of territorial life in breeding season of a pair of Jungle Crow in City Tokyo (to be continued) pp.569-602

Toru Nakamura: A study of Paridae community in Japan III. Ecological separation in social structure and distribution pp.603-636

Ko Ogasawara: Analysis of mixed flocks of tits in the Botanical Garden of Tohoku University, Sendai IV. Foraging habits and supplanting attacks among species forming mixed flocks pp.637-651

Ko Ogasawara: Analysis of mixed flocks of tits in the Botanical Garden of Tohoku University, Sendai V. Nesting of the Long-tailed Tit pp.652-664

Ko Ogasawara: Analysis of mixed flocks of tits in the Botanical Garden of Tohoku University, Sendai VI. Annual life cycles of Long-tailed and Great Tits, with notes on flock fluctuation of the Long-tailed Tit pp.665-680

Takashi Nishide: Survey of Japanese Marsh warbler Megalurus pryeri in Hachirogata reclaimed land, Akita Pref 1. Habitat distribution and breeding pp.681-696

Masatoshi Yui: The analyses of nesting records of several passerine species at the foot of Mt. Fuji with discussions on clutch size variation pp.697-711

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Vol. 7, No. 5(No. 43) , 1975

Nagahisa Kuroda: "Pair-bond confirmation behavior" and foraging, etc. of Sturnus cineraceus pp.Plates22-24


Nagahisa Kuroda: A bird census in the Imperial Palace for 1974 pp.439-451

Masashi Yoshii, Fumio Sugimori: Eleventh annual report of the bird-ringing scheme, 1st April, 1971 to 31st March, 1972 pp.452-475

Masashi Yoshii, Fumio Sugimori, Toru Mano: Twelfth annual report of the Japanese bird ringing scheme, 1st April, 1972 to 31st March, 1973 pp.476-500

Ki-Chung Kwon, Pyong-Oh Won: Breeding biology of the Chinese Sparrow Hawk Accipiter soloensis pp.501-522

Yeong-Geun Park, Moo-Boo Yoon, Pyong-Oh Won: Breeding biology of the Chinese Sparrow Hawk Accipiter soloensis pp.523-532

Tetsuo Hosono: A study of the life history of Blue Magpie (10) Its response against other birds pp.533-549

Nobuki Kawamura: Studies on the Hooded Crane at Yashiro, Yamaguchi Prefecture its roosting behavior pp.550-561

Short Notes

Kazunori Yamanoguchi: A Chestnut Bunting from Kyushu pp.562-563

Nagahisa Kuroda: A probable pair-bond confirmation behavior in Grey Starling pp.564-565_4


T. Hayashi: On poaching of Spizaetus nipalensis pp.566-567

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Vol. 7, No. 4 (No. 42) , 1974

Nagahisa Kuroda: Behavioral photos of Corvus macrorhynchos (and C. corone) pp.Plate12-22


Masahito Hitachinomiya, Masashi Yoshii: Trends of duck-capture at three duck-netting ponds, since 1929 pp.351-361

Masashi Yoshii, Yoshitake Hasuo: Ninth annual report of the Japanese Bird-banding scheme, forst April 1969 to 31st March, 1970 pp.362-383

Masashi Yoshii: Tenth annual report of the Japanese bird-banding scheme for 1st April, 1970 to 31st March, 1971 pp.384-403

Naoya ABE, Hiroyoshi HIGUCHI, Takashi SAITO, Shiro MATSUYAMA, Akio SASAGAWA: Moult of some birds captured at Subashiri banding area, Mt. Fuji pp.404-426

Short Notes

Nagahisa Kuroda: Some behavior and vocalization of Jungle Crow, illustrated by photos and sketches pp.427-437

Notes Cover 2, 3, 437

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Vol. 7, No. 3 (No. 41) , 1974

Nagahisa Kuroda: Photos fo Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhychos and Carrion Crow C. corone pp.Plate8-11


Nagahisa Kuroda: A bird census in the Imperial Palace for 1973 pp.251-267

Nagahisa Kuroda: A tentative report on the comparative analysis of forest bird communities pp.268-292_8

Kunihiko Sugiura: On traffic accidents of birds on Ise highway, Mie Prefecture pp.293-308

Yoshio Yokota, Takashi Nishide: On the migration course of geese wintering at Lake Izunuma pp.309-323

Shigeru Matsuoka: Prey taken by Long-eared Owl Asio otus in the breeding season in Hokkaido pp.324-329

Walther Thiede: Winter bird observations on Tsushima, Japan pp.330-332


Tatsuo Kazama: Cage observation of wounded Ural Owls and their egg-laying in captivity pp.333-349

Notes pp.Cover2, 350

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Vol. 7, No. 2 (No. 40) , 1973

Kunio Nakajima: Sapheopipo noguchii and its chicks Plate5-8


Yoshimaro Yamashina, Shiro Matsuyama: List of recently received ornithological literature of USSR pp.113-117

Nagahisa Kuroda: Analysis of a bird community in southern Kanto plain pp.118-138_8

Tôru Nakamura: Comparative ecology of Emberizids wintering in central Honshu especially of Emberiza rustica and E. cioides pp.139-159

S. Yamagishi, T. Nakamura, S. Suyama, K. Iijima, H. Ushiyama: A comparative study on the wintering ecology of five species of Emberiza in Saga Plain, Kyushu especially of E. spodocephala pp.160-178

Kazuyoshi Iijima: A comparative study on the wintering ecology of four species of Emberiza in the basin of Chikuma River pp.179-201


