茂田良光 研究業績


◆齋藤武馬・茂田良光・上田恵介. (印刷中). メボソムシクイ上種3種の外部形質を用いた識別方法. 日本鳥類標識協会誌 26.

◆LU DONG, MIN WEI, PER ALSTR€OM, XI HUANG, URBAN OLSSON, YOSHIMITSU SHIGETA, YANYUN ZHANG & GUANGMEI ZHENG. 2015. Taxonomy of the Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina complex: an integrative approach using morphological, bioacoustic and multilocus DNA data. Ibis 157: 312–325.

◆出口智広, 吉安京子, 尾崎清明, 佐藤文男, 茂田良光, 米田重玄, 仲村昇, 富田直樹, 千田万里子, 広居忠量. 2015. 日本に飛来する夏鳥の渡りおよび繁殖時期の長期変化. 日本鳥学会誌 64: 39-51.

◆Alström P, Saitoh T, Williams D, Nishiumi I, Shigeta Y, Ueda K, Irestedt M, Björklund M & Olsson U. 2011. The Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis – three anciently separated cryptic species revealed. Ibis 153: 395–410.

◆Branson, N.J.B.A., Shigeta, Y., Chiang, C.Y. & Minton, C.D.T. 2010. Movements of Grey-tailed Tattlers and Terek Sandpipers in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway. Wader Study Group Bull. 117(1): 27–34.

◆Saitoh T, Alström P, Nishiumi I, Shigeta Y, Williams D, Olsson U & Ueda K. 2010. Old divergences in a boreal bird supports long-term survival through the Ice Ages. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 35. [http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/10/35]

◆Kawano, M., Yamamoto, K., Shigeta, Y. Tatsukawa, R. and Wakimoto, T. 1999. Accmulation of extractable organic halogens (EOX) and persistent man-made organochlorine compounds by Grey-tailed Tattler (Heteroscelus brevipes). Organohalogen Compounds 43: 67 - 71.

◆茂田良光・尾崎清明 1999. 標識調査で確認された日本新記録の鳥種(1).日本鳥類標識協会誌 14 (1): 1 - 9.

◆Morioka, H. and Shigeta, Y. 1993. Generic allocation of the Japanese Marsh Warbler Megalurus pryeri (Aves: Sylviidae). Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Series A (Zoology) 19: 37-43.

◆茂田良光・佐野裕彦 1986. 鳥体外部の名称.日本鳥類標識協会誌 1 (3): 56 - 69.

◆茂田良光・真野徹 1979. 日本におけるシベリアジュリンの記録. 鳥 28 (4):117 - 124.




◆永井真人.茂田良光(監修). 2014. 鳥くんの比べて識別 野鳥図鑑670. 文一総合出版,東京.




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