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Tomita Naoki,

e-mail: tomita(a)yamashina.or.jp (Please replace (a) with @)


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Papers and Reports
Peer-reviewed papers
  1. Mariko Senda, Tomohiro Deguchi, Shigemoto Komeda, Yoshimitsu Shigeta, Fumio Sato, Keiko Yoshiyasu, Noboru Nakamura, Naoki Tomita, Kiyoaki Ozaki. Use of tape lures for an increase in capture number of autumn migrant bunting species at a stopover site. Ornithological Science (in press).
  2. Tomita N, Iwami Y. (in press) What raises the male sex drive? Homosexual necrophilia in the Sand Martin. Ornithological Science
  3. Tomita N, Sato F, Iwami Y. (in press) Impact of cats on the breeding Black-tailed Gulls on Tobishima Island, Yamagata, Japan. J Yamashina Inst Ornithol (in Japanese with English abstract)
  4. Tomita N., Mizutani Y., Trathan PN, Niizuma Y (2015) Relationship between non-breeding migratory movements and stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon from primary feathers in Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris. Ornithological Science 14: 3-11.
  5. Kazama K., Murano H., Tomita N., Hosoda A., Niizuma Y., Mizota C. (2015) Effects of Tsunami flooding on ornithogenic nitrogen in soils under breeding colony of Black-tailed Gulls. Ornithological Science 14: 29-39.
  6. Deguchi T, Yoshiyasu K, Ozaki K, Sato F, Shigeta Y, Komeda S, Nakamura N, Tomita N, Senda M, Hiroi T. (2015) Long-term changes in migration and breeding periods of avian summer visitors to Japan. Jpn J Ornithol 64: 39–51 (in Japanese with English abstract).
  7. Tomita N, Nakamura N, Iwami Y, Ozaki K. (2013) Abnormal tail feathers in the Common Reed Bunting and other Emberiza species in Japan, 2011/2012. Jpn J Ornithol 62: 143–152 (in Japanese with English abstract).
  8. Mizutani Y, Tomita N, Niizuma Y, Yoda K. (2013) Environmental perturbations influence telomere dynamics in long-lived birds in their natural habitat. Biology lettars 9, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2013.0511.
  9. Tomita N., Takagi M. (2013) Seasonal changes in hatching patterns in relation to incubation behavior of the Black-tailed Gull (Larus crassirostris). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 121-127
  10. Yoda K., Tomita N., Mizutani Y., Narita A., Niizuma Y. (2012) Spatio-temporal responses of black-tailed gulls to natural and anthropogenic food resources. Marine Ecology Progress Series 466: 249-259
  11. Tomita N., Kohyama K., Koido T., Takemura A. (2011) Effect of photoperiod on gonadal steroid hormone levels and reproductive cycles of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus). Mammal Study 36: 223-228
  12. Tomita N., Kazama K., Sakai H., Sato M., Saito A., Takagi M., Niizuma Y. (2011) Within- and among-clutch variation in maternal yolk testosterone level in the Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris. Ornithological Science 10: 21-25
  13. Kazama K, Ito M, Tomita N, Niizuma Y. (2011) Beached bird surveys and ferry census for the seabird monitoring. Jpn J Ornithol 60: 12–18 (in Japanese with English abstract).
  14. Tomita N, Someya S, Nishiumi I, Hasegawa O, Inoue Y, Takagi M. (2010) The Carcass Records of Large-sized Larus sp. with Yellow Legs on Teuri Island, Hokkaido, Japan. J Yamashina Inst Ornithol 42: 79-90 (in Japanese with English abstract).
  15. Tomita N, Mizutani Y, Fujii H, Sugiura R, Yanai T, Asano M, Niizuma Y. (2010) Mortality of adult Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris on Kabu Island, Aomori Prefecture. Jpn J Ornithol 59: 80–83(in Japanese).
  16. Mizutani Y, Tomita N, Kazama K, Takahashi H, Hasegawa O, Niizuma Y. (2009) Relationship between telomere length and age in Black-tailed Gull. Jpn J Ornithol 58: 192–195 (in Japanese with English abstract).
  17. Kiyota M., Tomita N., Baba N. (2009) Latitudinal variation in birth dates of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) in captivity. Mammal Study 34: 231-235
  18. Tomita N., Niizuma Y., Takagi M., Ito M., Watanuki Y. (2009) Effects of interannual variation in sea-surface temperature on egg-laying parameters of black-tailed gulls (Larus crassirostris) at Teuri Island, Japan. Ecological Research 24: 157-162
  19. Kazama K., Tomita N., Ito M., Niizuma Y., Takagi M., Watanuki Y. (2008) Responses in breeding behaviour of Black-tailed gull Larus crassirostris to different marine environments. Proceeding of International Symposium on the Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, pp. 215-220