M. Doguchi, F. Ushio: PCB and organochlorine pesticide residues in a White Stork, strayed to Japan pp.202-206

Naoya Abe: A bibliography of man's environmental pollution affecting bird life pp.207-249

Notes pp.Cover 2-3, 112

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Vol. 7, No. 1 (No. 39) , 1973

Nagahisa Kuroda: Flocks of Sturnus cineraceus pp.Plates1-4


Yoshimaro Yamashina: Ornithology and bird protection in USSR Summary and acknowledgement pp.1-17

Nagahisa Kuroda: A bird census in the Imperial Palace for 1972 pp.18-33

Nagahisa Kuroda: Fluctuation of winter roosting flock of Sturnus cineraceus at Koshigaya and the roost change to Omatsu in summer pp.34-55_4

Tetsuo Hosono: A study of life history of Blue Magpie (9) Roosting behavior 2 pp.56-72

Masao Sano: Structure of population range in Passer montanus pp.73-86

Takuya Motai: Male behavior and polygamy in Cisticola juncidis pp.87-103

Short Notes

Tatsuo Kazama: On the distribution and protection of Aquila chrysaetos in Niigata prefecture pp.104-111

Notes pp.112, cover2-3

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Vol. 6, No. 5-6 (No. 37-38) , 1972

Nagahisa Kuroda: Sterna sumatrana on wing p.Plate5


F. J. Turcek: Birds and mammals in successions of terrestrial ecosystems pp.401-409

Nagahisa Kuroda: A bird census in the Imperial Palace for 1971 pp.410-423

Toru Nakamura: Home range structure of a population of Aegithalos caudatus 2. Home range and territorialism in breeding season pp.424-488

Atsushi Kurata, Yukio Higuchi: Roosting behaviour of two species of crows in Mie prefecture pp.489-506

Nagahisa Kuroda: Crows in Tokyo, a continuous observation pp.507-550

Nagahisa Kuroda: Spring bird census in the Ryu Kyu Is. (1972) pp.551-568_1

Short Notes

Shigeru Matsuoka, Takashi Abe: Probable breeding of Leucosticte arctoa on Mt. Daisetsu, Hokkaido pp.569-571

Notes pp.Cover2-3, 572

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Vol. 6, No. 4 (No. 36) , 1971

Nagahisa Kuroda: The mouth of Cochlearius p.Plate4


Nagahisa Kuroda: A myological illustration of Columba livia (Appendicular and caudal muscles) pp.321-355

Satoshi YAMAGISHI: A study of the home range and the territory in Meadow Bunting (Emberiza cioides) 1. Internal structure of home range under a high density in breeding season pp.356-388

Short Notes

Tatsuo Kazama: Mass destruction of Synthliboramphus antiquus by oil pollution of Japan Sea pp.389-398

Notes pp.79, Cover2.3

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Vol.6 , No.3 (No.35 ) , 1971

N. h. Kuroda: The first photograph of Sapheopipo noguchi (NTV Comp.) p.Plate3

Special paper

F. J. Turcek: On Vertebrate Secondary Production of the Forests pp.207-216


Nagahisa Kuroda: A bird census in the Imperial Palace for 1970 pp.217-230

Tetsuo Hosono: A study of the life history of Blue Magpie 7, Breeding ecology 2 pp.231-249

Tetsuo Hosono: A study of the life history of Blue Magpie 8, Avifaunal environment of the habitat pp.250-259

Nagahisa Kuroda: Bird survey in the Ryu Kyus, Oct. 1970 pp.260-285_1

M. Nishigaito, G. Kokaito, S. Wada, K. Okuno: Breeding ecology of Spizaetus nipalensis in Japan 1. Nesting behavior pp.286-299

Kazuto Miyazawa: Life history of the Grey Thrush Turdus cardis Breeding ecology pp.300-315

Short Note

Nagahisa Kuroda: Some external and anatomical measurements of a Laysan Albatross, with new naming to parts of the pectoral muscles and under wing-coverts pp.316-320

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Vol. 6, No. 1-2 (No. 33-34) , 1970

S. Yamagishi: Emberiza yessoensis on the nest p.Plate1

Staff papers

Yoshimaro Yamashina: Birds collected by Kyoto University West Irian Scientific Expedition, 1963-64, in the central highlands of West New Guinea pp.1-15

Nagahisa Kuroda: A bird census in the Imperial Palace for 1969 pp.16-31

Masashi Yoshii, Yoahitake Hasuo, Noritaka Ichida: Eighth annual report on the bird ringing for the year ending 31st March, 1969 pp.32-53

Yasuo Uchida: On the color change in Japanese Crested Ibis. A new type of cosmetic coloration in birds pp.54-72

Nagahisa Kuroda: Measurements, stomach contents and intestinal parasites in 13 Jungle Crows obtained in Tokyo pp.73-81

Other papers

Toru Nakamura, S. Yamagishi, K. Iijima, H. Ushiyama: Territoriality of Emberiza yessoensis in a high population density pp.82-102_1

Satoshi Yamagishi: Observations on the breeding biology of Emberiza cioides pp.103-130

Kenzo Haneda, Takeshi Okabe: The life history of Cettia diphone 1. Breeding ecology pp.131-140

Toru Nakamura: A study of Paridae community in Japan II. Ecological separation of feeding sites and foods pp.141-169

Ko Ogasawara: Analysis of mixed flocks of tits in the botanical garden of Tôhoku University, Sendai II. Foraging layers by species and their interrelations within the mixed flock pp.170-178

Ko Ogasawara: Analysis of mixed flocks of tits in the Botanical Garden of Tohoku University, Sendai III. Flock behaviors and interspecific relations within the mixed flock pp.179-187

Tetsuo Takara: Seabird colonies of the Nakanogami Island, Ryukyus pp.188-194

Keijiro Ozawa: Observations of Birds in the East China Sea, April 1968, "Umitaka Maru" pp.195-205

Notes pp.Cover2-3,206

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Vol. 5, No. 6 (No. 32) , 1969

N.h.Kuroda: Family life of the Jungle Crow Corvus levaillantii in Tokyo pp.Plates29-32


S. Yamagishi, T. Nakamura, S. Suyama, K. Iijima, H. Ushiyama, T. Kagawa: A comparative study on the wintering ecology of five species of Emberiza pp.585-601

Kenzo Haneda, Tadahiko Shinoda: A study of breeding biology of the Japanese Wagtail pp.602-622

Hiroshi Nakamura: A study of annual cycle of population size, habitat selection and activity in Japanese Chloris sinica pp.623-639

Nagahisa Kuroda: Post-fledging family behavior in the Jungle Crow pp.640-658_4

Tetsuo Hosono: A study of the life history of Blue Magpie 6 Distribution and movements in Nagano area 1 pp.659-675

Short Notes

Todi Mishima: An example of Parus varius × P. atricapillus and a pale phase of Emberiza spodocephala pp.676-678

Ko Ogasawara: Pitta brachyura obtained in Akita city pp.679-681

Nagahisa Kuroda: Stomach contents of Parus montanus, Sitta europeae and T. troglodytes collected in Mt. Hayachine pp.682-683

Ko Ogasawara: Monticola gularis obtained in Akita City; new to Japan pp.684-685

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Vol. 5, No. 5 (No. 31) , 1969

N.h.Kuroda: Haematornis cheela (Iriomote I.) p.Plate 25

N.h.Kuroda: Motacilla flava and its association with cow (Yonakuni I.) pp.Plate 26-27

N.h.Kuroda: Anthus cervinus (Yonakuni I.) p.Plate28


Toru Nakamura: Structure of flock range in the Long-tailed Tit 1. Winter flock, its home range and territory pp.433-461

Nagahisa Kuroda: A bird census in the Imperial Palace for 1968 pp.462-472

Kenzo Haneda, Shinosuke Nozawa: A study on the life history of Streptopelia orientalis 1. Breeding cycle pp.473-486

Shinji Chiba: Stomach analysis of Japanese woodpeckers pp.487-510

Masashi Yoshii, Yoshitake Hasuo: Seventh annual report on the bird-ringing for the year ending 31st March 1968 pp.511-533

Pyong-Oh Won, Han-Chung Woo, Kyu-Whang Ham, Mi-Za Chun: Seasonal distribution and ecology of migrant bird populations studied by mist netting and banding in Korea (III) pp.534-546

Tetsuo Takara, Nagahisa Kuroda: Rare and new records of birds from the Ryu Kyu Is. pp.547-562_4

Short Notes

Nagahisa Kuroda: Recovery of Japanese Streptopelia decaocto from a reduced small population pp.563-574

Yujiro Saotome: Steaked shearwaters observed on the seas south of Japan, with notes on other species pp.575-584

Notes Cover 3

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Vol. 5, No. 4 (No. 30) , 1968

Breeding Emberiza, etc. and their nests and eggs in Hokkaido grassland


F. J. Turcek: Ecological distribution of birds and mammals of Europe and some consequences pp.305-312

Toru Nakamura, S. Yamaguchi, K. Iijima, T. Kagawa: A comparative study on the habitat preference and home range of four species of the Genus Emberiza on peat grassland pp.313-336_2

Nagahisa Kuroda: A winter hill bird census at southwest skirts of Tokyo: An example of census analysis pp.337-350

Ko Ogasawara: Winter habitats and food habits of the Green and Copper Pheasants pp.351-362

Pyong-Oh Won, Han-Chung Woo, Kyu-Whang Ham, Mi-Za Chun: Chick food analysis of some Korean birds (III) pp.363-369

Tatsuo Kazama: Notes on the birds of Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture pp.370-396

Todi Mishima: Some additional records to the 4th edition of "the Hand-list of the Japanese Birds" pp.397-410

Short Notes

Keijiro Ozawa: Two records of Wilson's Storm-petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) in Japanese waters in 1967 pp.411-413

Yujiro Saotome: Brown Boobies observed near Ogasawara Islands (Bonin Is.) pp.414-419

Nagahisa Kuroda: A short note on ecological distribution of tits and goldcrest in Mt. Fuji area in November pp.420-425

Todi Mishima: A hybrid specimen, Lonchura punctulata × L. atricadilla pp.426-428

A note of the edidtor

Kuroda, N.h.: On the system of bird study pp.Cover2,3 432

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Vol. 5, No. 3 (No. 29) , 1968

S.Diczbalis: Behavior and bower of the Crested Bowerbird pp.Plates 17-22


Sigmund Diczbalis: Observations on the Crested Bowerbird Amblyornis macgregoriae pp.199-201_6

Nagahisa Kuroda: A bird census in the Imperial Palace pp.202-213

Nagahisa Kuroda: Avifaunal survey of Mt. Hayachine in Iwate, N. Honshu pp.214-240

Pyong-Oh Won, Han-Chung Woo, Kyu-Whang Ham, Moo-Boo Yoon, Mi-Za Chun: Seasonal distribution and ecology of migrant bird populations studied by mist-netting and banding in Korea (II) pp.241-258

Pyong-Oh Won, Han-Chung Woo, Kyu-Whang Ham, Mi-Za Chun, Yung-Sik Park: Chick food analysis of some Korean birds (II) pp.259-277

Tetsuo Hosono: A study of the life history of Blue Magpie 5: Roost and roost-flock distribution in winter pp.278-286

Shinji Chiba: Analysis of stomach contents of Nucifraga caryocatactes and Apus pacificus of Japan pp.287-297

Short Note

Akira Chiba: A Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristata obtained in Niigata City, with anatomical note pp.298-303

Notes pp.Cover2 304

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Vol. 5, No. 2 (No. 28) , 1967

Flocks of Streptopelia decaocto pp.Plate 13-15

Feeding places of Cyanopica cyana p.Plate 16


Nagahisa Kuroda: Morpho-anatomical analysis of parallel evolution between Diving Petrel and Ancient Auk with comparative osteological data of other species pp.111-137

Toru Nakamura: A study of Paridae community in Japan: 1. The species composition, ecological segregation and seasonal fluctuation of numbers pp.138-158

Masashi Yoshii, Yoshitake Hasuo, Ham-Chung Woo: Sixth annual report on the bird ringing for the year ending 31st March 1967 pp.159-176

Tetsuo Hosono: A study of the life history of Blue Magpie 4: Flock movements pp.177-193_1

Short Notes

Nagahisa Kuroda: Note on the whitish underparts of Puffinus tenuirostris and a supposed hybrid between P. griseus pp.194-197

Notes, Books pp.Cover2,3 198

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Vol. 5, No. 1 (No. 27) , 1967

Tatsumi Yamada: Plate 1-2. A flock of Puffinus griseus / 3. Dark and light phases of the Pacific Fulmar / 4. A Rissa brevirostris on whaling boat

H. Yamasa: Plate 5-8. Breeding colony of Phalacricorax capillatus

M.Nakagawa,M.Azuma: Plate 9-12. Zoo breeding of C. c. ciconia


Nagahisa Kuroda: A bird census in the Imperial and Akasaka Palaces for 1966 pp.1-12

Jicho Ishizawa, Shinji Chiba: Stomach analysis of 12 species of Japanese hawks pp.13-33

Tetsuo Hosono: A study of the life history or Blue Magpie: 2. Roosting behavior (1) pp.34-47

Hiroshi Yamamoto: Phalacrocorax capillatus as a breeding bird on Iwate coast, Honshiu pp.48-60_4

Kenzo Haneda, Tateo Kobayashi: Life history of the Brown-eared Bulbul: 1. Breeding biology pp.61-71

Kenzo Haneda, Junko Obuchi: Life history of the Japanese Skylark: 1. Breeding biology pp.72-84

Short Notes

Tatsuro Takemaru, Ko Ogasawara: Winter bird survey of lakes Izu and Uchi, Miyagi, with special reference to the waterfowl pp.85-91

A. Hoogerwerf: Some notes on the Genus Malacopteron, with special reference to M. cinereum rufifrons from Java pp.92-99

Michiro Nakagawa, Masahiro Azuma: Breeding observations of Ciconia c. ciconia at Tennoji Zoo, Osaka, Japan pp.100-105

Nagahisa Kuroda: A note on the asymmetric ears in Asio flammeus pp.106-109

Notes pp.Cover2,3

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Vol. 4, No. 6 (No. 26) , 1966

Pyong-Oh Won, Han-Chung Woo, Kyu-Whang Ham, Moo-Boo Yoon: Seasonal distribution and ecology of migrant bird populations by mist-netting and banding in Korea (I) pp.405-444

Pyong-Oh Won, Han-Chung Woo, Mi-Za Chun, Kyu-Whang Ham: Chick food analysis of some Korean birds pp.445-468

Short Notes

Nagahisa Kuroda: A short note on the territorial observations of Japanese Turdus cardis pp.469-480

Tetsuo Hosono: A study of the life history of Blue Magpie (3). Chick foods pp.481-487

A. Hoogerwerf: On some strange birds from the islands of Komodo and Rintja between Sumbawa and Flores Lesser Sunda Islands pp.488-497

Nagahisa Kuroda: Oceanodroma matsudairae obtained by 'ATLANTIS II' in the Indian Ocean; with anatomical note pp.498-503

Erratum to : Avifauna of Shimokita Peninsula, Aomori, with ecological notes p.504

Notes pp.Cover2,3

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Vol. 4, No. 5 (No. 25) , 1966

Nagahisa Kuroda: A bird census in the Imperial and Akasaka Palaces for 1965 pp.269-279

Masashi Yoshii, Yoshitake Hasuo: Fifth annual report on the bird ringing for the year ending 31st March 1966 pp.280-293

A. Hoogerwerf: Some notes on the Genus Trichastoma especially on the validity of T. sepiarium minus (=Malacocincla sepiaria minor) from east Java and about the status of T. vanderbilti and T. liberale from northern Sumatra pp.294-301

Jicho Ishizawa, Shinji Chiba: Food analysis of four species of cuckoos in Japan pp.302-326

Tetsuo Hosono: A study of the life history of Blue Magpie (I): 1. Breeding biology pp.327-347

Ko Ogasawara, Takashi Saito: Avifauna of Shimokita Peninsula, Aomori, with ecological notes pp.348-357

Atsushi Kurata: A bird survey of Iriomote I., Yaeyama Group, S. Ryu Kyus pp.358-370

Ko Ogasawara: Bird survey of Mt. Kurikoma and its surrounding area, northern Honshu, with ecological notes pp.371-377

Short Notes

Keijiro Ozawa: Observation of the Brown booby, around Kusagaki-jima and Sumisu-to, south of Japan pp.378-383

Nagahisa Kuroda: On the Origin of Raptor-Pattern and Hawk-Mimicry of Cuckoos pp.384-387

Nagahisa Kuroda: A mass inland drift of Streaked Shearwaters over Kanto plain in November, 1965 pp.388-396

Nagahisa Kuroda: Analysis of banding data (1924-'43) of the Tree Sparrow in Japan pp.397-402

Errata in No. 22 (A. S. Cheke) p.402

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Vol. 4, No. 3-4 (No. 23-24) , 1965

M. Yoshii: Nutcracker p.Plate6

M. Yoshii: Black-tailed Gull in molt flying pp.Plate 7-8


H. Elliott McClure: Comparison of the periods of residency of some migrant birds common to Japan and Malaya pp.149-162

Masashi Yoshii, Yoshitake Hasuo: Fourth annual report on the bird ringing for the year ending 31st March 1965 pp.163-171

Chester M. Fennell: Stomach Analyses of Korean Birds pp.172-183

Shinji Chiba: Food analysis of the Japanese Ptarmigan pp.184-197

Pyong-Oh Won, Sang-Wook Kim, Chung-hyun Kim: Breeding biology and chick food of Varied Tit Parus varius in Korea pp.198-207

Shinji Chiba: The sea-bird wreck on the coast of Niigata Prefecture pp.208-216

Short Notes

Tsukasa Nakamura, Jicho Ishizawa: Studies on the migration of Locustella fasciolata: II. Duration of migration, flock formation and physiology pp.217-220

Nagahisa Kuroda: A new race of the Japanese Robin, Erithacus akahige, from Rishiri I., Hokkaido pp.221-223


Nagahisa Kuroda: Bird investigation in Hokkaido (1965) pp.224-268_3

Notes pp.Cover 2,3

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Vol. 4, No. 2 (No. 22) , 1964

Jicho Ishizawa, Tsukasa Nakamura: Studies on the migration of Gray's Grasshopper Warbler: 1. Distribution and migration in Japan and the vicinity pp.63-70

Nagahisa Kuroda: Data on body weight, fat weight and gonad size of lighthouse struck and other birds pp.71-75

Nagahisa Kuroda: Comparison of migratory adaptations in the Rustic and Black-faced Buntings pp.76-90

Nagahisa Kuroda: Analysis of variation by sex, age and season of body weight, fat and some body parts in the Dusky Thrush, wintering in Japan: A preliminary study pp.91-105

Koich Kawaguchi, Ryuzo Marumo: Mass mortality of Slender-billed Shearwater, Pnffinus tenuirostris, in Suruga Bay pp.106-113

Keijiro Ozawa: Records and observations of an ususual wreck of Slender-billed Shearwater on the Pacific coast of Japan, end of May 1964 pp.114-117

Short Notes

Anthony S. Cheke: Notes on Calonectris leucomelas and other sea birds seen from S. S. "CATHAY" between Taiwan and Yokohama 20-22 August 1963 pp.118-120

K. Mitsuishi, J. Tominaga, Y. Hasuo, N. h. Kuroda: On two examples of Pterodroma hypoleuca strayed inland by typhoons pp.121-123


Nagahisa Kuroda: Records of 'land-birds at sea': A review pp.124-146

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Vol. 4, No. 1 (No. 21) , 1964

K. Ozawa: Short-tailed Albatross Diomedea albatrus p.Plate1


Nagahisa Kuroda: The comparative analysis of breeding rates of rural and urban Grey Starling colonies in Tokyo area: The second report (Part 1) pp.1-30

Ikuo Kanai: Measurement analysis of swallow's nest pp.31-41

Nagahisa Kuroda: Utilization of group nest-boxes by the Grey Starling and experiments with colour paints pp.42-52

Short Notes

Nagahisa Kuroda: A photographic analysis of the roost flock of Grey Starling pp.53-54_8

Keijiro Ozawa: The grasshopper-warblers, Locustella lanceolata and L. ochotensis, obtained at sea in the central Japan Sea pp.55-57

Nagahisa Kuroda: Comparative ontogeny of behaviour in several Passerines: A tentative study pp.58-62

Corrigenda p.62a,b

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Vol. 3, No. 5 (No. 20) , 1963

Masanori Uramoto: 2nd annual report on the bird ringing for the year ending 31st March 1963 pp.303-310

Nagahisa Kuroda: A comparative study on the chemical consitutions of some bird eggs and the adaptive significance pp.311-333

Toru Nakamura: A survey of an upland grassland bird community during breeding season pp.334-357_1

Hiroshi Yamamoto: Photographic identiticafion of four large gulls in young plumage pp.358-362


Nagahisa Kuroda: A survey of sea birds of Teuri I., Hokkaido, with notes on land birds pp.363-383

Erratum to : A winter sea-bird census between Tokyo and Kushiro, Hokkaido p.390

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Vol. 3, No. 4 (No. 19) , 1963

Nagahisa Kuroda: A winter sea-bird census between Tokyo and Kushiro, Hokkaido pp.227-238

Tsukasa Nakamura: Distribution of the Black-footed Albatross (Diomedea nigripes) in the north Pacific Ocean pp.239-246

Hajime Fuchimoto: A meteorological consideration on the breeding places and migration of Diomedea albatrus pp.247-259

Nagahisa Kuroda: The molting of young Gray Starlings pp.260-273

Nagahisa Kuroda: A fragmental observation on avian kidney pp.274-286


Nagahisa Kuroda: A trip to Florida pp.287-301

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Vol.3 , No. 3 (No. 18) , 1962

Yoshimaro Yamashina: On the new scheme of bird-banding in Japan pp.135-137

Masanori Uramoto: 1st annual report on the bird ringing scheme for the year ending 31st March 1962 (Compiled at the Institute) pp.138-143

Nagahisa Kuroda: Winter roost distribution and feeding dispersal of the Grey Starling in Kanto Plain pp.144-154

Toru Nakamura: Observations on the breeding biology of Long-tailed Tits pp.155-173

Nagahisa Kuroda: Comparative growth rate in two Grey Starling chicks, artificially raised with animal and plant foods pp.174-184

Tsukasa Nakamura: The change of body lipid amount and some chemical observations in migratory Eastern Great Reed-warbler in the breeding ground pp.185-188

Nagahisa Kuroda: On the cervical muscles of birds pp.189-211

Nagahisa Kuroda: On the melanic phase of the McCormick Great Skua pp.212-217

Short Notes

Todi Mishima: Nomenclatorial notes on Jungle Crow, Wryneck, Kentish plover and Green Pheasant pp.218-221

Nagahisa Kuroda: The first record of the White-necked Gadfly Petrel Pterodroma externa cervicalis from Japan pp.222-224


N. h. Kuroda: A Pterodroma hypoleuca obtained alive in Yokohama pp.225-226

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Vol. 3, No. 2 (No. 17) , 1961

Nagahisa Kuroda: Ontogeny of behaviours in the Grey Starling pp.83-112_2

Ikuo Kanai: An oological note on Hirundo rustica pp.113-122

Nagahisa Kuroda: The roosting behaviour system in the Grey Starling pp.123-125

Nagahisa Kuroda: The stomach stones of the young Adelie Penguins pp.126-128

Nagahisa Kuroda: On the comprehensive species concept: A brief outline pp.129-131

Todi Mishima: Note on the Willow-Tit from Corea pp.132-133

Nagahisa Kuroda: An albino of Calonectris leucomelas p.134

Notes pp.Cover 2,3

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Vol. 3, No. 1 (No. 16) , 1961

Masanori Uramoto: Ecological study of the bird community of the broad-leaved deciduous forest of central Japan pp.1-32

Toru Nakamura: Studies on the fluctuation of number of Long-tailed Tits along the slopes of the River Tenryu, Nagano (2) pp.33-46

Nagahisa Kuroda: The over-sea crossings of land birds in the western Pacific pp.47-53

Nagahisa Kuroda: Analysis of three adaptive body forms in the Steganopodes, With note on pectoral muscles pp.54-66

Supplemental Note p.66

Nagahisa Kuroda: Avian systematics and problems of species and subspecies (Continued: Bibliography) pp.67-82

Notes pp.Cover2,3

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Vol. 2, No. 15 (No. 15) , 1960

Y. Yamashina: The XII I. C. B. P. Congress held in Tokyo pp.67-70

Nagahisa Kuroda: Avian systematics and problems of species and subspecies pp.71-88

Akimitsu Kosugi: On the food habits of some herons pp.89-98

Nagashisa KURODA: Research on the winter roost-mortality in the Grey Starling pp.99-122

Tomoo Royama, Masanori Uramoto, Shinji Takano: Bird research at Musashi Imperial Tomb area (Occasional report 2) pp.123-129

Short Notes

Danilo Mainardi: Immunological Relationships of the Peacock Pavo Cristatus pp.130-132

Nagahisa Kuroda: An essay on bird territoriality pp.133-137

Nagahisa Kuroda: Histological observation of the proventriculus of Diomedea pp.138-142

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Vol. 2, No. 14 (No. 14) , 1960

Tomoo Royama: The Theory and Practice of Line Transects in Animal Ecology by means of Visual and Auditory Recognition pp.1-17

Nagahisa Kuroda: Field studies on the Grey Starling, Sturnus cineraceus Temminck. 3. Roosting behaviour from summer to autumn (1 Observation in the east of Tokyo, with note on feeding behaviour) pp.18-29

Ikuo Kanai: Breeding ecology of the House Swallow, Hirundo rursica pp.30-40

Nagahisa Kuroda: On the Meckel's Divertikel of avian intestine pp.41-49

Nagahisa Kuroda: On the pectoral muscles of birds pp.50-59

Masanori Uramoto, Shinji Takano: Bird research at Musashi Imperial Tomb area (Occasional report I.) Breeding success of Great Tit, Parus major, in 1959 pp.60-62

Nagahisa Kuroda: The tibial muscles of the Ostrich pp.63-66

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Vol. 1, No. 13 (No. 13) , 1959

Yoshimaro Yamashina, Shinji Takano: Report on the Japanese White Stork Census pp.505-521

Haruo Takashima: Fauna of Goto Islands, Kyushu (II) pp.522-530

Akiko Sato: Preliminary reports on artificial superfecundity in mature and immature mice pp.531-534

Nagahisa Kuroda: Field Studies on the Grey Starling, Sturnus cineraceus Temminck. 2. Breeding Biology (part 3) pp.535-552

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Vol. 1, No. 12 (No. 12) , 1958

Yoshimaro Yamashina, Nagahisa Kuroda: Organization and Activities of German Bird-protection Station at Frankfurt a. M. pp.473-485

Haruo Takashima: A Synopsis of the Reptiles of Japan pp.486-493

Tsukasa Nakamura: Seasonal changes of thyroid gland and gonads of the Japanese Tree-Sparrow. 3 On the thyroid activity in seasons based on the histology pp.494-496

Tohru Okigaki: Effect of yohinbin alkaloid on the testicular tissue in rats and mice pp.497-500

Akiko Sato: Artificial ovulation in immature rats by the administration of hormones, with particular reference to the cytological feature of the ovulated ova pp.501-504

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Vol. 1, No. 11 (No. 11) , 1957

Yoshimaro Yamashina: The introductory remark to a general bird research to be made at Musashi Imperial Tomb Area, Tokyo pp.427-430

Haruo Takashima: Notes on the Black Stork Ciconia nigra in Japan pp.431-435

Nagahisa KURODA: A brief note on the pelagic migration of the Tubinares pp.436-449

Haruo Takashima, Keizaburo Shinohara: Taxonomical and Morphological Study on Myriapoda 5: Myriapoda collected in the Vicinity of Towada, Tohoku District, Japan pp.450-457

Erratum to : On a Collection of Birds from Celebes and Halmahera, preserved in Yamashina Museum of Birds p.457

Tatsuo Udagawa: On the population changes of the birds before and behind the opening day for hunting season pp.458-460

Tatsuo Udagawa: A white hare at the foot of Mt. Fuji p.461

Akiko Sato: The separation of 6 sublines of EM mouse concerned with coat colour pp.462-465

Susumu Muramatsu: A preliminary survey of protozoa in the City of Hakodate and Oonuma Park pp.466-471

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Vol. 1, No. 10 (No. 10) , 1957

Yoshimaro Yamashina: Muscovy Duck eggs successfully hatched after stop of incubation by air transportation pp.387-388

Nagahisa KURODA: On a Collection of Birds from Celebes and Halmahera, preserved in Yamashina Museum of Birds (Passeres II) pp.389-398

Haruo Takashima, Zennosuke Niima: How the cormorant finds and catches fish and the cuts on the fish marked with its beak pp.399-403

Haruo Takashima, Keizaburo Shinohara: Taxonomical and Morphological Study on Myriapoda 3 One New Species and One New Subspecies of the Genus Japonaria (Diplopoda) pp.404-407

Erratum to : Notes on the White Ibis in Japan p.407

Kyoko Kano, Akio Awa, Akiko Sato: A preliminary note on the short-tail in Long-Evans rats pp.408-409

Akiko Sato, Motomichi Sasaki: Notes on a tissue culture clone of a methylcholanthrene-induced spindle-cell sarcoma of the rat pp.410-412

Nagahisa Kuroda: Field Studies on the Grey Starling, Sturnus cineraceus Temminck. 2 Breeding Biology (part 2) pp.413-426

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Vol. 1, No. 9 (No. 9) , 1956

Yoshimaro Yamashina: A device of a blinder-type attachment to be used for domestic fowl cooks to prevent fighting pp.349-351

Nagahisa KURODA: On a Collection of Birds from Celebes and Halmahera, preserved in Yamashina Museum of Birds: Pici and Passeres, I pp.352-360

Haruo TAKASHIMA: Scorpions of Micronesia pp.361-363

Haruo Takashima: Notes on the White Ibis in Japan pp.364-368

Akiko Sato, Hideo Okumura: Care and feeding of albmo rats and mice I: Preparation and use of dry ration pp.369-372

Erratum to : A Contribution towards the Japanese Cave-dwelling Species of the Class Diplopoda p.372

Akiko Sato: A technique to obtain living mature rat eggs pp.373-374

Nagahisa Kuroda: Field Studies on the Grey Starling, Sturnus cineraceus Temminck. 2. Breeding Biology (part I) pp.375-386

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Vol. 1, No. 8 (No. 8) , 1956

Yoshimaro Yamashina: Studies on the Elimination of Broodiness in Domestic Fowl by the Use of Prolactin (V) Broodiness in the Plymouth Rocks obtained from the cross with the cocks which were proved unbroody by prolactin-injection pp.311-317

Erratum to : On the capture of four young Japanese Pipistrelles from Kofu, and with some notes p.317a

Erratum to : A Synopsis of the Amphibians of Japan p.317b

Nagahisa Kuroda: Field Studies on the Grey Starling, Sturnus cineraceus Temminck I (continued) pp.318-328

Haruo Takashima, Akiharu Haga: A Contribution towards the Japanese Cave-dwelling Species of the Class Diplopoda pp.329-343

Akiko Sato: Transplantable spindle shaped cell sarcoma of rats produced by subcutaneous injections with methylcholanthren pp.344-346

Tatsuo Udagawa: The Narrowleaf Firethorn Seeds as Food for Wildlife pp.347-348

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Vol. 1, No. 7 (No. 7) , 1955

Yoshimaro Yamashina: Studies on the Elimination of Broodiness in Domestic Fowl by the use of Prolactin (IV) Studies on the Hybrid between Male White Leghorn and Female Barred Plymouth Rock pp.271-276

Nagahisa Kuroda: Field Studies on the Grey Starling, Sturnus cineraceus Temminck: 1. From winter to breeding season pp.277-289

Masaki Takahashi, Akiko Sato: Some devices in raising white rats and mice pp.290-292

HISAO HIRAI: Cyto-taxonomical Studies of the Japanese Neuroptera II. The Hemerobioidea pp.293-296

HISAO HIRAI: Cyto-taxonomical Studies of the Japanese Neuroptera III. The Myrmeleonoidea pp.297-299

Haruo Takashima: Records of crocodile captured in the neighbouring sea of Japan pp.300-302

YUKIO NAKAMURA, TSUKASA NAKAMURA: On the capture of four young Japanese Pipistrelles from Kofu, and with some notes pp.303-305

Haruo Takashima: Bibliography of Myriopoda of Eastern Asia, No. 15 pp.306-309

Erratum p.309

Erratum p.310

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Vol. 1, No. 6 (No. 6) , 1955

Nagahisa Kuroda: A research and data on woodpecker damage to timber and electric poles pp.227-240

Yoshimaro Yamashina, Haruo Takashima: Trochilidae or Humming-birds brought in our Country pp.241-247

S. Makino, K. Kano, M. Takahashi: Breeding experiments of white rats and mice. V. Further data on breeding of rats with descriptions of sixteen rat strains pp.248-255

Masaki Takahashi: Morphological study of the sperm-head in some American Rodents pp.256-259

Ikio Sato, Haruo Takashima: A Synopsis of the Amphibians of Japan pp.260-268

HISAO HIRAI: Notes on the chromosomes of the Osmyloidea (Neuroptera) pp.269-270

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Vol. 1, No. 5 (No. 5) , 1954

Yoshimaro Yamashina: Studies on the Elimination of Broodiness in Domestic Fowl by the use of Prolactin (III): Studies on White Leghorn (1) pp.179-184

Tosihide H. Yosida, Sajiro Makino: Breeding experiments of white rats and mice, IV pp.185-193

Haruo Takashima: On a remarkable cicada Euterpnosia chibensis in the central parts of Honshû, Japan pp.194-205

Erratum to : On a Collection of Birds from Celebes and Halmahera, preserved in Yamashina Meseum of Birds p.205

Nagahisa KURODA: On a Collection of Birds from Celebes and Halmahera, preserved in Yamashina Museum of Birds: Non-Passeres, III pp.206-219

Yoshimaro Yamashina, Tatsuo Udagawa: The Chromosomes of the Streaked Shearwater Puffinus leucomelas (Vieillot) pp.220-221

Nagahisa Kuroda: On the affinity of the Dall's and True's Porpoises pp.222-224

Tsukasa Nakamura: The Capture of Phaethon lepturus dorotheae and Pterodroma leucoptera hypoleuca from Yamanashi Prefecture pp.225-226

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Vol. 1, No. 4 (No. 4) , 1954

Yoshimaro YAMASHINA: Phenotypical Differentiation of Endemic Birds in Relation to Island Size in Micronesia pp.133-140

Erratum to : Chromosome numbers of some American rodents pp.140

Sajiro Makino, Tosihide H. Yosida: Breeding experiments of white rats and mice. III. Notes on the abnormal characters found in some inbred strains of white rats and mice pp.141-145

Haruo Takashima: Considerations on the change of animal life in Japan (II) pp.146-155

Nagahisa KURODA: On a Collection of Birds from Celebes and Halmahera, preserved in Yamashina Meseum of Birds: Non-Passeres, II pp.156-173

Tatsuo Udagawa: The Gem-faced Civet occurring in the central part of Honshu pp.174-175

Yoshimaro Yamashina, Tatsuo Udagawa: The chromosomes of the California quail, Lophortyx californica pp.176-178

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Vol. 1, No. 3 (No. 3) , 1953

Yoshimaro Yamashina: Studies on the Elimination of Broodiness in Domestic Fowl by the Use of Prolactin (II) pp.83-85

Sajiro MAKINO: Chromosome numbers of some American rodents p.86

Haruo Takashima: Considerations on the change of animal life in Japan (I) pp.87-97

Nagashisa KURODA: On a Collection of Birds from Celebes and Halmahera, preserved in Yamashina Museum of Birds. (Non-Passeres, I) pp.98-111

Tsukasa Nakamura: On bird status of Shôsenkyô, Chichibu-Tama National Park pp.112-124

Akio Suzuki: On the Census of coat colors in Cat (I) pp.125-126

Yoshimaro Yamashina, Tatsuo Udagawa: Notes on the chromosomes of the Harlequin Quail, Coturnix d. delegorguei pp.127-128

Sajiro Makino, Kyôko Kanô, Masaaki Takahashi: A strain of Wistar albinos producing a large litter pp.129-132

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Vol. 1, No. 2 (No. 2) , 1953

Yoshimaro Yamashina: Studies on the Hybridization between Domestic Drake and Domestic Goose pp.39-44

Haruo Takashima: History of the bisons imported into Japan pp.45-54

Nagahisa Kuroda: On the Subspecific Name of the Sooty Tern of Marcus I pp.55-59

Erratum to : The Romance of Père David's Deer p.59

Tsukasa Nakamura: On bird status of Mitsutogé-pass pp.60-73

Nagahisa Kuroda: A Note on Sterna hirundo: A Genetic Consideration about Avian Coloration pp.74-77

Haruo Takashima: Notes on the Tapirs introduced into Japan pp.78-82

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Vol. 1, No. 1 (No. 1) , 1952

Yoshimaro Yamashina: Studies on the Elimination of Broodiness in Domestic Fowl by the Use of Prolactin (I) pp.2-4

Haruo Takashima: The Romance of Pere David's Deer pp.5-14

Nagashisa Kuroda: New Localities and Notes of Japanese Birds pp.15-19

Yoshimaro Yamashina, Tatsuo Udagawa: Chromosomes of Arenaria interpres interpres(L.) pp.20-21

Tsukasa Nakamura: On the time of alternate incubation by bird pp.22-27

AKIO SUZUKI: Studies on the frequency of the taste-blindness for some substances among the Japanese people pp.28-31

Yoshimaro Yamashina: Cygnus olor (Gmelin) obtained in Hachijo I., the Seven Islands of Izu p.32

Haruo Takashima: Miscellaneous Notes on the Penguins. III pp.33-35

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